A New Hero (RP)

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First time out of the vault

It has been 3 years since the lone wanderer made his great journey and released clean water into the world. After 200 years people are able to live more happily and prosperously. Raiders have been cleaned out of populated areas, towns taken back from ghouls and super mutants. Buildings are being rebuilt, businesses are coming back to life and things could not be better. Food is starting to grow, Nuka-Colas are back in production, and the few remaining vaults that weren’t already deserted or taken by raiders were opened, directing vault dwellers to the rebuilt town of Springvale. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Outcasts have decided to form a treaty, the Brotherhood of Steel with their numbers and the Outcasts with their technology. The Enclave has been driven to its final numbers and it’s only a matter of time before they’re all hunted down.

But things are not as they seem in the Underworld. Ghouls are being exterminated and the Underworld is the only safe place for them now. Super mutants also understand there predicament, because theirs is the same. The super mutants have proposed an offer to the ghouls. They propose that they should group together and destroy the humans, to take back their territory, the ghouls gladly agreed with this, so they got the best equipment they could and will soon start attacking.

This is the story of someone no older then the lone wanderer. His name is Mark Hawkins. He is destined to save the wastes, but he cannot do this alone. He will need help and he’ll need is soon. He’s 19-years old and has little training with a gun, but he and his friends must face many obstacles and monsters.


Name: Mark Hawkins
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: He takes on odd jobs for different people in Springvale.

Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Spiky black hair
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 176 lbs.
Complexion: Caucasian
Voice: He has a very quiet voice.

Bio: He was taken from vault 71; he has been living in Springvale since he was six. He tries to get along with everyone, but doesn’t end up very successful. His parents worried alot so they have him wear armor, incase anything happens. He hangs around his friends whenever he gets the chance, just like he did in his vault, and once he got news of towns being rebuilt, he wanted to go explore them for anything. He especially wants to go to the Hubris Comics factory and get some Grognak the Barbarian comics. He uses his money to get books and Nuka-Cola.

Clothing: Leather Armor
Items: Caps (390) Stimpak (10) Nuka-Cola (3) Lockpicking Kit (1)

Likes: He loves Nuka-Cola, he loves Nuka-Cola Quantum even more, and gets to drink them more often ever since the plant was re-opened and the radiation in them was reduced. He loves the new flavors even more, but his favorite is the rare Nuka-Cola Clear. He also loves reading, comics especially.
Dislikes: He hates anything that can actually be a threat to him or his friends.
Other Info: He’ll take a job from anyone as long as it doesn’t affect his own life. Mostly escorting caravans and retrieving objects from buildings.
Mark walked back into town with the caravan seeing people ahead waiting for them. As the caravan entered town, people started rushing for it. Some people wanting the newspaper, the others wanting food and water and some who just wanted to see what the caravan had. He quickly asked for his pay and got out of the way as soon as he did. He walked back home his parents waiting for him.

"Ah, Mark you're back. How was your day." His dad turned around and held out his hand, Mark took out the newspaper and gave it to him.

"You know, same old, same old. The caravans never really face any trouble when going from place to place. The jobs are boring, but they pay well, so I'm not complaining."

"Well that's good. We'd rather not put you in danger. Also. if it pays well, then it's worth the walk." His mom was sowing something, it was almost done, but Mark couldn't tell what it was.

"Yeah, 400 caps is definitely worth the walk, and I'm happy that they chose me to escort them and it's one of the few good paying jobs left." Mark set his pack down andsat down at the table, his mother making eggs.

"Well, before clean water was released into the world, the caravans were the easiest way of getting supplies. Now they're used most often for supplies, because somehow they can always get supplies. They must go into old abandoned places and take everything they can find." Mark's father turned another page of the newpaper.

"I've been meaning to ask you about that. How do you know that? I mean, we were in the vault when they were used the whole time." Mark began eating the eggs as soon as his mother set them down in front of him.

