Faceless_Stranger said:Now, I wonder who was being treated during those many hours of waiting?
Sick people.
Faceless_Stranger said:Now, I wonder who was being treated during those many hours of waiting?
Faceless_Stranger said:My buddie's dad had early stages of flesh-eating disease on his leg and STILL had to wait for half-a-day to get it checked, even then, the only reason they did pull him in was because it had gotten to the point where if they had waited any longer, he would've lost his leg. Now, I wonder who was being treated during those many hours of waiting?
Sick people who had been diagnosed properly.Faceless_Stranger said:My buddie's dad had early stages of flesh-eating disease on his leg and STILL had to wait for half-a-day to get it checked, even then, the only reason they did pull him in was because it had gotten to the point where if they had waited any longer, he would've lost his leg. Now, I wonder who was being treated during those many hours of waiting?
I just mean that their aren't enough doctors to go around, and people do make mistakes. Having an emergency room filled with people that may or may not be sick doesn't help, I'm trying to make the point that people will exploit the system, so we need to filter through.Sander said:You make it sound as if doctors are deliberately not treating sick people because they enjoy it. If you really think that, you're an idiot.
I assume youre quite young. (I am not that old either, but I would guess from your posts youre below your 20s ...)Faceless_Stranger said:My buddie's dad had early stages of flesh-eating disease on his leg and STILL had to wait for half-a-day to get it checked, even then, the only reason they did pull him in was because it had gotten to the point where if they had waited any longer, he would've lost his leg. Now, I wonder who was being treated during those many hours of waiting?
I am not sued with your health care system so youre asking here eventualy the wrong people. Also I doubt that anyone of us here will really come up with usefull suggestions. We lack the expertise. But a good start would be to search for politicans that have plans in that field and see what ideas they have or to talk with people that work in that field.Faceless_Stranger said:Ok, well, maybe I was being a bit extreme. How should we reform the system? Any suggestions from you good folks?
Because every one needs that once in a while. People and situations change. A system like the health care should be changed acordingly. Of course thats from a perspective here in Germany as we have a few issues with it. We pay more and more but get less service while directors of health care companies increase their earnings and a lot of other things need improvements as well. Or that there is a serious need of labor in the health care buisness.Loxley said:Eh? Why should we reform the system?
Indeed! Letz just throw all those people out! Who are they that they rest their lazy asses (fat as well!) on OUR time and money!UniversalWolf said:If I had to make a choice, I'd cut off fat people first. Everyone who lives long enough eventually gets old, but gross obesity...well, you had your chance.
Might aswell cut of all smokers when they develop respitory problems/heart problems/cancer if one shall use that logic. In the end money talks and even fat/old/smokers pay taxes and should then get treatment. Amongst those that do get treatment and to achive the highest amount of survival amongst patients one must do triage. That means you will be bypassed by people whose injuries might be life threatening when yours is not. If you want to get ahead in the line go get a better insurance and go to a hospital that will accept it.SkuLL said:There's 'glandular' fat and there's cheesburger fat.
Cutting off fat people is still extreme, but at least it has its logic - being fat is mostly a lifestyle choice (and as such can be avoided), being old isn't.
I agree with you. I was just saying that even though it's extreme, cutting off fat people / smokers (i.e. people who cause their condition) at least makes a little bit more sense than cutting off old people (i.e. everyone).Loxley said:Might aswell cut of all smokers when they develop respitory problems/heart problems/cancer if one shall use that logic. [snip]SkuLL said:There's 'glandular' fat and there's cheesburger fat.
Cutting off fat people is still extreme, but at least it has its logic - being fat is mostly a lifestyle choice (and as such can be avoided), being old isn't.