That was a bit of crap, John...
A lot of the differences you named are not religious, they're cultural. It is a choice you make whether or not to split culture from religion, since they often develop hand-in-hand, but I find it important to try and split them as much as you can. Why? Because right now some stupid Dutch politician is stating that the Islam is directly responsible for atrocities like woman's circumcision and the abusing of women in many muslim countries, refusing to accept the fact that these are cultural facets of underdeveloped countries that happen to be muslim.
You're doing the same thing. Christianity isn't pacifist. It's had a long history of rampant violence. It was pacifist at the start, when it was too weak and oppressed to do anything else, and now vaguely at the end, when it is so powerful that it doesn't need war so much anymore. In the middle it has shown an amount of violence and atrocities in the name of God that the Islam is still trying hard to catch up with
Same goes for it tending towards liberalism. It doesn't, it just happens to be the main religion inside largely liberal countries, which is also where its focus lies, though a lot of that doesn't hold true for Orthodoxy and Catholicism, two of the biggest branches of Christianity.
Heck, CC, when you scrape out difference caused by geography and culture, the big three monotheistic religions and Sikhism really don't differ significantly at all.
PS: what the hell is "psedu-masichistic" and have you forgotten that there are still Christian beliefs that practice self-castigation?