All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

I know Blakut, and I was joking back.

I guess it didn't work out that way, sorry in case I offended you.

Well both real life jobs or dream/fantasy jobs are possible, its whatever you would like to do the most for a living without your own limits or reality standing in the way.
alec said:
Heinz said:
don't you think that a life like that its pretty empty? I mean, whats the meaning?

So a person who would just be getting money thrown at him would lead an empty life, as where an idjit who works a 9-to-5'er for more than forty years would not?


"Your human domestication program has been completed.
Please proceed to the next stage."

I'm still searching for the part I said "being an office clerk or anything else for the rest of your life and leading a completely ordinary life is much more fun and wise than that!". I'm just saying that work usually fulfills people. You just have to do what you like, and if you don't do nothing... whats the point? :roll: Leading a life of pure entertainment and pleasure is as"human domestication" as working for forty years and don't accomplish nothing meaningful in your life to me.
I have 3:

Become a world known professional skateboarder, skating has a major part in my life.

Become a world know architect, knows for his ingenuity, innovative approaches and brilliant ideas.

A led singer and lead guitar of a metal band that's quite known and respected.

Those jobs are ..... too hard to get and I need 3 wishes :D I am not sure if I have the talent for any of those unfortunately :S
Heinz said:
don't you think that a life like that its pretty empty? I mean, whats the meaning?
There's no meaning to anything. You do stuff, then you die, then the world dies. There is no point, nothing matters.

I'm just saying that work usually satisfies people. You just have to do what you like, and if you don't do nothing... whats the point
But I like doing nothing. Doing nothing is the greatest, doing nothing fulfills me. Tis my one desire, to do nothing, or, if I so wished, to do something, but not have to worry of being required to do something.

Perhaps accomplishing something meaningful in your life makes you feel like it wasn't a waste, and that's great, more power to you, I commend and respect people who make a difference in the short time we have in this world. But, to me anyway, in the end it doesn't really matter. And hey, it's just a dream, right?

(Wow, after rereading this, I sound like such a downer. :lol: )
There's no meaning to anything. You do stuff, then you die, then the world dies. There is no point, nothing matters.

There is a point: perpetuating your genes. That being said, becoming a proffesional sperm donor might do the trick.

If one makes a business out of donating sperm in every country in the world, while remaining healthy and doing some sports, one may achieve what only Gighis Khan did so long ago:

have a large percentage of the world be related to you.

In nature's eyes that would be an epic win... :D :crazy:
In the long run even perpetuating your genes has no meaning.

And Heinz: I interpreted your post completely different. Sorry about that. I'm still right, though. :P
But is it a job you would enjoy doing?
Once you have conquered the world and have established your own dynasty for the future there is little left than formalities, visiting events and that sort of stuff.

Oh, no. After i take over the world i will start the biggest sex party, only for myself, and impregnate every single women with my geness. After that, the females that gave birth to the strongest individuals will become part of my very own megaharem and will be used as breeding units for stronger, smarter, faster soldiers that i will later use for the most realistic strategy game, where they will use real weapons. The ones who survive will be drafted in to my personal army, to protect me, while i make more children. So... yeah... that will take awhile.
A chief executive officer in Mars terraforming project. Yeah, Mars would definetly become a cool place to visit once i'd be finished with it 8-)
yes, other planets colonization is a thing I'm always thinking of. Imagine, how awesome would be administrate a mars colony?
AskWazzup said:
A chief executive officer in Mars terraforming project. Yeah, Mars would definetly become a cool place to visit once i'd be finished with it 8-)

Sweet! Will you have your very own Arnold?

"I think it's time to give these people air." - says Arnold Schwarzenegger while pushing the artificial air button.
yes, other planets colonization is a thing I'm always thinking of. Imagine, how awesome would be administrate a mars colony?

It might seem awesome now, but in the future it will be just as awesome as being the administrator of your building...
Seems I am one of the few people who is interested in pioneering and exploring alone :)

I can definitely understand the wish to become a rockstar or a famous sports or events star.
Dario ff said:
I'd say The Dutch Ghost would like to work as the ultimate poll creator in the world.


Actually it is not as easy to make fun polls.
Especially when I made them for the first time when they included all kinds of elaborate introductions.
Blakut said:
yes, other planets colonization is a thing I'm always thinking of. Imagine, how awesome would be administrate a mars colony?

It might seem awesome now, but in the future it will be just as awesome as being the administrator of your building...

haha you can't compare a building to a space colony. Maybe you can compare a state, or maybe a city, but not a building. And probably being the administrator of a city or a state can be pretty awesome
This thread has epic potential. Anyone can add and it's a wonderful topic.

For me...imagine a future where so much is work is done by machine that you don't need any advanced skills to pilot a spaceship and money is so easy to come buy the average person can buy one. Now imagine that the exploration of the universe isn't governed by any international body in the way the "old west" was. There is also instant travel via wormholes.

Basically you save up a few years to buy a sweet ship, jump to wherever you want in the galaxy, land on a planet knowing you're the first person to do so (in itself already awesome) then you get to stake claim to it. Sure there's so much free "land" in the universe you couldn't use it for industry since everyone else has the same setup, but you could at least govern your own home planet.

That's also not taking into account discovering awesome potentials like meeting aliens or something.

Wait that life isn't a real "job" is it?

The Vault Dweller