An Alpha Centauri playthrough?


Just wondering, what would you guys think of doing a SA-style Let's Play thread about Alpha Centauri?

To be honest, I just need an excuse to play it again. And use Planet Busters as the end argument :)
I wish I had the game.

I saw the reviews and listened to what friends said and knew it would be awesome and easily my kind of game.

However I didn't go looking to buy it until like a year later and I never saw it in any shops. They did once sell it boxed with a bunch of other games, but it was expensive and the other games in the box sucked.

The Vault Dweller


Please do Mikael.
Try to get it with Alien Crossfire its worth it. The background setting made to this game is amazing from techs to the dialogs spoken in video clips. One thing about MP it can start a bit slow and that puts some people off.
Please do.

Huge map, transcendent difficulty, University faction. Installing Alien Crossfire is definitely a good idea, hovewer you should probably avoid using new factions, since they are full of shit.

Alpha Centauri is such a great game, it could probably heal cancer or stop global warming or bring world peace if played properly.
I've finished it with the Peacekeepers first... Zakharov sounds like a pretty good choice, heh, I'll have an excuse for nerve-stapling citizens. Hey, free test subjects.

So, since I see an overwhelmingly positive response, which faction should I begin with? I've been itching to play university too.
Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate.
-- Col. Corazon Santiago, "Spartan Battle Manual"

So, two votes for the university, one for the Gaians.

Deirdre is a bitch if you allow the Gaians to grow unchecked. Brrr.
SMAC is awesome. Install Alien Crossfire and play it with the normal factions. I really need to play it, too.

I think you should try to play a very dirty game. People killing other people with nerve gas, nerve-stapling, planet busters flyin'... What about playing as The Hive?

The Spartans might cough up loads of low-level units, they're still no match to the uni's more advanced, superior firepower.

Once you get the Hunter-Seeker algorithm, you're virtually unstoppable.
So wait, are we talking about playing multiplayer here or anything like that? (is that even possible?).

Also, damn you guys for HAVING crossfire. I wanted it so bad but now when I look for it, it's always so expensive.

My vote goes for either Deidre and the green folk (stealing mindworms early is a huge boost) or the university (really... can ANYONE compete with the university?).

Of course, if you want a fun roleplaying style game, you could try playing as the AWFUL believers or Hive.
Heh, I love the Spartans, but my favorite is actually gearing the Spartans towards Nature.

The game is all in how you build your social and military designs (Cybernetic Society for the win!)

The grav-ships are bloody awesome (also there's no auto-designs for them, get used to designing your own ships)

Two pointers, one, when making an amphibious terraformer, it will only operate on the type of tile it's currently on when auto-terraforming, so you need to manually move it to the water when you're finished with land or vise versa.

Second, do not underestimate paratroopers or airdrop units of any kind, once you get the orbital space station you can do insertions ANYWHERE making the acquisition of cities quite easy having a battery of paratroopers standing by and waiting for the army to clear the streets.

Yes Hunter-Seeker is awesome, and normally a planet-busting offense to me if I don't get it and I am unable to reach it, however you can still win without it. Miriam's got some nasty anti-saboteur strength through theology/loyalty.

Make sure you go for an oceanic city as soon as possible, giving you a foothold into the water to launch attack craft from (and defend from those nasty bombarding ships due to AI deciding that it can take the city.)

Go for pods, go absolutely ape for the pods, have at least two scouts (Ships AND buggies) on each terrain type if not more scouring the planet, those things will give you one hell of an edge if you collect enough of them at the start.

Avoid PSI if you aren't designing your social structure to be high morale, it looks shiny and can be deadly, but in the end it's laughable because it's easily trounced by the next tier of tech. (Natural units like mind worms and Isles are an exception to this rule as they operate mostly on their own morale rather than society morale.)

Avoid nerve stapling unless it's a time of crisis for the city (you're under attack and you could either buy the ship to save the city from the enemy & nerve staple the people, or buy that holo-theater to placate the people but have the city taken in the next turn.)

Santiago will not steer you wrong in my opinion, however it's all up to how you want to play them. I tend to build my Society around Nature strangely enough and it works out quite well for them in the end due to the growth bonuses provided.

As for crossfire, I dunno, it's neat, but honestly the overtures for the game didn't seem to fit as well as the original game (what with the original story being the cabinet members from your civilization game being leaders of each faction because of the unity fracturing.)
SimpleMinded said:
So wait, are we talking about playing multiplayer here or anything like that? (is that even possible?).

I think Mikael is talking about doing an LP simular to this one.

And yes, multiplayer is definitely possible, I played a few games with a friend some months ago via direct IP connection. It was stable and fun.

