Crowley said:Didn't notice anything else wrong. On the plus side, I forgot to mention that now McGee attacks me once the combat starts. Good going.
Good going. 8)
That's it for today then!

Crowley said:Didn't notice anything else wrong. On the plus side, I forgot to mention that now McGee attacks me once the combat starts. Good going.
Carib FMJ said:Yeah, I mean I got a perfect blend of everything you added.
The Tragic Card addiction works
The bug claws work.
Its all good, but the Map isn't there. Anyhow... So far so good.
Crowley said:The way PipBoy keeps tab of the quests could stand a couple of fixes. First of all, as noted on Per's guide the quest to find endorphin blockers is never crossed.
According to the readme it does, but that isn't happening in my game for some reason.Skynet said:Crowley said:The way PipBoy keeps tab of the quests could stand a couple of fixes. First of all, as noted on Per's guide the quest to find endorphin blockers is never crossed.
Seraph patch fixes this issue.
Crowley said:According to the readme it does, but that isn't happening in my game for some reason.Skynet said:Crowley said:The way PipBoy keeps tab of the quests could stand a couple of fixes. First of all, as noted on Per's guide the quest to find endorphin blockers is never crossed.
Seraph patch fixes this issue.
Seems like Seraph's patch doesn't fix it. Tried the game with just it installed and went for endorphin blockers both connected to the jet delivery quest and on it's own. The quest doesn't get crossed over.killap said:Is there any chance I can get you to test this with JUST his patch installed? I would not be surprised if it is reported as fixed and actually isn't, but I just want to make sure it is not a problem that crept in with the work I did.
Crowley said:Seems like Seraph's patch doesn't fix it. Tried the game with just it installed and went for endorphin blockers both connected to the jet delivery quest and on it's own. The quest doesn't get crossed over.killap said:Is there any chance I can get you to test this with JUST his patch installed? I would not be surprised if it is reported as fixed and actually isn't, but I just want to make sure it is not a problem that crept in with the work I did.
seburo said:first off, great work everyone
I played Fallout and F2 like a maniac when they were released, but the instability etc threw me off some
so seeing people working on it right now is a true blessing
I'm gonna go give the seraph/killap combo a shot, been using the celestial patches until now
but I just can't understand how to install it all! been trying to make some sense out of all the files that go where and which ones have to be read-only when and how...
this is how i get it.
clean install us version
official 1.02 patch
seraph unpacked
killap B.
I think some files have to be read-only when I start the game, and there was something about seraphs batch file...
but it's just clouded. someone help me out with a simple, step by step solution to installing a seraph/killap combo ?
my brain hurts
killap said:At any rate, here is the BEST method of installation.
1. Download the unpacked version of Seraph's patch
2. Extract the files to your fallout 2 "data" folder. (Do not run the batch file that is included.)
3. Download version B of my patch.
4. Extract the files to your fallout 2 "data" folder overwriting the files when asked.
5. Now go into the data/proto folder and make the contents of each of the folders found inside the proto folder read-only.
6. Now go into the data/scripts folder and make all the files there read-only.
7. You should now be set to play the game. No installation of the 1.02 patch is necessary as that is included in Seraph's patch already.
Let me know if you run into any problems/etc
Skynet said:to killap:
Only the regular power armor protects you from toxic goo. It is not a big issue, but it is annoying, when you get hit by 0 points of damage on every step on goo if you are wearing any other power armors. I don´t know, if this stuff is hardcoded.
Skynet said:When you are going to include the herb mixing feature and the SAD repait bots?
It is maybe better, that the repair bots only repairs the damaged bots. If they replace the destoyed bots with new ones, it would cause a infinite xp exploit.
killap said:I still have not fully tested the repair bots which is why I have not included them yet. I know you told me they were correctly repairing, but can you test this a few more times on each level and make sure it is consistent. Also, the fixed SAD you sent me with the bots...was this the original map, or the updated one by Seraph? (I know he fixed a few map flaws)
killap said:As for the herb mixing feature...I tested that and it indeed works, but I just find it a bit strange that it triggers as soon as you leave/enter a map. The is pretty unexpected for a person playing the game (perhaps this is why they decided to not include it?)