A good gameplay mode?

I've heard the kids like them eff pee ess video games.
(Imagine a haughty lisp and a hipster hairdo) Um... it's pronounced "vidja garmes"! Ah ma gol...

Ok so don't tell us what it is and expect us to buy this shit.
I know it must seem like the distant past, what with today's crowd-funding craze, but that's normally how business works. You present a product, then the people buy it. Not the other way around. =P
So what specifically did you decide? What genre and such?
I've been a bit hesitant to tell the story because I'm afraid someone may steal it and claim it as their own. But I will say the genre is cyberpunk, sci fi, and a bit of dystopia and detective.
Obviously nothing will ever come of this so we should all go elsewhere.
I meant gameplay-wise.
We're still deciding. A lot of us are thinking we should make it more like an Action rpg seen from an isometric view. Maybe Real time with pause like Baldur's Gate. But then going off of other people's advice they say that turn based would be a lot easier to make. I discussed this with one of my friends he and I'm quoting him "If it has the choice of being a game that can have squad based gameplay like X-Com but with the choice of playing completely solo on your own then it'd probably do better with real time gameplay for the fact it'd add intensity and pressure to combat. But if it's purely tactic based, then it'd do better as a Action point turn based game." That's a much as he was offering on that. Of course I'll keep asking around.
I'm not real up to speed on niceties of the forums yet and hope I'm not necroing this thread, but I'd strongly advise going with real-time game play with pausing like Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age: Origins (like other people have mentioned in this thread). I personally prefer turn-based game play, but it can be a lot harder to code. With real-time action with pausing you have more standard player controls, AI code, etc. and there are eleventy skidillion Unity resources out there for those, but with turn-based you'll need to spend a lot of time and effort on more complex game managers, worry more about timing events correctly, and more complex pathfinding depending on if you decide to use classic tile-based nodes. If you do some searches you'll see a lot of questions about coding a turn-based game with Unity but not many realistic or usable answers.

The above is just my $0.02 and not intended to discourage you, but is based on my experiences and will hopefully help you and your team make good decisions considering what your skill levels are compared to your overall theme and game design. Good luck!


P.S. I mocked up a turn-based prototype last Thanksgiving using standard Navmesh and coroutines to manage unit and actor states...if you want I could dig that up, comment the code better, and make a Unitypackage for you to review to see if you could use it for something. It ain't no thing would just take a day or two...just let me know.