"Well, the caravans will tell you if you ask, I did one day, they also told me that they can make a good profit doing this." He turned another page of the newspaper.

"Did they tell you anything else?" Mark was curious about what the caravans had to say, so he decided to keep going.

"Nope." Mark's father finished the newspaper and laid it on the table. "Alright enough questions, go wash up."

"Yessir." Mark finished his eggs and ran upstairs to get ready for the day.
Name: David White
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Former Enclave Soldier
Eyes: Grey
Hair:Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lb
Complexion: Caucasian
Voice: Average Male Voice,
Bio: Once a member of the Enclave, David a was a corporal in its power armoured infantry division. He never agreed with the Enclaves way of dealing with other humans, not because he was kind or good hearted, but because he couldn't see a good reason behind it. When the Enclave was defeated at Adams Air Force base, he fled and made his way to the capital wasteland. He dumped the power armour, it too damaged and recognisable, and
Weapons: Combat Knife, 9mm pistol(5 rounds)
Clothing: Tattered Enclave uniform
Items: Stimpak, 50 caps,
Likes:Whiskey, Energy Weapons, Women Dislikes: People in the wasteland who have to ask everybody else for help.
Other Info:

David woke and looked around. He looked at the whore lying next to him, he realised that in last nights drunken stupour, he had spent another 100 caps. That was going to haunt him later, he thought. Getting out of the bed, David got dressed and walked downstairs. Leaving the saloon, he walked through the renovated springvale. He remembered patrolling this area with his Squadmates. He went to spend the last of his caps on ammunition for his pistol. It had been 3 years since he had made his way from the air force base to here. He entered the gun shop.

"I'll have 50 rounds of 9mm ammunition", Not bothering to look at the man or learn his name. The shopkeeper slided a few clips over to David, and he handed over the caps. David took the clips and put them away, but kept one to reload his pistol. He left and deciding it was time to move on, walked on over to the caravans.

"I don't suppose any of you have work, do you?", He said to the caravanners.
The guy at the caravan looks over at David. "Sorry. We already got someone who takes us from town to town. We're going to be here for about a day, so in another three days, another caravan should come by. Maybe they'll have some work for you, probably not though.

Mark washed up and got dressed. He ran back downstairs and off to the caravan, he made sure to stock up on food and water, he even got ammo for his father's rifle. He also bought himself a backpack for his caps and other items. He gives the man with the caravan 37 caps. He runs off back to his house.

Mark opens the door to his house. "I got the food and water, I also got some ammo for your gun." Mark gave the food and water to his mother and the ammo to his father.

"Good boy. Now go have some fun. You've done your job." His mother said putting away the food and water, his father went upstairs and put the ammo with the gun, he comes back downstairs and goes over the newspaper again.

Mark runs outside and over to the park, where he sits down on a bench.
Name:Former Senior Knight Jake Peterson
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Faction: western brotherhood
Skin: tan Caucasian
Weight: 250 pounds
Height: 6'6
Age: 38
Karma: 80
Voice: deep southern
Hair: Grey buzz-cut

Bio: Jakes was to be the fourth in a line of senior knights, but before he could reach his goal, he was cast out from the brotherhood for reasons no one but he and the brotherhood higher ups know. His skills with energy weapons are only matched by his skills with fixing old junk. After leaving the brotherhood Jake tried his hand at a multitude of different jobs, but none gave him the same enjoyment that being in the brotherhood brought him, so he traveled from the junktown all the way to springvale , along the way he left his mark at every raider camp, slaver outpost, and brothel he happened to come across across he now lives in a small house on the outskirts of spring-vale, with his dog Madelene.

J.P's Brotherhood armor: extremely poor condition armor, it's riddled with dents and dings, the color has started to fade from it, it's got the signs of rust starting to show, and on top of that they logo is almost completely scratched out.

