A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

Do you want Britain to Leave? Or to Stay?

  • Leave

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Stay

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 9 18.8%

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Dude, maybe it is a language thing ... but I have the feeling you're contradicting your self. In somesense you blame Merkel, but at the same time you say "We don't have to do anything she says!"


By asking you for examples? And I am making things up ... aaahsoo!

I will ask again, if Merkel had so much more power than the European Parliament, for example, then show me where she does. Beacause I would be actually genuely curious to hear it. If you come in here, saying "(...)she has the whip hand and more power than the bureaucrats" then you should be capable of offering examples, or not?

Hey! Know what? Let us take a look at what you said:

"They are basically useless pen pushers. She makes all the major decisions. "
"but they don't make really important decisions about Europe's direction in the future and what happens in the EU like "
"It was Merkel's idea to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it."

All I was asking from you are specific examples.

So, to translate this ... You don't have to follow Merkel, but you do it anyway ... cuz, why again? Because, you love to complain about how you didn't had to follow her and did it anyway?

To me this sounds more like that you're used to blame Merkel for every shit that's happening.

And don't say again "(...)It was Merkel's idea to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it".
There simply was no alternative to taking the refugees. They have been already on their way. At the borders. NOT taking them in would have lead to a crysis. So when you say, Merkel had the whip hand, it sounds like there was some alternative to taking in the refugees.
Dude, you're the one being unreasonable here. Crni asked you to provide clear, concise and reliable proof that Merkel and Germany hold a disproportionate amount of power in the EU, or as you call it, holding the whip. You responded by saying a lot of words that amounted to "I don't have to prove anything!", well you do, prove Merkel's the dominant power in the EU, prove that she has the ability to sway nations to take on potentially harmful policies.
Dude, you're the one being unreasonable here. Crni asked you to provide clear, concise and reliable proof that Merkel and Germany hold a disproportionate amount of power in the EU, or as you call it, holding the whip.
I did
This is pretty much exactly what I am saying. Germany is the most economically powerful nation in the Union, and that matters a lot. Henceforth she has a position of power so she can push her specific agenda and shape the way the Union works and what it does. For example, Merkel sympathises with refugees, and wants to help them, so she let in millions of them in, and other EU countries followed her example.
Or with the Austerity thing, Angela Merkel believes that austerity is the best cure to chronic debt and economic problems, so she recommended the other leaders of countries implement it, and so they did.
How hard is this to comprehend: Angela Merkel, is in charge of the biggest economy in Europe. Henceforth, she is the has the most influence. Sort of like the first among equals. So Angela Merkel believes that austerity/balancing the budget is the best way to sort out chronic debt and economic problems. She was basically given the task of solving the Greek debt crisis.
Like from an article in 2011, when she tried to solve eurozone crisis: as leader of Europe's strongest economy, Merkel is "the decider." She'll play a key role at the Brussels summit that some say will decide the fate of the euro. And the intensity of opinions about her underscores the fact that she is now one of the most powerful figures on the world stage.

Crni asked you to provide clear, concise and reliable proof that Merkel and Germany hold a disproportionate amount of power in the EU,
Which I did, and then Crni random generated about six paragraphs of unrelated bullshit and straw men.
This is my final post on this subject now. Angela Merkel is an influential leader with a lot of power in the EU. If you want to deny that, feel free.
How hard is this to comprehend: Angela Merkel, is in charge of the biggest economy in Europe. Henceforth, she is the has the most influence. Sort of like the first among equals. So Angela Merkel believes that austerity/balancing the budget is the best way to sort out chronic debt and economic problems. She was basically given the task of solving the Greek debt crisis.
She still doesn't any actual advantages over other members does she? She doesn't impose economic sanctions on those that disagree with her or have any legal privileges over other members. While people certainly take her words very seriously she doesn't "hold a whip", the choices aren't hers to make.
You make it sound as though wielding influence within and controlling an organisation is the same, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
She still doesn't any actual advantages over other members does she? She doesn't impose economic sanctions on those that disagree with her or have any legal privileges over other members. While people certainly take her words very seriously she doesn't "hold a whip", the choices aren't hers to make.
No. I never said anything like that either.
All I mean is that she has a lot of influence and power in the EU because she is in charge if the largest a economy. Actual final post now.
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Where? Give me at least ONE article, definetive proof. All I have is your word on it that she does. I ask you again. And I will continue to ask, till you either get fucked up or till I get some examples. Because otherwise a discussion is meaningless. From where do you get your informations from? Who told you that Merkel has the whip hand here?

