Someone should donate a Bugzilla server for this.
At least it'd make it easier to keep track of the bugs.
At least it'd make it easier to keep track of the bugs.
Ashmo said:Someone should donate a Bugzilla server for this.
At least it'd make it easier to keep track of the bugs.
I just remembered something similar - I can't check this myself ATM, but don't the .223 pistols in FO2 still have the FO1 item description, which claims they're "one of a kind" or "unique" weapons, despite the fact that they're sold in shops by the dozen in FO2 (that may not count as an actual bug/typo as such, but perhaps something for the add-on)?Skynet said:-The advanced computer consoles description says that it is Brotherhood technology. While this is fine for Fallout 1, this line should be removed in Fallout 2.
I think that's impossible to edit spatial script since it is not a normal object.How do you check/change the radius of a spatial placed in the mapper? The only options I see for spatials are to delete them all or to place a new one.
jargo said:I think that's impossible to edit spatial script since it is not a normal object.
Only way is to delete and place a new one in the same place.
Well if You want only to know the radius You can try to save map as txt file and find that spatial in it (it has all info from map).Hmm. ok. I assume then that means there is no way to see what radius is set for a specific spatial?
Thats true, but they can be converted to work using F2save converter.(Advanced tab/Gvars count set to 708/click convert)From Readme.txt file:
**Save games prior to installing this patch will NOT work.**
This issue goes well beyond Doc Johnson. Killap, could you make it so that when you pay for a good or service in dialogue, the money always goes into the seller's inventory instead of being destroyed? Hard cash is hard to come by, especially in the amounts required for hardened power armor and implants, and if it's too much trouble to implement a barter system for all purchases of this sort (i.e. Razlo's healing in F1), I'd at least like the option of bartering for my money back.Unkillable Cat said:# When Doc Johnson heals the group for $100, only 60$ can be found in his inventory, even though you paid him $100.
Sell it, of course, but most shopkeepers carry less than $1000 cash. After buying that and any ammo I could conceivably use (even the 7.62mm) I still have like 5 combat shotguns and 8 SMGs taking up space in my trunk, and I'm still way short of cash for the impact enhancements. If there are two different commands, one to take cash from you and put it in a NPC's inventory and one to destroy it, it shouldn't be too hard to change them in a few scripts.Unkillable Cat said:Hard cash is hard to come by?
What exactly do you do with all that stuff that can be found in the game?
jargo said:BTW I just played a little with your great patch and found a problem.
We have 3 (three) possible fallout 2 variants:
1)Fallout 2 not patched (ver 1.0,1.1) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchA(Full) works just fine.
2)Fallout 2 patched, patch is in master.dat(ver 1.02 PL,GER etc) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchB(small) works just fine.
3)Fallout 2 patched using patch000.dat(ver 1.02) We have patch000.dat file.
Well and here we got a small problem.
Readme says that we should install patchB(small) since we got 1.02 version, but after installation most of your patch will not work.
Why? Since files from patch000.dat file overwrite these from data folder(patch000.dat file is always prior to data).
So we remove patch000.dat file, now we got your patch working but no 1.02 patch(it will lead to bugs etc)
So to get things right we should use patchA(full) but not copy Fallout2.exe from patch(we already have that) and remove patch000.dat file, then it will work just fine for both UK and US.
Darth l33t said:This issue goes well beyond Doc Johnson. Killap, could you make it so that when you pay for a good or service in dialogue, the money always goes into the seller's inventory instead of being destroyed? Hard cash is hard to come by, especially in the amounts required for hardened power armor and implants, and if it's too much trouble to implement a barter system for all purchases of this sort (i.e. Razlo's healing in F1), I'd at least like the option of bartering for my money back.
Ethan said:I am sorry to report that the geiger counter barter bug is still in. Nobody wants those things!
killap said:Ethan said:I am sorry to report that the geiger counter barter bug is still in. Nobody wants those things!
Umm...what is this that you speak of?
Unkillable Cat said:# GeForce card".
# security for Carlson