NMA's local DotA fanatic
So, back in the day, bout 10 years ago, I was able to use some programs such as HijackThis, or provide other files to people who could take a look at them, and tell me what files and programs to alter on my PC, where and how, the whole nine yards. I'd basically be able to either mail or post the data, get a response on how to clean up my PC, and it would help me. Fast forward to 2009 when I built my latest (and current) PC, and I had so few problems with it, that I lost contact with all the people who used to help me without being able to come to my house and check my PC in person. But lately I've been having issues with my PC that repeated google searches and inquiries to establishments or friends of mine haven't been able to solve.
So I wonder, what programs are now in use that could serve a similar function, and is anyone here knowledgeable enough in them that they could help me?
As far as my problems have been going...
[spoiler:513952268a]In July (literally days after I registered here) my PC suddenly started acting "strangely". I couldn't describe it, because it was inconsistent, but ironically, Fallout 2 was affected the most. Loads that went by in the blink of an eye were suddenly 30 second stutter-filled waits. Desktop routines began taking ages to perform (even as simple as changing my volume). I took it to Fry's and their diagnostic said that I had corruption in my OS, which could only be solved by formatting my drive and reinstalling my OS. I decided to do this myself, backed up all my data, formatted my drive, reinstalled Windows (XP disc with a Vista HP upgrade disc) and the problem was solved.
I next encountered what I dubbed "The Unravel". Basically, while everything seemed fine on the surface, suddenly flash would stop working, skype would close all calls/conversations, and then my browser and other open programs would shut down on me. After all this, I couldn't even shut down or restart my system; I had to do so manually. After experiencing this consistently for weeks, I was able to narrow down that, for whatever reason, "The Unravel" would always occur after 4-5 hours of activity. I evaded it by restarting my PC every 4 hours, but naturally this didn't solve the problem. I pondered if somehow a bad driver was causing it, so I reformatted again.
"The Unravel" came back with me, but I tinkered with my settings, and that seemed to solve the problem. That I'm aware off, I haven't been struck by "The Unravel" for a whole month. But my PC still seems to be having issues. This time, it's ridiculously tough to describe. "Not performing well", I suppose? Sometimes programs will load expediently, sometimes they lock up my PC. Sometimes using another program- which friends also using them attest cause NO such symptoms as what I describe -causes my browsers (Firefox15 AND IE9) to freeze and not function, yet a couple times they didn't. What the hell's going on? I have no clue.[/spoiler:513952268a]
So, my PC is currently pretty empty, after 2 formats, and I'm trying to hammer out the problems before I reinstall all of my recreational software, but I'm at a point where I'm not even sure what to address. Virus scans have turned up zilch. Fry's diagnostic showed that my hardware was fine (which Geek Squad affirmed, a month later), although I'd certainly love to upgrade my PC at the next opportunity... But for now, I'm just trying to fix problems. All I want is for it to be performing like it was at the start of July, before all of this started.
So I wonder, what programs are now in use that could serve a similar function, and is anyone here knowledgeable enough in them that they could help me?
As far as my problems have been going...
[spoiler:513952268a]In July (literally days after I registered here) my PC suddenly started acting "strangely". I couldn't describe it, because it was inconsistent, but ironically, Fallout 2 was affected the most. Loads that went by in the blink of an eye were suddenly 30 second stutter-filled waits. Desktop routines began taking ages to perform (even as simple as changing my volume). I took it to Fry's and their diagnostic said that I had corruption in my OS, which could only be solved by formatting my drive and reinstalling my OS. I decided to do this myself, backed up all my data, formatted my drive, reinstalled Windows (XP disc with a Vista HP upgrade disc) and the problem was solved.
I next encountered what I dubbed "The Unravel". Basically, while everything seemed fine on the surface, suddenly flash would stop working, skype would close all calls/conversations, and then my browser and other open programs would shut down on me. After all this, I couldn't even shut down or restart my system; I had to do so manually. After experiencing this consistently for weeks, I was able to narrow down that, for whatever reason, "The Unravel" would always occur after 4-5 hours of activity. I evaded it by restarting my PC every 4 hours, but naturally this didn't solve the problem. I pondered if somehow a bad driver was causing it, so I reformatted again.
"The Unravel" came back with me, but I tinkered with my settings, and that seemed to solve the problem. That I'm aware off, I haven't been struck by "The Unravel" for a whole month. But my PC still seems to be having issues. This time, it's ridiculously tough to describe. "Not performing well", I suppose? Sometimes programs will load expediently, sometimes they lock up my PC. Sometimes using another program- which friends also using them attest cause NO such symptoms as what I describe -causes my browsers (Firefox15 AND IE9) to freeze and not function, yet a couple times they didn't. What the hell's going on? I have no clue.[/spoiler:513952268a]
So, my PC is currently pretty empty, after 2 formats, and I'm trying to hammer out the problems before I reinstall all of my recreational software, but I'm at a point where I'm not even sure what to address. Virus scans have turned up zilch. Fry's diagnostic showed that my hardware was fine (which Geek Squad affirmed, a month later), although I'd certainly love to upgrade my PC at the next opportunity... But for now, I'm just trying to fix problems. All I want is for it to be performing like it was at the start of July, before all of this started.