Alt-Right in financial meltdown

Excepting of course that internet warriors (which is the basis of SJW) are mostly an internet phenomenon and largely incidental to real life.
You'd think that, but it's kinda not. The theoretical framework that led to this thought is the academic mainstream and is generally accepted in politics. Maybe less noticable in the US, but in Germany it's in almost every major party.
Ct Phipps said:
system is designed to keep everyone separate and at each other's throats. Poor whites versus blacks vs. Latinos.

The system doesn't do that, the people do it themselves, through inherent biases. It isn't always some giant conspiracy or 'the man'.

Charity is often subjective, with people helping those closest to them and radiating outward when possible. Since resources are finite, it would make sense that we tend to develop a group mentality and alliance.

Notice how the discussion on illegal immigration or amnesty from it, almost always revolves around hispanics. Also notice how government forms (which is preposterous considering things are supposed to be equal) also have Spanish but every other group simply gets a big FUCK YOU.

At the end of the day, everyone is selfish and looking out for themselves, or their group.
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I don't see the Hispanics protesting the government for forms to be written in Chinese? I don't see LGBTQ pushing for asylum for poor African kids forced to beat their parents to death and living through genocide.

They all focus on THEIR shit, that effects them.

It is tribalism, NOT by government, but simple human frailties.

I don't see the government making laws saying, 'You Spaniards better not stick up for the chinos'.
Am I on the side of asshole/pessimist, sure. Still though, no need for some cheap jab at my age.

If you are referring to the two party system, it makes sense there are two as an additional party means there will be a president in office that 2/3 of Americans cannot stand.

If it is something else then please elaborate because you are bordering on being vague intentionally, much like your previous post about poverty, hunger, etc.
So that defensiveness around the answer tells me you are probably pretty young. No wonder you show so much general ignorance, it's normal.

A System that places all the political power in the hands of 2 monolitic organizations is the anti thesis of democracy, people end up voting for the lesser evil (in their mind) Rather than someone who represents them, specially when who the candidate for each party is depends more upon back room deals and external donations than in what the people actually want. You are basically choosing between the two options the rich want you to choose from, no real chance for an actual leader to be elected.
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Young? Have you ever read any of my other posts? I have entered in quite a few debates with Crni and call me an asshole, or call me ruthless/pessimist, but young and naive isn't a word that associates with me.

And if I remember correctly, I haven't taken personal shots at you but you seem to have no problem throwing personal attacks at me. Who is the young one again?
Edgy pessimism is usually a trait edgy teens tend to exhibit online, just look at my post in the twibbler feed where someone is trying to defend Bill Cosby after being convicted for serial rape. So I just want to know wether your general ignorance and inhability to see the bigger picture comes from inexperience or something else.
DarkCorp is probably around or older than 30 if he joined NMA in 2003. An edgy teenager wasn't even alive back then.
My pessimism isn't 'edgy', it is based on facts, which I have brought up. I am going to assume you speak of some utopian, kumbayah, idea when you reference, 'the bigger picture'.

Look, it really isn't all that hard to expect people to look out for their own. History has proven this time and time and time again.

In the world of geo-politics, this happens all the time. Every nation is looking for a leg up against its competitors.

On a smaller level, some expectations of solidarity is ok but to assume that people, especially irresponsible SJWs, will unite, is naive at best.
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No, the bigger picture refers to the idea that everything has a repercution beyond the immediate, which you insist on not considering even for a single second, you seem to think Pamphets being written in multiple languages is some serious issue when the topic being discussed is how the modern political rethoric is getting warped at the root by reductionary tribalism.

Things don't happen in a vaccum, everything has an effect and deeper reaction that accumulates and combines with other reactions. Which is why Single solutions to problems are just non sensical populist bullshit.
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First of all, I am not talking about pamphlets but government forms. A government that is supposed to be for the people EQUALLY.

But ok, I digress. I am not ignoring anything.

We are speaking of Id Politics here, SJWs, and the tendency for politics to be increasingly focused on specific groups instead of a larger movement for equality, for all. Everything I have seen from you so far, is a very wide blanket blame on problems that are monolithic without any realistic, short term, solutions. I brought up compromise, like reforming education, more police training and body cams to help reduce the incidents of excessive violence and brutality.

1. Poverty is brought about from a variety of factors, not simply, persecution from 'the man', or 'the system', or 'whitey', what the fuck ever. There is no simple solution to poverty and it will remain for quite sometime. If fixing problems is related to ending poverty, well those problems are going to be around for a very long time.

2. Violence is much like above. I already addressed it with a very good example of the Blood/Crip truce. Racism is still around, poverty is still around. Yet, despite the former, the Bloods and Crips made a truce, therefore reducing massive amounts of violence within inner city neighborhoods. Personal responsibility has a very real effect on outcomes without solely relying on the elimination of big problem factors.
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Why is it that you just go everywhere just so you can ignore that those complex issues also have it's root in the governing institutions that created the envirorment where they thrive? Short term solutions are meaningless when you also don't have a far reaching plan, you would just be plugging the holes with your fingers instead of actually fixing the wall.

Speaking of Identity Politics, the Two Party system is the culmination and distillation of Identity politics. Two monolitic corporations opposing each other on principle of opposing each other rather than on an actual effort to fix anything, they are just focused on being diametrically opposed to each other even if the leaders don't actually believe in what they push. They control the media sphere to the point where debates are only held for their hand picked candidates and no one else, people are forced to just Side completely with one or the other, and the two organizations have no reason to consider the other side.

There was recently a vote on making Bestiality and Anal Sex separate in terms of the law due to it causing a state where if the local government willed it they could prosecute gay people under the same charges as a zoophile, and the republicans mostly voted against just to be obstructionists. And that just permeates to everything.
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Walpknut said:
Why is it that you just go everywhere just so you can ignore that those complex issues also have it's root in the governing institutions that created the envirorment where they thrive? Short term solutions are meaningless when you also don't have a far reaching plan, you would just be plugging the holes with your fingers instead of actually fixing the wall.

Why can't we have both? Any effective long term fix usually arises out of many short term fixes applied sequentially. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.

And also what do you suggest? Revolution? Like all these Burners are talking about? Even if we ignore all those crazed chucklefucks pushing for actual armed revolution, saying you want a revolution is one thing but accomplishing that with realistic, measured objectives, is something else.
Revolution can be had peacefully, the politicians just need to grow a pair and pass far reaching reforms.