Which I did, and then Crni random generated about six paragraphs of unrelated bullshit and straw men.
This is my final post on this subject now. Angela Merkel is an influential leader with a lot of power in the EU. If you want to deny that, feel free.
Wasn't your last post already supposed to be the last one? If I am writing so much unrelated paragraphs, then give me some damn sources about your informations and political knowledge, oh whise one! Just post something of your evidence to shut me up. And no, your words are not evidence, proof or examples.

No. I never said anything like that either.
All I mean is that she has a lot of influence and power in the EU because she is in charge if the largest a economy. Actual final post now.
Then why don't you complain in equal fashion about France, Italy and the UK. Their leaders are as responsible like Merkel. Do you think that Merkel could push anything trough, if France and the UK said no?

For example, how does Merkel wield her Influence? Do you have some specific cases or examples? You have this opinion:
Well merkel holds all the real power in the eu and she sure is dragging her feet
I am asking you for how you got this opinion. Who told you that Merkel holds all the real power. Have you read it in some article? Some newspaper? A book? Political assay? Do you have some example how she holds the "true power"? And if she has the true power, who gave it to her? You should be capable to answer those questions, if what you say is true. I am just asking questions. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I am feeling like discussing chem trails here ... where all I get as answer is,
"They exist!"
"But where?"
"In the sky!"
"How do you know?"
"Because they exist!"

What you're creating here, is a circular logic. And I don't see a reason to discuss thigs, if all you give is your word, with "go and google it by your self!"
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Where? Give me at least ONE article, definetive proof. All I have is your word on it that she does. I ask you again. And I will continue to ask, till you either get fucked up or till I get some examples. Because otherwise a discussion is meaningless. From where do you get your informations from? Who told you that Merkel has the whip hand here?

Wasn't your last post already supposed to be the last one? If I am writing so much unrelated paragraphs, then give me some damn sources about your informations and political knowledge, oh whise one! Just post something of your evidence to shut me up. And no, your words are not evidence, proof or examples.

Then why don't you complain in equal fashion about France, Italy and the UK. Their leaders are as responsible like Merkel. Do you think that Merkel could push anything trough, if France and the UK said no?

For example, how does Merkel wield her Influence? Do you have some specific cases or examples? You have this opinion:

I am asking you for how you got this opinion. Who told you that Merkel holds all the real power. Have you read it in some article? Some newspaper? A book? Political assay? Do you have some example how she holds the "true power"? And if she has the true power, who gave it to her? You should be capable to answer those questions, if what you say is true. I am just asking questions. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I am feeling like discussing chem trails here ... where all I get as answer is,
"They exist!"
"But where?"
"In the sky!"
"How do you know?"
"Because they exist!"

What you're creating here, is a circular logic. And I don't see a reason to discuss thigs, if all you give is your word, with "go and google it by your self!"
Ah, finally you're showing your true colours ...
And still. You can't provide even one, single article/source.
Decipher this:
I still would like to see your sources for,
Why don't you just accept that as the most economically powerful nation in the Union, Germany and Merkel have a lot of influence and soft power?
But oh no, its time to throw our toys out the pram and demand sources for something that is basically fucking common knowledge and incredibly obvious.
Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble are two of the most powerful people in the EU at this point. I don't think there's much disproving that. However, Merkel has no power whatsoever to prevent British politicians from invoking Article 50. That is something that lies entirely with the Brits. Merkel might not be a fan of a quick Brexit, but she has no power to stop it from happening.

So I don't quite get this discussion here. If the Brits want a Brexit, they just need to get the show on the road and invoke Article 50. It'll be painful for all involved, but at least the market will be able to stabilize a bit after the shock & we can get on with our lives.
Why don't you just accept that as the most economically powerful nation in the Union, Germany and Merkel have a lot of influence and soft power?
But oh no, its time to throw our toys out the pram and demand sources for something that is basically fucking common knowledge and incredibly obvious.
Because it doesn't matter if I accept this or not, Merkel might or might not be the strongest influence in Europe, but since you said:
"Well merkel holds all the real power in the eu and she sure is dragging her feet"

I wanted simply to know, how? Of which you replied:
"It was Merkel's idea to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it."
Which is also wrong by the way, because that is not how democracy in Germany works. Merkel is our chancelor, but we are still a parliamentary system. So the power she has over German politics, is very limited. There have been many changes to our government because of WW2 and Hitler. So I can assure you, she has neither the POWER nor the AUTHORITY to just let millions of refugees into Germany if the parliament and the majority of the population was not behind this decision. It was not simply her idea to let them all come into Germany, and it certainly was not her decision alone. A government is made of many people, not just the chancelor alone. But she sure gets a lot of the blame. Which is shown by the constant quarrels that we see within the CDU/CSU and the other parties and the parliament.

Merkel is a shitty chancelor, very shitty. There is NO doubts about that! I LOOOOOOOOVE to blame Merkel for all the shit SHE has done. But she's sadly used also as a scape goat for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in Germany. Particularly by our right wing populists, the AfD.

