Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

FearMonkey said:
CthuluIsSpy said:
That would be because the thin man is armed with a Light Plasma Rifle, which gives +10 aim. In classic he effectively has +20 aim.
Which is indeed most insane.

I doubt they will fix it, sadly. That would either involve removing the +10 aim from LPR (making them useless compared to laser rifles) or removing the +10 classic modifier (which would be...unfair? Dodgey?)

Just giving them a +5 instead of +10 in Classic mode would solve the problem. I would hope it would be reasonable for them to fix that.

Yeah, actually, that does seem like a fair compromise. Hopefully they'll fix it in the next patch.

Apparently there will be some DLC soon, something ocean based.
It's easily moddable, fair few mods remove the % bonus on classic so it isn't much work to lower it a tad.

Just had my third loss on my Classic run. Goliath 1 bravely got hit by Support Major Crazy Dave hitting a close by power core while missing (along with everyone else) a drone. Then brave dear Goliath 1 got nommed by a Chrysalid ending his rain of kicking ass and looking sorta cute for a gun platform.
He joins the ranks (rank? Maybe a huddle) of fallen operatives including Rookie Scudd, who lived up to his name and exploded, and the rookie who died on the first mission before I could rename her.
Though the alien base is now out of the way, shame there is only one.
I'm starting to wonder if the game is built so that in Classic you will lose countries no matter what you do. I've seriously tried rushing as many uplinks and satelites I could, with spending almost nothing on anything else. I'm still about to lose 3-4 countries in the upcoming monthly report.

as for hit and crit rate in Classic, I don't mind the hit rate that much since it really forces you to use cover, hunker down and otherwise be patient and careful. however, I find that the aliens tend to crit more often than not, no matter the distance or cover. if they hit, they crit - pretty much.

also, I've started seeing some bugs now. I didn't see a single bug during my initial playthrough, but the first mission I did today was pretty screwed up. whatever I did, a group of three floaters would spawn pretty much on top of my squad the second turn after I had found some aliens. I tried over and over, same thing kept happening. then the same happened with some thin men one time. but I've seen the floaters appear from nowhere before. also, when they appear like this, it seems like they can fly straight through ceilings. which is kinda annoying. also, during one mission, my heavy never went into cover, wherever I put her. she just stood there, without the little shield symbol. she survived though, with one whole point of health left.
I don't think there is any possible way to get by the first month on classic. hell GM started it with Asia in the orange and ended up losing India(big whoop) and Chine(ouch) the first month.

Those Crits are what is killing me. Can barely even have squaddies to do anything and when I did get a bad ass super heavy from a Council mission he get's Crit shot behind full cover for 9 damage from a sectiod. How the hell are you supposed to defend yourself from that? I'll take more base damage but this shit with bonuses kinda hurt a little to much.

The only bug i've noticed and it was a big one was a heavy floater that disapered under the map and made me run around a UFO for about 24 minutes before I had to reload the mission.
I friggin love this game. I missed out on the originals and this is definitely something different for the consoles. Anyone else playing it for the console? I wasn't sure my graphics card would do it justice on the pc. I'm playing on Classic and getting my ass handed to me. I lost Mexico early on, now it looks like 3 other countries are on the fast track to destruction, but I do have a pretty competent squad. I do like the Support class quite a bit, those damn smoke grenades saved my ass more than a few times. I also made a pretty decent medic that can lay down suppressive fire, affectionately named Ogie bear (one of my nicknames). The Thin Men are my worst enemy, but I had problems with a large Floater ambush in one of the warehouse levels. Fuckers killed my Heavy two or three times. Luckily I wasn't playing on Iron Man...yet. So Snipers can't shoot for shit up close with the rifle huh? That took some getting used to but other than that it seems pretty fair overall. You definitely have to stay close to cover, which seems pretty realistic for the most part. I'm looking forward to the DLC on this one. Hopefully they don't skimp on it.
TheGM said:
I don't think there is any possible way to get by the first month on classic. hell GM started it with Asia in the orange and ended up losing India(big whoop) and Chine(ouch) the first month.

