Alice in Wonderland


eaten by a grue.
I saw Alice in Wonderland (in 3D!) and I liked it. Not particularly deep, but very strange and entertaining.

It actually made me wish Tim Burton was doing The Hobbit. He's one of the few directors who could actually do justice to that story.
Haven't seen Alice yet. I'm a bit tired of Burton+Depp.

UniversalWolf said:
It actually made me wish Tim Burton was doing The Hobbit. He's one of the few directors who could actually do justice to that story.

That's a really bad fit. A thematically much lighter fairy-tale-esque story than LotR be made by Mr McCrazyCraze? Fuck that noise.

I hate it when people just tag their favourite director for (x) project without thinking about style or directing habits.
Anyone that gets a cult following is eventually overrated. Look at Tarantino running around guest directing crappy movies ruining okay movies with his shitty acting.
Brother None said:
I hate it when people just tag their favourite director for (x) project without thinking about style or directing habits.

God, I wish Daron Aranofsky would make "The Hobbit".

Anyone that gets a cult following is eventually overrated. Look at Tarantino running around guest directing crappy movies ruining okay movies with his shitty acting.

What has he guest directed recently?
What do you guys have against Guillermo del Toro? I think he is a great choice for the Hobbit.
Brother None said:
Let David Cronenberg do the Hobbit.

Written by Quentin Tarantino.

Starting Seth Rogen as Bilbo.

Tim Burton is overrated.

"Goofy artist"- as Kevin Smith said :)

As for the movie, I haven't seen it yet. Planning to watch it, though.
Brother None said:
Let David Cronenberg do the Hobbit.

Written by Quentin Tarantino.
Co directed by Uwe Boll ... oh wait its not a game ... scrap that.

Though I would have a name for it.

Bilbo with a shootgun
I'm also tired of Burton and Depp.
Also, I don't particularly like Depp in these "excentric" roles (Willy Wonka and now this)... He's just overdoing it.

Burton stopped making goood films after Sleepy Hollow...
In fact I think Burton is affected of the "aging senile director syndrome" who starts making over-simplistic good-tempered shit after a certain age.

I think Terry Gilliam and Myazaki are other examples of the syndrome. George Lucas would be another example, but no one knows if the talent in the original Star Wars actually came from him, so I'd just put him in the shitty directors category.
I saw it last night, and the acting is pretty good, especially from Depp.

The story is meh though. It was good entertainment.
Sicblades said:
The story is meh though. It was good entertainment.

Wait? The story is meh? They changed the story or something? 'Cause the original story is like genius wrapped in creativity. Just saying.
Arr0nax said:
I think Terry Gilliam and Myazaki are other examples of the syndrome. George Lucas would be another example, but no one knows if the talent in the original Star Wars actually came from him, so I'd just put him in the shitty directors category.

I really liked "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus".
Agreed with Arr0nax/BN. A very meh movie. Definitely tired of the Depp/Burton thing, everything about him in the movie felt old and already seen many times before.

I was kinda looking forward to seeing something special in terms 3D and other visuals but I really think there wasn't anything too exciting in that department either. And that was supposed to be the movie's most important aspect as far as I understood.

Nothing terrible about it but just weak all around. Every attempt at humor fell flat but most of all I'd say it was missing the whole surreal and absurd atmosphere that the Disney cartoon version, for example, did very well as far as I remember.
alec said:
Sicblades said:
The story is meh though. It was good entertainment.

Wait? The story is meh? They changed the story or something? 'Cause the original story is like genius wrapped in creativity. Just saying.

It's a sequel as Alice is now 19 but pretty much devoid of plot.
Which should be a good thing considering the original work was amazing despite having no plot but for some reason they tried to shoe horn one into the movie and failed badly.
Sicblades said:
Also; Tim Burton didn't like the original Alice.

Orly? Do you have a source article? I'm curious what he said. Did he mean the cartoon or the book?