But I like to blame people only for their own faults and mistakes and not for the shit others do. So I am just curious to hear about your SOURCES, where you get your INFORMATIONS about Merkel.

And I asked you, for an specific example. Could be anything, really. An article of a news paper. A source. Anything. To which you replied:
"Go do some of your own research to find out more."

Let us assume you would said the theory of gravity was wrong, and I would ask you for proof, and you would tell me "Go do some of your own research to find out more", do you think that would be an accaptable answer?

It has simply become modern, to blame Merkel for everything, But I have yet to actually read even one FACT(!) that goes beyond some little journalistic survey that says more then, she invited those refugees, as like Merkel herself started those wars and conflicts all around the world ... yeah, well! Blame the German constitution that says that we have to take refugees from wars and conflicts because we kinda naively thought that this was a good thing to have after World War 2 which saw probably more refugees then any other conflict in history.
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Because it doesn't matter if I accept this or not, Merkel might or might not be the strongest influence in Europe, but since you said:
"Well merkel holds all the real power in the eu and she sure is dragging her feet"
I meant she holds real power, looking at the bureaucrats who are small fry in comparison. And she has a lot of soft power because of her strong economic position.

Maybe you should go learn some spelling, punctuation and grammar and I wouldn't need to decipher them.

It has simply become modern, to blame Merkel for everything, But I have yet to actually read even one FACT(!)
It is a fucking FACT that she has a lot of soft power due to her strong economic position.
And finally I never blamed Merkel for anything so get that out of your fucking head.
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I edited my post, I mean, do you have a source for "I meant she holds real power, looking at the bureaucrats who are small fry in comparison.". Because I would be very interested to read about it.

And finally I never blamed Merkel for anything so get that out of your fucking head.
It was Merkel's idea to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it. Same with the austerity drive in other parts of Europe to deal with there debt, that was Merkel. Go do some of your own research to find out more.

It is a fucking FACT that she has a lot of soft power due to her strong economic position.
If it's a fact, then it should be easy to find an example with a source, or not? I could say Lamarcks Evolution Hypothesis is a fact too, but that doesn't mean that it holds any merrit, just because I say, that is s a fucking FACT!
Aagin, what is your source for those FACTS, that you're speaking of? Why is it so damn difficult for you to provide some sources ...
For example, if you asked me how much power Merkel has in Germany, I would give you this:

The Federal Government - Structure and Tasks

German Chancellor - What are his/her powers and duties?

Chancellor of Germany
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If it's a fact, then it should be easy to find an example with a source, or not? I could say Lamarcks Evolution Hypothesis is a fact too, but that doesn't mean that it holds any merrit, just because I say, that is s a fucking FACT!
Aagin, what is your source for those FACTS, that you're speaking of? Why is it so damn difficult for you to provide some sources ...
Germany has one of the strongest economies in the world. Henceforth it has a lot of economic soft power. Which means Merkel is a powerful person, one of the most powerful in the European Union.

I don't mean to sound arrogant, but you cannot argue with me on this, because it is the truth.
What's true is that Germany has a very strong economy. I have yet to see from you one example where Merkel used that soft power, how you call it, to push her idea (...) to let in the millions of refugees and migrants and her that made the decision to do it. Same with the austerity drive in other parts of Europe to deal with there debt, that was Merkel.

I believe, I never denied that Germany was a nation with a strong position in Europe. For example if you said that Germany had a lot of influence in European matters, I would have completely agreed with you, and we wouldn't have this silly dispute now. But the way how you word it, talking always about Merkel, I simply challange this truth of yours. And you have now provided at least two links, which is a start, but you still have to provide proof to your truth. All you show isthat Germany, has more power than let us say, Luxemburg. Which is reasonable, considering the differences.

But, this brings me to certain questions. Like where has Merkel used this soft power? How has she influenced the European councils and parilaments? How does she display more power then the European Parliament? There are simply to many questions, and you have failed to adress any of them. If you speak about truth, then it should be very easy for you to provide something with substance. But it took us two pages before you came up with two links that talk about

The annual soft power rankings by Monocle magazine and the Institute for Government ranks 30 countries who "best attract favour from other nations through culture, sport, cuisine, design, diplomacy and beyond."

I mean yeah, I like prezels and beer as much as the next one. But I doubt Sauerkraut and the Mutantenstadl alone,

is the reason for our influence in Europe.

Sorry, but just because you say (...)but you cannot argue with me on this, because it is the truth, means that it is the actuall truth. I could say for example, Gravity doesnt exist, you cannot argue with me on this, because it is the truth. But that would have absolutely zero meaning unless I can show you some proof.
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