So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Name: Eric Chang
Age: 29
Gender: Human
Race: Asian
Occupation: Caravan Guard
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 5'4
Weight: 150LB
Weapon: Crossbow, Bolts X20
Armor: Leather Jacket
Misc: Assorted books that have been read and useful for trading. Not many caps to speak of, about 50.
Background: As a little boy, Eric never had much in common with his caravan guard parents. While he retained the weapons training his father and mother hammered into him, his true passion was knowledge. Eric had a huge imagination and would always ask for new books to read from each new locale the caravan visited.
By the time Eric was 10 years old, his parents had earned enough money to settle down in a small community. As his passion was knowledge, Eric eagerly shared it with anyone who would care to listen.
When Eric reached 18 years of age, he had still not decided what to do and so he continued to assist his parents and their community.
By 25, Eric had figured out the best way to broaden his horizons was to follow in his parents footsteps. Now indeed Changs passion was for knowledge yet the asian had little in currency. With this in mind, Eric decided he would become a guard for hire. Trips with a great many caravans and their visits to different locales brought an equal amount of books and knowledge. And so our story begins with Eric travelling in another caravan, sharing his knowledge with any who would listen.
As the caravan moved into town, the amount of dust it generated was enormous. However, this did not deter the inhabitants from rushing out and eagerly examining all the new items and baubles the merchants had laid out on tables for sale. As he fought his way through the throng of bargain hunters, Eric decided the best way to get info on what he would want was to ask around town.
After fifteen minutes of asking and searching, Eric entered a dilapidaed building about 5 minutes away from where his caravan had setup shop. Inside, he discovered a old wiry man presiding over tables stacked with books of all sorts. There was fiction and non-fiction. Another table had biographies of important figures from a long and distant past. Yet another had laying on it books on weapons and medicine. Eric even found old pre-war nudie magazines.
Eric: Sir, would you by chance be in posession of any knowledge relating to civilisation before the war and the subsequent collapse?
Old Man: Of course. I have a great deal but what knowledge are you looking for in particular? I have newspapers, old government reports about the resource shortages, assorted maps and charts, technical books on repair and science.
Eric: I think I will take some of these repair manuals. Do you take anything in trade or caps only? I will admit caps I do not have much of, but my pack has a few books and maps from the lands to the south you might find interesting.
Old Man: Go ahead and lay them out right there and if I see anything that peaks my interests, I will let you know.
Eric heads to the table the old man mentioned and emptied his pack contents upon its dusty surface.
Old Man: Wow, you sure have some doozies. I never meet much men of learning such as yourself but its always a pleasure when I do. I am in short supplies of weapons books so that one there will do nicely. I will also take some of the maps you have. Nothing new but again, something I am in short supplies of in regards to that particular area. Alright sir, I do believe I am satisfied with our transaction. Keep me in mind the next time you head into town.
Eric: Sure friend, see ya around.
Name: Eric Chang
Age: 29
Gender: Human
Race: Asian
Occupation: Caravan Guard
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 5'4
Weight: 150LB
Weapon: Crossbow, Bolts X20
Armor: Leather Jacket
Misc: Assorted books that have been read and useful for trading. Not many caps to speak of, about 50.
Background: As a little boy, Eric never had much in common with his caravan guard parents. While he retained the weapons training his father and mother hammered into him, his true passion was knowledge. Eric had a huge imagination and would always ask for new books to read from each new locale the caravan visited.
By the time Eric was 10 years old, his parents had earned enough money to settle down in a small community. As his passion was knowledge, Eric eagerly shared it with anyone who would care to listen.
When Eric reached 18 years of age, he had still not decided what to do and so he continued to assist his parents and their community.
By 25, Eric had figured out the best way to broaden his horizons was to follow in his parents footsteps. Now indeed Changs passion was for knowledge yet the asian had little in currency. With this in mind, Eric decided he would become a guard for hire. Trips with a great many caravans and their visits to different locales brought an equal amount of books and knowledge. And so our story begins with Eric travelling in another caravan, sharing his knowledge with any who would listen.
As the caravan moved into town, the amount of dust it generated was enormous. However, this did not deter the inhabitants from rushing out and eagerly examining all the new items and baubles the merchants had laid out on tables for sale. As he fought his way through the throng of bargain hunters, Eric decided the best way to get info on what he would want was to ask around town.
After fifteen minutes of asking and searching, Eric entered a dilapidaed building about 5 minutes away from where his caravan had setup shop. Inside, he discovered a old wiry man presiding over tables stacked with books of all sorts. There was fiction and non-fiction. Another table had biographies of important figures from a long and distant past. Yet another had laying on it books on weapons and medicine. Eric even found old pre-war nudie magazines.
Eric: Sir, would you by chance be in posession of any knowledge relating to civilisation before the war and the subsequent collapse?
Old Man: Of course. I have a great deal but what knowledge are you looking for in particular? I have newspapers, old government reports about the resource shortages, assorted maps and charts, technical books on repair and science.
Eric: I think I will take some of these repair manuals. Do you take anything in trade or caps only? I will admit caps I do not have much of, but my pack has a few books and maps from the lands to the south you might find interesting.
Old Man: Go ahead and lay them out right there and if I see anything that peaks my interests, I will let you know.
Eric heads to the table the old man mentioned and emptied his pack contents upon its dusty surface.
Old Man: Wow, you sure have some doozies. I never meet much men of learning such as yourself but its always a pleasure when I do. I am in short supplies of weapons books so that one there will do nicely. I will also take some of the maps you have. Nothing new but again, something I am in short supplies of in regards to that particular area. Alright sir, I do believe I am satisfied with our transaction. Keep me in mind the next time you head into town.
Eric: Sure friend, see ya around.