A Site for Fallout Fans afraid of the old games!

I mention it more because even more moderated gaming forums are barely modded and I haven't run into many that are that aren't disgusting circlejerks. They're going to be spamming the warning button for next-to-nothings. I don't see it working out well.
I found it pretty insulting to people's intelligence that the guy put his site over by saying it's "a place where you can express yourself freely without fear of cyber bullying and hate comments", as if he could simply erradicate those things by changing the subject of the forum. And I think the "be positive" idea that he repeats so many times in the video (especially from 3:10 to about 3:30) is completely counterintuitive. Positivity is about the way you life your life, the way you internalize things, the way you'll let things affect you or not... liking or disliking a video game on an internet community, that has nothing to do with being positive or negative, but rather critical thought and analysis. Then acting like you can just make this perfect community where everybody is just happy and loves each other is not just untrue but missing the point of what makes a discussion in the first place. I'm not offended by his person but I can't see his message as being anything but ham-fisted and naive.

Well the yare Bethesda fanboys, indepth thinking is not their forte.

That whole video sounds like someone gets extremely offended because someone insulted Bethesda and this is how he reacted. I mean, what are they gonna do? Ban all discussions or even disagreements?

Might as well change the name of the forum to 4Chan bait.
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I've watched this guy's material before and it's mostly empty-headed, harmless stuff. Just kind of a typical gamer on Youtube. Not much in the way of brains or heart, but he sure does like the same thing everyone else does. That and he had a rant about how he just "couldn't get into" the originals, which I wouldn't mind, really, except he banged on about it forever.

He just generates views from sensationalist videos about content that is completely unconfirmed or unfounded about Fallout 4. Similar videos by Gopher and Fudgemuppet are, generally, more well considered and actually draw from the content. He saw an Enclave Power Armor helmet so therefore ENCLAVE CONFIRMED! That kind of stuff. Basically, he just spews nonsense. Judging from his attention span, I doubt this will last long without devolving into somethin hellish and altogether not-so-positive. But good luck, I suppose. Gonna need it.
I've already seen a comment from somebody asking if Moriarty "is a tr*nny". So much for moderation lmao
Has this Mattyplays ever posted in here?

God, I hope not. His youtube channel, "Mrmattyplays" is supposed to be a "lore" source when he almost always just asks his friends, doesn't double check them, and then gets salty when people sya he's not a reliable source. Though it would be funny to see him come on here and get ripped to shreds, considering how sensitive he is about criticism
First and foremost, I love @Buxbaum666's avatar. Is it your own artwork, or borrowed from where?

Secondly, I appreciate the intention of the guy, for people to be nice to each other. The problem with his approach is a dead horse, so I won't be beating it now, you all already specified what is wrong with it. I wish him luck, and this luck implies growing a thicker skin for actually constructive criticism and other people's opinions, not so much for actual trolling and bullying, since those just shouldn't be the problem they are IMO.
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All I see in this forum is Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0,

... shows all that is to say about it.

/Edit: Actually reminds me a bit of the early 2000's when everyone and the dog wanted to have their own forum.
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All I see in this forum is Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0, Discussions: 0, Messages: 0,

... shows all that is to say about it.
Uh, and he CLAIMS the site was being bogged down by all the attention it was getting from people joining it? What a crock... Being an oblivious idealist is one thing, but a fucking liar is just reprehensible. Na, screw all the benefits of the doubt I gave him; fuck that guy.
Today, I visited Beth forum for the first in years, and I noticed that at the bottom there is a link to MentalHealth.gov ... very appropriate ;)
So... He wants to make a hugbox from all the meanies on the internet. I like his channel but this is really stupid.
I've already seen a comment from somebody asking if Moriarty "is a tr*nny". So much for moderation lmao

Too much Moderation ruins things. That's why I like this forum and Super-Mensa. We have a couple of white-knights here, and SM has pretty much no moderation what-so-ever (as a matter of fact, it's a forums tarted by people who trolled another forum into being shut down lol). I enjoy both forums equally. I come here for rational convos, and I go to Super-Mensa to get lulz and talk about mundane things.