Perhaps it was not her decision, but she certainly is having an impact on other EU countries and she definitely advocates mass migration, so other countries are working with her on this. She uses her soft power to push her agenda in the rest of the EU.What's true is that Germany has a very strong economy. I have yet to see from you one example where Merkel used that soft power, how you call it, to push her idea (...) to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it. Same with the austerity drive in other parts of Europe to deal with there debt, that was Merkel.
I have given you proof.Sorry, but just because say (...)but you cannot argue with me on this, because it is the truth, means that it is the truth. I could say, Gravity doesnt exist, you cannot argue with me on this, because it is the truth. But that owuld have absolutely zero meaning unless I can show some proof.