Luck of the draw plays a big part in it I think, currently only lost India in the third month and no more since but did have 3 panicking countries almost every month. Luckily usually had Terror Missions in 5 panic countries and completing those calms the entire continent down a tad.
Saving satellites for the end of the month and juggling abduction missions based on panic rather than rewards helps a bit as well. Gimps research and/or funds but them squaddies can use assault rifles for a bit longer. :P

Man taking down the Alien Base gives you a nice breather.
TorontRayne said:
So Snipers can't shoot for shit up close with the rifle huh?

yeah, took me a while to realize that as well. on the other hand, their aim with the pistol up close is unrivaled. too bad the pistol does very little damage, but sometimes it's enough.

speaking of which, a lot of players don't seem to realize you can switch weapons.
Well, it's "realistic" - ever tried to look through a scope and hit something directly infront of you? :P
Or maybe I am just spoiled because of playing too much JA2 where this is normal that Snipers can't hit stuff well with scoped weapons up close.
Gamebalance=/= Reality I think :P It was just done so that Snipers don't rule over the entire battlefield and have to use some different weapons up close. Pistols else are almost completely useless in this game IMO.
Realistically hip firing a rifle is about as accurate as trying to scope shot the target anyway. :P

The normal pistol is crap but wack on some Foundry upgrades and use laser or plasma pistols and suddenly the piddly sidearm ain't so piddly.
Surf Solar said:
Gamebalance=/= Reality I think :P It was just done so that Snipers don't rule over the entire battlefield and have to use some different weapons up close. Pistols else are almost completely useless in this game IMO.

Low damage helps get aliens to 3hp or lower for live captures. Plus no reloads so it's good so your soldiers can shoot when out of ammo.
Kilus said:
Surf Solar said:
Gamebalance=/= Reality I think :P It was just done so that Snipers don't rule over the entire battlefield and have to use some different weapons up close. Pistols else are almost completely useless in this game IMO.

Low damage helps get aliens to 3hp or lower for live captures. Plus no reloads so it's good so your soldiers can shoot when out of ammo.

that, plus every bit of damage helps in downing an alien, especially while you still use rifles. sectoids are the only ones you'll usually one-shot with a rifle. taking that last hit point off with a 90% pistol shot is pretty satisfying.

speaking of snipers, they are clearly awesome, but am I the only one who feels they are very restriced and hard to level up early in the game? you need to at least get squad sight before they're actually useful, but getting those kills can be pretty frustrating. they can't really use range to their advantage and they're weaker than the rest of your soldiers. plus, on classic I find that aliens tend to go for my sniper if they can.

I would totally try snap shot if it wasn't for the aim penalty. having a mobile sniper would be awesome, but it's hard enough to hit enemies as it is.
Surf Solar said:
Hm, even with the 3 upgrades, my plasma pistol never did more than 3 damage. :/

One of the upgrades ups the crit chance meaning they can do 7 damage. Managed 4 with a laser pistol when a Chrysalid jumped my sniper which isn't too shabby.
aenemic said:
TorontRayne said:
So Snipers can't shoot for shit up close with the rifle huh?

yeah, took me a while to realize that as well. on the other hand, their aim with the pistol up close is unrivaled. too bad the pistol does very little damage, but sometimes it's enough.

speaking of which, a lot of players don't seem to realize you can switch weapons.

That's what the gunslinger perk is for. I have a sniper with that perk and a plasma pistol with the Level 1 foundry upgrade.
And he kicks ass.
He got more kills with that pistol than with the rifle.
just played my first multiplayer game, and won. shit was pretty tense. I just jumped into a game to try it out, without really planning a squad. I ended up with a Heavy, a Sniper, two Floaters and a Sectoid. couldn't afford better equipment than laser on both and carapace armor on the heavy. the other guy had a sniper in carapace armor and plasma sniper rifle, an assault in titan armor and either scatter laser or alloy cannon and a sectoid. I caught his sniper on the roof with my floaters straight away, then his sectoid tried flanking me and died quickly. when I finally found his assault, he killed everyone but my sniper and sectoid, who in a joint effort managed to blast his head to little bits.

it was quite satisfying.
Well, this is really starting to piss me off. I hit aliens more often when I have a 25% chance to hit than when I have a 65% chance to hit. :|
FearMonkey said:
Well, this is really starting to piss me off. I hit aliens more often when I have a 25% chance to hit than when I have a 65% chance to hit. :|

Then make sure you have poor accuracy :lol:
I once killed a berserker with a LPR wielding rookie who had only 15% to hit. It was hilarious.

Squaddie pulling of a long range reaction shot with a pistol against a cyberdisc (who get extra cover when in disc form) and hits. Okay only one damage but man this guy is a pro.
Just a shame he had moved so couldn't use his rifle.