If someone is having trouble running the game under XP, I think I had a guide somewhere. You can also run it in the window using that weird D3DWindower-thingy.
My post was a vote for the Spartan Federation, you untermenschian fools.

Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?

* Col. Corazon Santiago "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"

Point to liberty rouge for guessing what I intend. Of course it's all gonna be open to what you would want me to do, eg. "Should the UN charter be repealed?".

So, so far we have:

Spartan Federation: 1
Human Hive: 1
University: 3
Gaia's Stepdaughters: 1

Since Corazon is a popular one, should I work towards estabilishing Brotherhood with her? Last time, as Peacekeepers, I estabilished a pact of Brotherhood with Morgan and the University, quite profitable, well, until Deirdre decided to beat the crap out Zakharov.

However, I'm not sure about playing on Transcendent difficulty level.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
My post was a vote for the Spartan Federation, you untermenschian fools.

Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?

* Col. Corazon Santiago "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"


The first living thing to go through the device was a small white rat. I still have him, in fact. As you can see, the damage was not so great as they say.

* Academician Prokhor Zakharov, "See How They Run"

Zakharov is hardcore, Corazon can do his laundry. Also, the guy who did voice acting for Prokhor wrote a soundtrack for 2005 zombie shooting game. :psyduck:

Just dicovered that I don't own a copy of the game anymore, the Planetary Pack is 150 USD on Amazon and Alien Crossfire is out of print. Fuck you, cruel world.

Mikael Grizzly said:
Since Corazon is a popular one, should I work towards estabilishing Brotherhood with her? Last time, as Peacekeepers, I estabilished a pact of Brotherhood with Morgan and the University, quite profitable, well, until Deirdre decided to beat the crap out Zakharov.

However, I'm not sure about playing on Transcendent difficulty level.

You can play them both simultaneously by switching between factions using in-game scenario editor. This will, however, screw up your final scores.

And play whatever difficulty you like, just keep in mind, that AI is radiant-retarded and often can't compete properly without production and research bonuses higher difficulties provide.

Anyway, I'd love to see something like:

Huge hilly map, 60% land, 40% ocean, since AI can't play sea game properly.
Huge amounts of fungus.
Original factions.
No reloads. 8-)
Crafty Dodger, I'm more of a naval fan myself so I tend to gear towards the 40% - 60% ratio of land to water instead, just because I like the whole islands of war style with small land bridges betwixt them to create small land straits that become choke points by land.

Santiago rules through loyalty, but needs some work in growth and knowledge, you have to be prepared to get your hands dirty and expand like Rabbits with a mission if you wish to succeed, also do not break alliances, force the allies to break them on you, and do not give your current enemies any quarter!

As for the AI not being able to handle water, they have surprised me on many occasions, they are stuck with the templates for units unlike the players but they use paratroopers like you wouldn't believe if you give them the chance.

The only issue they have is sending large amounts of land troops across oceans to strike at another island, they have no trouble attacking water cities and if they get one close enough to land, they will pump out amphibious units like you wouldn't believe in that region.

Plus there's the probe teams (Zharkov and Derdiere are especially bad for this) that the AI abuses to their full potential, and Brother Lal tends to flip-flop depending on his mood at the time but once they have air superiority, guard your holdings because they WILL fly in and strike, then dump a chopper in there while you're not looking.

Yang tends to be Naval focused while Lal is fairly aircraft based as far as their units are concerned.

If you aren't the university, get used to being second in discovering the X secrets that boost your research significantly though...
Mord_Sith said:
As for the AI not being able to handle water, they have surprised me on many occasions, they are stuck with the templates for units unlike the players but they use paratroopers like you wouldn't believe if you give them the chance.

The only issue they have is sending large amounts of land troops across oceans to strike at another island, they have no trouble attacking water cities and if they get one close enough to land, they will pump out amphibious units like you wouldn't believe in that region.

I don't think I ever saw AI using amphibious troops en masse to take a coastal city. I always do this in multiplayer, since this strategy is almost impossible to defend against, because cruiser-based transports have significant amount of action points to stay outside the enemy sensor range, until it's too late.

Cruiser-based probe teams are even worse, because they can be upgraded with submersive hulls. AI will never do this, sadly.

Mord_Sith said:
Plus there's the probe teams (Zharkov and Derdiere are especially bad for this) that the AI abuses to their full potential.

You can defend against enemy probe teams with your own probes (when a probe steps to the sector, that already has an opposing faction probe team, they will duel and whoever wins, the attacker will loose it's turn). You can also build sensors everywhere and blast them with needlejets.