Backpack(green): other than the bullet holes it's in great condition, should have no problem carrying about a hundred twenty pounds of stuff, if you can lift that much.

Tinted sunglasses (red): They look like they've been through a lot the lenses must have been changed out at some point, but the frame seams decent enough, on a cloudy day it should be able to keep the sun out of your eyes.

J.P's sidearm: a heavily modified Wattz 1000 laser pistol, it has a rudimentary scope taped to the top, and has been modified to fire a bright blue beam, as opposed to the normal crimson, the initials J.P. are etched into a plate on the side of the weapon.

Raider Remover model 238-7b: a 12 gauge barrel laded shotgun, sure to send even the toughest raider running back to his camp, made from the best metal our scavengers could find, and forged in the great white north, this weapon is the first of it's kind to be accurate for up to fifty yards, as an added bonus to those of you who don't like to reload, the RR model 238-7b also has a capacity of twenty shells. At least that's what you read in the instruction manual.

Rx3lq watter storage device (bad filter): It is a canteen, with a changeable filter, made with technology that filters out almost 93% of radiation, and harmful chemicals from the watter stored in it, to bad you don't have a replacement filter.

12x Small energy cell(modified): This small energy cell has been enhanced using brotherhood tech to last twice as long as normal ones.

3x RR Shotgun drum: This specially designed drum can be refilled with twelve gauge shells, It holds twenty shells.

RR maintenance kit: A Raider Remover 238-7A maintenance kit, this kit is completely useless without a 238-7A, it looks like you are out of luck.

Toolkit: an average tool set, it has most of what you would need to fix most things.

Prewar money: completely useless, you might as well use it as toilet paper. Back in the day this would have been worth about six thousand dollars, key word being back in the day.
Mark watches as people pass by, everyone saying hello to eachother. Mark started thinking about his experiences in the vault and how life has changed since he left. He also started thinking about the trips with the caravan. Tomorrow he would have to leave again, and it takes about a week to make a round, takes even longer with interference. the next stop was a place called Rivet City, to restock on things. That meant either swimming or going through the metro tunnels, which have mostly been cleared out. People would get the occasional ghoul, but nothing he couldn't handle.

He occasionally brings up getting a gun to his parents for protection, but they always deny it. He wants to get a hunting rifle, or something like it. He knows how to use it and what he needs to do to keep it in good shape, he even knows what type of ammo is needed and how to put it in. Even his aim is decent. "Oh well." He mutters under his breath continuing to watch people pass by.
David sighs and leaves, bumping into a passing ghoul.The ghoul says,"Damn smoothskin.", to which David replies with,"Fucking shitskin."

David sat down on a nearby bench, not noticing the young man next to him. With no caps, it seems like I'm going to have to steal again, David thought to himself. All it would take is slipping into a nearby house, taking caps and food, and then making his way west. David had heard of former members from Navarro integrating with the NCR. He could sign up with the military there and start a new life. Having planned what he was going to do, David laid his head back and relaxed. He had a feeling that his plan wouldn't go as expected, and he would be here for the next few months. Not good seeing as most of this was Brotherhood Territory. David closed his eyes.
Mark noticed that some people from the Brotherhood had walked into town, weapons at the ready. Everyone watched as they made there rounds. It was a few seconds of silence before the Brotherhood starting chasing and shooting at a ghoul. They quickly shot him down with laser and plasma rifles. No one was surprised, these were protocols. Shoot first, ask questions later. Mark also noticed that someone had sat next to him, he didn't recognize him and suspected he was new to town.

Mark watched as the Brotherhood threw the ghoul into a cart-like thing and just left town. Mark sighed.
Name: Thomas Searl
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Complexion: Caucasian
Occupation: Traveler, Ex-Talon Company Operative

Bio: Tom Searl grew up in Great Britain (post-war), were he lived in peace until his parents were killed by a very large raiding band. He sailed to the capital wasteland on a small fishing boat. He arrived there when he was 13 (2273). He was adopted by a group of Talon Company and trained as one of them. He lived with them until 2277 (age of 17) when one man (Lone Wanderer) and a dog (Dogmeat) tore apart Fort Bannistor. He only had one look at the man, the man looked back, the man chose not to kill him for some reason. 2280: Now Tom wanders the wastes looking for a place to call his home.

