coyo7e said:
I'm not making anyone into a "beacon of enlightened truth," I'll thank you to not put words in my mouth. What I was doing was following the course of someone's analogy to point out how rude and (absurd) it is to compare anybody to those who attempted to halt the course of science and history, while making a lighthearted jibe at the fact that by accusing someone who likes the new Coke flavor of being uneducated, incorrect, and against progress or fact, one kind of puts themselves into a corner of being the censor and not the revolutionary.
I'm sorry, you were the one who was carrying the analogy to the point of putting people who applaud the changes in the same spot as people who were persecuted for their beliefs (which, again, didn't actually happen).
All Black did was compare the OPs opinion to a demonstrably incorrect fact, without trying to tie it in with persecution or any of the connotations *you* added.
So I'd thank you if you'd stick to your own words instead of pretending you never said them.
coyo7e said:
Progress is made by those who are willing to accept or bring about change, not those who hold the past against those who are not responsible.
Change is not the same thing as progress, change is just that: change.
To think of Fallout 3 as progress over Fallout means that you did not get the core design of Fallout. Because, as I mentioned (and you conveniently completely ignored), we can demonstrate objectively (by
quoting the original developers) what the original vision of Fallout was, and we can hence easily demonstrate that Fallout 3 does not follow this vision in many ways.
So again: Fallout 3 is certainly change, but from the point of view of Fallout there's no reason to assume it is progress.
And the idea that I can't hold them responsible is a useless idea: where am I advocating some theory that Bethesda is the devil and should be persecuted? All I am saying, is that Fallout 3 is not a good Fallout game. It makes me wonder why Bethesda decided to spend $1 million on purchasing the rights to Fallout 3 (and then more on purchasing the franchise), and it makes me dislike Fallout 3. That's about it.
coyo7e said:
Maybe you can reflect on this while you're carrying those pitchforks and torches to Interplay, that you referenced earlier. I'm sure that whomever works there now will be neither confused or put out to pay reparations.
I mentioned pitchforks and torches?