A GURPS Post Nuclear Trailer

Glad to see they decided to brighten up the color scheme to something that doesn't resemble the sewage in my toilet after I'm forced to distress its presence with force for the sake of flushing it all when it would not do so.

Oh, forgot to mention, those sound effects might seem nice, but the .223 already gets annoying enough, there is the possibility of being too loud.
I_eat_supermutants said:
Hmm. Would it even be remotely possible to get a hold of those sound effect files?

I'd be more interested in getting the demo

Neither seems likely
Interesting to see how it looked with GURPS. Might have been fun, although I totally dig the SPECIAL system.

How come this pops up all of a sudden? Was this vid ever released (like on a disc of some pc mag) or what?
Back when I had time to play PnP RPGs, I loved GURPS. I mean, the whole "generic" idea was kind of whatever, but it did a really fantastic job of skill / character generation / combat system. Also, if you got shot, you tended to be very badly wounded and would bleed to death. Realistic fire arms FTW!

(Interestingly, it utterly failed at "Supers", while the HERO system aka Champions had the opposite problem. Turns out that it's hard to scale stuff between "heroic normals" and bonafide superheroes.)

Well, too bad no one has a true source version of the FO engine, or I could hack GURPS into it in a couple week... It's weird that they never came out with a PNP Gurps Post-Apocalypse... many years ago I was going to write one. I still have a copy of Aftermath! somewhere... that was full of cool stuff, and had a totally ridiculous combat system.
GURPS wins for one very obvious reason

That isn't instant access, it's showing two hands (left and right), and I guess could make double-wielding possible? I do wish that stayed in place.
In GURPS the PnP game, I believe there were some weapons which could be used 1 or 2 handed, depending on wielders' strength. Eg, I think a halberd had a ST req of 12, but with a 17 you could use it 1H. This actually also explains the "swing" vs "thrust" for edged weapons. In GURPS, a swing did more base damage, but a thrust did "impale" damage, which was doubled when it go through the armor. Bullets were similar.

This is all from memory, however.
EDIT: Since I looked it up, Halbard had a ST req of 13, and bullets did crushing damage. Impaling did 2x damage (that pentrated armor) and cutting did 1.5x. Crushing basically sucked, but you got a K/O chance if you did crushing damage to the vitals.

It would have been interesting to give a crushing damage bonus vs. (metal) plate armor since that's what people actually used.
Let's play a guessing game and see who can figure out what the "old target locations" were... I don't know if we actually have this somewhere, however.

[Head]______________________________[Random(doesn't seem to point to anything)]
[L. Arm]_____________________________[R. Arm]
[L. Hand]____________________________[R. Hand]
[(This one is two______________________[(points to
words, it points_______________________groin) Vitals]
toward the arm)
Have no idea]
[L. Leg]_____________________________[R. Leg]
[L. Foot]____________________________[R. Foot]
/goes upstairs
/digs up copy of 3rd Ed. GURPS hardback from 1989 hidden behind wife's romance novels

HT = Health, basically hit points. 10 is average. Basic sword swing would do 1d+1 damage (for ST 10) (x 1.5 for damage pentrating armor), 9mm Parabellum Glock round does 2d+2. Modern grenade, 5d+2 (i.e., U.R.Ded)

GURPS hit locations were:
Brain   -7 (to hit) +2 DR, could be stunned (HT/3) or KOs (HT/2), 4x Damage (after penetration)
Head    -5 - if crit roll on head crit table
Eyes    -9 - no armor, 2 hits = blinded in 1 eye
Arm     -2 HT/2 crippled, excess damage lost
Hand    -4 HT/3 crippled, excess damage lost
Body    0 no mod
Leg     -2 HT/2 crippled, excess damage lost
Foot    -4 HT/3 crippled, excess damage lost
Vitals  -3 (impaling weapons do 3x damage not 2x if they penetrate)

There was some distinction between near and far arms and legs if opponent had a shield (harder to hit shield arm). Add'n'l -1 to eye shot if victim had a visored helm.

For unaimed attack (attackers choice, or falling of a building or blind shot, etc.)
Roll 3d6 for location:
3-4   brain
5     head
6     L arm
7     hand (roll randomly)
8     R arm
9-11  Upper/middle/lower torso (distinguished for partial armor)
12-14 Leg (12 - "far" leg)
15-16 Foot (roll randomly)
17-18 Vitals (covered by location 9)

EDIT: one more chromey rule. A swing to head or brain that missed by 1 hit the body instead. Ditto a impaling attack or "bullet" to the vitals.

FGU's Aftermath! had some think like 40 hit location / armor protection locations. 4 for each limb, 3 for head, maybe 8 or 10 for body. I guess that's only 30.
It was a little extreme though, see this shotgun table: http://www.geocities.com/floydreinstien/amshotgunbdg.html

Holey smokes! It's still available: http://www.fantasygamesunlimited.net/shop/?cart=58813&cat=2
Ashmo said:
I can't make out the writing on the "INSTANT/AUTO" screen before the combat though. I wonder what that was for.

It was going to be for two additional combat modes:

INSTANT: Instantly resolve the combat at the click of a button. Annoyed with all the little wimpy random encounters? Click the INSTANT button and then see a screen with the results. Maybe you died, maybe you took so much damage, but here's the loot and a report on how much ammo you consumed.

AUTO: This was going to play your character for you, but you'd be able to interrupt the combat and take control if you didn't like how things were working out. It was going to play faster than normal TB combat, but way slower than Instant.

At the beginning of each combat, the player was going to have the option of engaging one of these special combat modes or continue with normal TB combat.

There were many good reasons why they didn't get implemented, but they did morph into the Combat Speed slider (and the Affect Player checkbox).

The weapon slot system looks interesting, indeed. And the INSTANT mode sounds like what they did with JA2. Would've been nice to have.
Per said:
The game location seems to be a tutorial version of Scrapyard that includes the radscorpion cave quest, a set-up that still has dialogue remnants in the game files.

Scrapheap. Could you paste that demo dialogues to Vault wiki? There is BAKA.MSG only.
dotz said:

Oops. Scrapyard, Junkheap, Bonetown...

dotz said:
Could you paste that demo dialogues to Vault wiki? There is BAKA.MSG only.

I don't have the Fo1 files at hand, but I think most or all begin with "demo-", like "demoelder".