Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

Cheyenne Mountain, or some other facility.

Also, another point I forgot to bring up: seems weird to no0w have two seperate 13s in Boulder.

I was also going to ask how it's a recreation of the story from 1, my brain is frazzled today so I'm not connecting the dots.

Yeah I just needed him somewhere and picked Boulder Dome randomly. He could be in New Canaan perhaps, since Utah only has one 13. Difficulty is though is that'd end up pointing the players in the direction of end level content from a low level area.
What you mentioned earlier how the Unseen Brothers plot would be a dark reversal of the Brotherhood's original story. I didn't quite follow.
Oh I see, I wasn't referring to Lost Hills, I was referring to your first draft of Nexus Brotherhood. Now we3 have the Circle of Steel as the dissenting tribals rather than the main body of the expedition, but then not shown in the positive light of the first draft Nexus Brotherhood. You could even literally retain the same names, except this time Idella is the "good" one.

Though this rewrite does pose an (admittedely minor) problem since I made the map icon for Nexus, but Nexus is now a decidedly less important location than Lone Mesa itself. I suppose its not a big problem if they're in very close proximity, though.
Oh I see, I wasn't referring to Lost Hills, I was referring to your first draft of Nexus Brotherhood. Now we3 have the Circle of Steel as the dissenting tribals rather than the main body of the expedition, but then not shown in the positive light of the first draft Nexus Brotherhood. You could even literally retain the same names, except this time Idella is the "good" one.

Though this rewrite does pose an (admittedely minor) problem since I made the map icon for Nexus, but Nexus is now a decidedly less important location than Lone Mesa itself. I suppose its not a big problem if they're in very close proximity, though.

I'm going to write it so that the Circle of Steel are the loyalist, cultishly dedicated faction because it's more consistent with their reference in New Vegas and canon by Avellone - it makes sense also the less diehards would break away - it's less "Poetry, it rhymes" but when Christine Royce says she's from the Circle of Steel it shouldn't generate images of the Brotherhood gone noble savage, it should generate the sickly, ideologically zealous stonewall of the Codex.
I'm also doing a rewrite of the whole of New Mexico to make it inter-connected like Utah, Colorado and Arizona are, taking lots of cues from Wasteland. The Scorpion's Bite have relevance, as do the Red Okies and the Scavven Pickers of Van Buren are in - wahey!
I'm going to write it so that the Circle of Steel are the loyalist, cultishly dedicated faction because it's more consistent with their reference in New Vegas and canon by Avellone - it makes sense also the less diehards would break away - it's less "Poetry, it rhymes" but when Christine Royce says she's from the Circle of Steel it shouldn't generate images of the Brotherhood gone noble savage, it should generate the sickly, ideologically zealous stonewall of the Codex.
I don't mean the whole of the Circle of Steel, jus the specific contingent of it sent to accompany this expedition - as I said, the best and brightest of the Brotherhood going so far down its ideology that they come out the other end. There are other contingents of the Circle of Steel, it's essentially the 'special forces' for the BoS as a whole - its just this one contingent that has gone off the deep end
I'm also doing a rewrite of the whole of New Mexico to make it inter-connected like Utah, Colorado and Arizona are, taking lots of cues from Wasteland. The Scorpion's Bite have relevance, as do the Red Okies and the Scavven Pickers of Van Buren are in - wahey!
Glyphers too maybe?

And the Red Okies, being a confederation of three groups, should be at least partially Native American, considering their place of origin.
Glyphers too maybe?

And the Red Okies, being a confederation of three groups, should be at least partially Native American, considering their place of origin.

Glyphers are being reduced to a footnote in the face of the Scavven Pickers and the Scorpions Bite taking a bigger role.

The Red Okie Horde I'm going for a much more Mad Max approach. They're basically three tribes united by a Chem lord and that's the heart of their alliance. They've got a battle arena where they duke out their differences and also gambling games where their plunder is at stake - all of which the players can partake in of course. There's also a subplot regarding secret government experiments that the Mutants believe to be FEV but that will be elaborated on.

Also minor note but making the "Red" guys native americans is a bit yikes. Unintentional I know but I'd rather avoid that.

I'm going to post screenshots of the lone Mesa rewrite and get to the rest in the morning. Hopefully should all tie together in a nice state-arc like the rest have.






Bit of a typo with the four floors thing but eh that's what you get after writing after a long day.

@Hardboiled Android
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Also wondering what @Dayglow Drifter thinks of the NM overhaul

My dad is from ABQ and I've spent a lot of summers there so it would be neat to see the Scorpion's Bite fleshed out a bit more in my personal opinion but then again I'm pretty biased.

It seems as though a lot of it is kind of stuff meant to pad out the party's journey to their final objective at Rebirth and if that's the case I would say it all does a pretty good job in doing that.
My dad is from ABQ and I've spent a lot of summers there so it would be neat to see the Scorpion's Bite fleshed out a bit more in my personal opinion but then again I'm pretty biased.

It seems as though a lot of it is kind of stuff meant to pad out the party's journey to their final objective at Rebirth and if that's the case I would say it all does a pretty good job in doing that.

Effectively yeah, either the Brotherhood or the Rebirth. They need the DoD Holotape and they need both Prisoner 13s so the Brotherhood and the Rebirth are center stage. The rest is kind of fluff around that, but I wanted to make it neat fluff. I more meant the rewrite to the BoS primarily

It's also difficult to write an end level area that doesn't involve power armor or super mutants or some out of the blue Uber powerful faction. Since I'm not level scaling, stuff like tribals are going to be nuisance fluff at that stage.
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