I don't think yarga approves of this game :/
VDweller said:Possibly, but AoD is not a spiritual successor to Fallout. It's inspired by Fallout and Arcanum, but it's not the same thing.
The quote describes the world and explains 'decadence' in the title. It doesn't fucking matter what book it came from. Can you not understand that?
Epigraph - a quotation set at the beginning of a literary work or one of its divisions to suggest its theme. The theme in this case is the content of the quote, not what the book is about. This is how these things work.
It's not the Roman Empire and there are no references to Rome in the game.
yarga said:Finally, that isn't the *only* way an epigraph works:
"In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a wider literary canon, either to invite comparison or to enlist a conventional context."
zegh8578 said:yarga said:Finally, that isn't the *only* way an epigraph works:
"In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. The epigraph may serve as a preface, as a summary, as a counter-example, or to link the work to a wider literary canon, either to invite comparison or to enlist a conventional context."
I for one can't wait to try this game out
(well, litterally I can, since I'm not daring do much more with my shaky ol computer. In fact, I can wait quite patiently. It is a virtue of mine!)
Companions & parties were an afterthought that were hastily added to Fallout 1 just prior to release. Which is also why it was so annoying and half broken at times. But they were initially not conceived as being integral to the Fallout experience.yarga said:No "spiritual" successor to Fallout will be considered without compadres, thank the Fallout devs for that, they hooked me, headaches and all.
SuAside said:Companions & parties were an afterthought that were hastily added to Fallout 1 just prior to release. Which is also why it was so annoying and half broken at times. But they were initially not conceived as being integral to the Fallout experience.yarga said:No "spiritual" successor to Fallout will be considered without compadres, thank the Fallout devs for that, they hooked me, headaches and all.
Anyway, let it go. There is nothing to gain from you both arguing over nothing.
VD put a huge amount of effort into this, so stop hacking into him over your own misconceptions and expectations. You're free to have your opinions, but you're taking it out on someone that with little outside help has tried to bring you a nice RPG.
yarga said:And VD hasn't tried to bring *me* anything, last I saw he's charging for his game, not giving it away.
Serifan said:Does the game have dragons? It's not a proper rpg if it does not have dragons.
I didn't know Fallout wasn't RPG!Serifan said:Does the game have dragons? It's not a proper rpg if it does not have dragons.
I think you can avoid that though. Just a matter of having the right stats and picking the right dialogue option. Pretty sure it was possible to keep him happy at the end in R3 anyway, haven't gone for R4 yet (think I'm gonna wait till Thursday comes).Serifan said:Also fuck you VD why for make combat so hard. After talking my way out of every fight situation I get sent to the second city and get jumped by assasians sent from the guard captain. Fuck him.
Walpknut said:I don't agree there aenemic, by that logic no game should ever be criticized. He can say whatever he wants about the game, and people also have the right to refute the things he says.