First time out of the vault

Has this Mattyplays ever posted in here?
>heavy moderating on a gaming forum
I found it pretty insulting to people's intelligence that the guy put his site over by saying it's "a place where you can express yourself freely without fear of cyber bullying and hate comments", as if he could simply erradicate those things by changing the subject of the forum. And I think the "be positive" idea that he repeats so many times in the video (especially from 3:10 to about 3:30) is completely counterintuitive. Positivity is about the way you life your life, the way you internalize things, the way you'll let things affect you or not... liking or disliking a video game on an internet community, that has nothing to do with being positive or negative, but rather critical thought and analysis. Then acting like you can just make this perfect community where everybody is just happy and loves each other is not just untrue but missing the point of what makes a discussion in the first place. I'm not offended by his person but I can't see his message as being anything but ham-fisted and naive.
>heavy moderating on a gaming forum
At least this much is good.
I mean, have you seen largely unmoderated gaming forums?
Has this Mattyplays ever posted in here?
@Oppen: Stole it from a guy called CapMoreno @ DeviantArt. I just did the transparency and animation.First and foremost, I love @Buxbaum666's avatar. Is it your own artwork, or borrowed from where?
Uh, and he CLAIMS the site was being bogged down by all the attention it was getting from people joining it? What a crock... Being an oblivious idealist is one thing, but a fucking liar is just reprehensible. Na, screw all the benefits of the doubt I gave him; fuck that guy.All I see in this forum is Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0,
... shows all that is to say about it.
Great, a place for communists of sensitivity.
I've already seen a comment from somebody asking if Moriarty "is a tr*nny". So much for moderation lmao