Armour: Scavenged Combat Armour, once coloured red it is now very rusted and you can barely see the pre-war colouring.

Weapon: His trusty Lever-Action Rifle. Tom has had this rifle since the tender age of 9, fixing with anything he could find. It even has a name: Gregory.

Inventory: 12 .308 Rounds, Whiskey (2), Picture of the Lone Wanderer

Likes: Whiskey, Easy Kills, Gregory
Dislikes: The Brotherhood of Steel, The Lone Wanderer.
Tom breathed heavily as he watched the situation unfold from his perch in a nearby office block. He loaded Gregory, ready to fire on the Brotherhood Initiate who was about to walk around the corner.

"Waste of fucking ammo that would be" Tom whispered to himself.

He looked closely on the square. He was interested by what he saw, he looked very closely. What interested him was the two people on the bench, Tom recognised the tattered Enclave insignia on one of the men's outfits.

"Talk about hiding in plain sight!" Tom seemed confused by this behaviour.

He didn't know who the over chap was. He pulled out a bottle of whiskey and sipped it, then slipped in back into his pocket. He then pulled out his picture of the Lone Wanderer, he then looked back at the two men on the bench.

"Maybe they know where this bastard has gone!"

He opened the elevator door and pressed the ground floor button. When he arrived at the bottom floor, he holstered his gun so he could look trustworthy. He walked over to the bench the two men were sitting on, and ready to confront the Enclave officer, he tapped his shoulder.
David opened his eyes and looked up at the man standing in front of him. The man showed him a picture of a young man, in a armoured vault suit."I'm looking for this man, do you where he is?". David shook his head and said,"No, I'm afraid I'm new to the area. But this young man next to me looks like he lives around here, why don't you ask him."

David got up and walked away. He knew who the man was, but he knew the conversation would lead to how he knew him and he wasn't about to go revealing his past. David started looking for a house to steal from. Eventually, he came upon one which seemed like a good target. The mailbox had the name Hawkins painted across it....
Tom looked over to the young man with intrigue. Tom sat down where the man before him had been sitting down.

"So do you know where this man is, I had a kind of a errr......run in with him?"

Before the man could open his mouth, Tom told him to shut up. Something was unfolding in the square before him.

A Brotherhood Paladin came back to argue with a civilian about food and supplies. Tom walked over to the arguement. The Paladin looked at Tom with grimace on his face.

"Hey you, FUCK OFF! I'm trying to sort something out here!" The Paladin clearly had no patience, Tom didn't like this.

"Paladin, why don't you keep your mouth shut, your no waste of ammo!" Tom shouted back.

By now everyone in the square was looking at the scene in front of their eyes, something was going on here, and someone was going to get killed.

"What do you mean by waste of...", The paladin was cut short. Tom had pulled up Gregory and capped him in the head.

Everyone looked amazed at what the man had did. But they did nothing to stop him, they were still surprised he had the guts to cap a Paladin in a populated place, he was sure to encure the wrath of Lyons' Pride.

Tom looked at the person was the victim of the Paladin's ranting and anger, and seemed smug.

"You can thank me later" Tom said arrogantly to the victim.

Tom didn't know why he was acting so arrogant, he didn't have the right to, not so long ago his home had been destroyed by one man, and that man was not smug by the look on his face.

Tom walked back over to the bench he was sitting on and asked the young man again.

