Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

So, yeah, for the sake of my sanity I'm gonna have to do a playthrough on Normal just to finish the game. Then if I get crushed on Classic Ironman I won't give a crap.
Some funny Xcom stuff. Very relevant. :D



I finally got the hang of it, but man the bugs killed me today. I had three separate freeze ups occur. One froze up during Alien Activity, the other after I threw a sight grenade, and the last was while I was moving one of my dudes. It just freezes without letting you end your turn, even though you can move the cursor around. I thought it might be the autosave, but I turned it off, and it still happened. I think certain maps might be glitched, according to the 2K forums it sounds about right. Still a good game, but the Xbox version needs a patch...damn certification process.
I had my first terror mission last night... learned that I should have put more time researching new weapons.
rcorporon said:
I had my first terror mission last night... learned that I should have put more time researching new weapons.

I find that armor is more important than weapons, though.

pretty far into a Classic game now and I didn't bother with weapons until I had several uplinks and satellites up. also spent money in the academy before spending too much on better equipment.
Those spider-aliens that turn your troops into zombies really tore me up. They had a lot more than 5 life and the most damage I could do with any of my troops was 5 so it would take at least two hits to drop them.

I also didn't spend enough time / money getting satellites into the air and most of the planet hated me by the end of the first month.

Seems that you don't have nearly enough cash to take care of all the stuff you need to.
rcorporon said:
Seems that you don't have nearly enough cash to take care of all the stuff you need to.

exactly. you really need to prioritize. you can't get everything in every area right away. and so far I've found that getting a steady cash flow and getting panic levels down in as many countries as possible is top priority early in the game.

losing a few countries is no big deal though. I only lost China, and I now have too much money to spend, done all research available and have manufactured everything I need and then some. had I lost another 2-3 countries, I don't think I would have done so much worse to be honest.
rcorporon said:
Those spider-aliens that turn your troops into zombies really tore me up. They had a lot more than 5 life and the most damage I could do with any of my troops was 5 so it would take at least two hits to drop them.

I also didn't spend enough time / money getting satellites into the air and most of the planet hated me by the end of the first month.

Seems that you don't have nearly enough cash to take care of all the stuff you need to.

Go for satellites first. You should do at least one or two a month. Arm one of your guys with a laser sniper rifle for a little oomph, as soon as you get a chance. I tend to use my Heavy guy a lot for his rocket launcher, to cause aoe damage, while my assault guys plink away with whatever I give them. Pistols are not to be ignored either. I always have my main guy, Hamato Yoshi, run in with a shotgun or scatter laser, to take out the closest threat to my other guys. As far as base building goes, I went for a satellite relay, workshop, power generator(later thermo), and officer school, in about that order. For starts anyway..
I'm just wingin' it on my first playthrough. Normal Ironman. I think I spent too much money on shit I didn't need. Like fighter craft for each continent and elevators to get to that damn steam vent which I can't afford to build on. Oh well, it's normal so I'm not hurting too bad even if i'm making bad mistakes. Only lost one soldier. That hurt though. Stuuuupid stupid mistake.

Prioritizing satelites would have been a good idea though. Im almost through month 2 and only have one that I built other than the free one for my base.
Just too add some conflicting tactics to the mix. I prioritise a Thermo Generator, Uplink and an Officers Training School first, having six guys instead of four makes the tactical combat so much easier, did my first Terror Mission with 5 dudes with normal gear and two sets of carapace armour without a scratch. I also used standard sniper rifles until late game. The damage might not be great but the crit damage of Headshot makes up for it.
Building a lot of fighter craft is no bad thing. Cheaper than rebuilding sats when UFOs shoot them down.
second game done. last fight was such a pushover this time. two sniper shots, that's all.

almost started a new one right away, but I think I will wait for some patches and maybe check out a few mods before I give it another go. the game does get a bit repetative after a while.
Some new textures are slowly being released. Check the nexus.

Basic .ini editing and texture fiddling so far. No official word on mod tools yet but they have said maybe.
Since it was suggested by Per and we had a discussion going, I'm reviving the X-Com thread. Make the appropriate chryssalid and zombies jokes if you will.

Just wanna know; did anyone use SHIVs extensively? Are they viable late-game when upgraded? i don't wanna blow away my money for nothing but it would be fun to try. I've got a team of Colonels right now and the game is getting easy again. It's crazy how much of a difference it makes; in 2 missions i've gone from dreading Mutons to slaughtering them.
Ilosar said:
Since it was suggested by Per and we had a discussion going, I'm reviving the X-Com thread. Make the appropriate chryssalid and zombies jokes if you will.

Just wanna know; did anyone use SHIVs extensively? Are they viable late-game when upgraded? i don't wanna blow away my money for nothing but it would be fun to try. I've got a team of Colonels right now and the game is getting easy again. It's crazy how much of a difference it makes; in 2 missions i've gone from dreading Mutons to slaughtering them.

Hover Shivs with Plasma are pretty devastating.
I use shivs as replacements for wounded soldiers when i need reliable shooters, and as escorts/scouts with rookie squads (whom I usually have supported by one or two good soldiers.

Sadly, the game doesn't ever really give you a reason to have a great B team, so I don't worry about it too much.
Wintermind said:
Sadly, the game doesn't ever really give you a reason to have a great B team, so I don't worry about it too much.

Yeah, especially when you get the upgrade that halves recovery time. Even gravely wounded soldiers usually are back on their feet by the next mission. I think the game should have allowed you to deploy more than one Skyranger during abductions, but of course you'd need 12 (or 18!) solid troopers, and each mission would be more difficult than the last. Would help the panic spreading management quite a lot.
Used an alloy shiv as mobile cover once, they are pretty good and also make good chrysalid chum if they do get too close.