"Now, do you know where or who this man is?"
Mark stared at the picture for a second, thinking. "I'm sorry, I don't. No one like that has come through here." Mark watched as the man who had previously been sitting at the bench walked towards his house. Mark stood up and slowly followed after him, making sure not to be noticed. He didn't like the looks of this guy, he liked this guy even less now that he was heading for his house.
Tom got frustrated that the young man didn't know who or where this man was. But Tom then realised the situation he was in. He just killed a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, when everyone was watching. He wasn't just in trouble, he could be killed soon.

Tom ran back over to the young man he had been talking to.

"You may not know who I am, but you gotta' realise I need somewhere to hide, either i'm taking you like a chump or you're showing me somewhere I can hide, tell me please!" Tom was frustrated, very frustrated. But not only that, he was in fear, he just realised what he has done, as soon as the patrol reports one man missing he was dead, he had to escape.
Mark turned around. "My father probably knows a way out undetected, but first I have to make sure the person going towards my house isn't going to do any real damage." Mark continues following the man walking towards his house. He makes his footsteps lighter so it's hard for someone to hear him.
David hears footsteps behind him. Had this been a trained person, David would've had trouble hearing him, but it was a pathetic attempt, by simply walking slower and slowly putting their foot down to avoid making noise. David smiled as the person actually thought they were actually following him without David noticing. David turned around and kneed the person in the stomach. They fell to their knees. It was the young man who was sitting next to him earlier."I've seen Super Mutants stealthier than you."

David thought back to how some records showed the nightkin back west, who used stealthboys. But this person didn't know about that, so he wouldn't mention it."Now, tell me why you were following me. And don't try to fight back because I'll kill you in hand-to-hand combat."
Mark looks up and spits blood at him, only hitting his pants. "Why're heading towards my house?" People were starting to stare and Mark wanted to get this over with. "Someone like you isn't going for just a visit.
"You have no proofhat that I was going to do. I may not have clothes that look good and I may not look like a nice guy, that dosen't mean you should stereotype me like that. An arrogant little shit like you isn't worth my time.
David drops the boy and walks off. Even though he was lying, David had met lots of people like that boy. They think that anybody who dosen't look like them is a criminal or something. In fact he had saved a few tribals up north because of racism like that. And people thought the enclave was bad....
Jake had seen the whole seen play out, had this been the real brotherhood back west this kind of thing would have never happened, he grabbed his weapons, and went outside. he went over to the group of 'brotherhood' members, and asked them a question "what the hell was that?" he looked over to the wounded paladin, the fact that he had a helmet on was probably the only thing that saved his life, from what jake could see, he most likely had a concussion. before the group could respond jake answered his own question "I'll tell you what that was that was breach of code, this man could have died because of you, and you candy-asses let the wasteland asshole who did this to one of your brothers in arms is get away due to your complete and total incompetence, if we were back west that civvi would have been shot on sight, and brought back to base for cremation, as it stands I have mind to report you 'Brotherhood' members to the REAL brotherhood of steel back west, and have your entire operation canned due to the sheer incompetence I've seen here, before you ask about rank I am a Senior Knight. now you get back to your little base in the pentagon, and if I ever see you idiots around here again trampling on the code, I will personally take you back west, and have you put in front of a firring squad" after he had gotten done chewing out the east coast members, he helped them haul the paladin onto a stretcher, than went back into his house to make himself a cup of tea, as he entered his house, he simply said "carry on people, nothing more to see here"
Tom ran over to the situation with the young man, and started talking to the Enclave officer and un-holstered Gregory.

"Hey, don't do anything serious to that guy he might be helping me get outta' this shithole unless you can help me with my situation?"

Tom wasn't bothered for anymore chickenshit he was sick of it, he was getting out of here, and getting back to searching for this guy who killed his friends. Either that or settle down somewhere, might go to one of the metro scavenger communites, atleast he'll be private there, but he would probably go to Rivet City, hot food, cold drink, cheap rent, how he liked it.

Tom had yet to notice the stalwart west coast brotherhood member yet, although if were to, most likely something bad would happen.
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