Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

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Someone should donate a Bugzilla server for this.

At least it'd make it easier to keep track of the bugs.
Ashmo said:
Someone should donate a Bugzilla server for this.

At least it'd make it easier to keep track of the bugs.

That would be nice. :D I am doing well keeping track of it all though, so there is no real need,
Skynet said:
-The advanced computer consoles description says that it is Brotherhood technology. While this is fine for Fallout 1, this line should be removed in Fallout 2.
I just remembered something similar - I can't check this myself ATM, but don't the .223 pistols in FO2 still have the FO1 item description, which claims they're "one of a kind" or "unique" weapons, despite the fact that they're sold in shops by the dozen in FO2 (that may not count as an actual bug/typo as such, but perhaps something for the add-on)?
Quick question for those that may know:

How do you check/change the radius of a spatial placed in the mapper? The only options I see for spatials are to delete them all or to place a new one.
Those New Reno wall safes are full of bugs:

# If I try to pick Mrs. Bishop's wall safe, without having slept with her and without her present in the room, I cannot unlock the safe. No message is displayed telling me whether I succeeded or failed in picking the lock.

# Mr. Bishop can be assassinated by re-arming his safe with a different combination, as described in Per's walkthrough. However, when using killap's patch, the safe trap does not re-arm itself, which makes it damn tricky to re-arm the safe if the trap has already been disarmed, because using the explosives on the safe will often crash the game! I have succeeded in using explosives on the safe without crashing the game, but more often than not it results in a CTD.

EDIT: More info added.
How do you check/change the radius of a spatial placed in the mapper? The only options I see for spatials are to delete them all or to place a new one.
I think that's impossible to edit spatial script since it is not a normal object.
Only way is to delete and place a new one in the same place.
jargo said:
I think that's impossible to edit spatial script since it is not a normal object.
Only way is to delete and place a new one in the same place.

Hmm. ok. I assume then that means there is no way to see what radius is set for a specific spatial?
Ok, like this.. I downloaded that final Killap patch A, the one without the 1.02 patch as my game comes prepatched at that level.. well the game is sorta ok, normal at first, things seem to work fine. But when I get to Klamath, thats where it goes all the hell. Soon as I try and go to Trappertown, it blacks out and makes that thunk sound and the error pops up... saying whatever those errors say, and I have to ctrl+alt+del to close down FO2 to get out of it..

So, whats up with that? I installed the patch according to exactly how the instructions said to do, so I have no clue whats up with it.
Hmm. ok. I assume then that means there is no way to see what radius is set for a specific spatial?
Well if You want only to know the radius You can try to save map as txt file and find that spatial in it (it has all info from map).

BTW I just played a little with your great patch and found a problem.
We have 3 (three) possible fallout 2 variants:

1)Fallout 2 not patched (ver 1.0,1.1) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchA(Full) works just fine.

2)Fallout 2 patched, patch is in master.dat(ver 1.02 PL,GER etc) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchB(small) works just fine.

3)Fallout 2 patched using patch000.dat(ver 1.02) We have patch000.dat file.
Well and here we got a small problem.
Readme says that we should install patchB(small) since we got 1.02 version, but after installation most of your patch will not work.
Why? Since files from patch000.dat file overwrite these from data folder(patch000.dat file is always prior to data).
So we remove patch000.dat file, now we got your patch working but no 1.02 patch(it will lead to bugs etc)

So to get things right we should use patchA(full) but not copy Fallout2.exe from patch(we already have that) and remove patch000.dat file, then it will work just fine for both UK and US.

From Readme.txt file:
**Save games prior to installing this patch will NOT work.**
Thats true, but they can be converted to work using F2save converter.(Advanced tab/Gvars count set to 708/click convert)
If you want it can be done that your patch will not change amount of global vars (no need to convert savegames at all).
Unkillable Cat said:
# When Doc Johnson heals the group for $100, only 60$ can be found in his inventory, even though you paid him $100.
This issue goes well beyond Doc Johnson. Killap, could you make it so that when you pay for a good or service in dialogue, the money always goes into the seller's inventory instead of being destroyed? Hard cash is hard to come by, especially in the amounts required for hardened power armor and implants, and if it's too much trouble to implement a barter system for all purchases of this sort (i.e. Razlo's healing in F1), I'd at least like the option of bartering for my money back.
Hard cash is hard to come by?

What exactly do you do with all that stuff that can be found in the game?

Also, one more bug:

# Lou in the Malamute Saloon is supposed to be able to put San Francisco on your world map if you ask her, but it doesn't show up. As it is, finding the map in the Military Base is the only way to get San Francisco on the world map.
Unkillable Cat said:
Hard cash is hard to come by?

What exactly do you do with all that stuff that can be found in the game?
Sell it, of course, but most shopkeepers carry less than $1000 cash. After buying that and any ammo I could conceivably use (even the 7.62mm) I still have like 5 combat shotguns and 8 SMGs taking up space in my trunk, and I'm still way short of cash for the impact enhancements. If there are two different commands, one to take cash from you and put it in a NPC's inventory and one to destroy it, it shouldn't be too hard to change them in a few scripts.
jargo said:
BTW I just played a little with your great patch and found a problem.
We have 3 (three) possible fallout 2 variants:

1)Fallout 2 not patched (ver 1.0,1.1) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchA(Full) works just fine.

2)Fallout 2 patched, patch is in master.dat(ver 1.02 PL,GER etc) no patch000.dat file.
For that version your patchB(small) works just fine.

3)Fallout 2 patched using patch000.dat(ver 1.02) We have patch000.dat file.
Well and here we got a small problem.
Readme says that we should install patchB(small) since we got 1.02 version, but after installation most of your patch will not work.
Why? Since files from patch000.dat file overwrite these from data folder(patch000.dat file is always prior to data).
So we remove patch000.dat file, now we got your patch working but no 1.02 patch(it will lead to bugs etc)

So to get things right we should use patchA(full) but not copy Fallout2.exe from patch(we already have that) and remove patch000.dat file, then it will work just fine for both UK and US.

Ok, I have made note of this and will update my readme accordingly. Thanks for pointing that all out.

@ Darth l33t
I suppose I could go ahead and make it so that money goes straight to the inventory rather than being destroyed. Should not be too hard. This won't be at the top of my list though.

Version A of my patch is the full one and therefore comes with 1.02 fixes. Did you mean to say version B or did you go ahead and install A by mistake? Also, if your game does indeed come with 1.02 preinstalled check and see if there is a patch000.dat file. If there is, delete that file and then install version A of my patch (yes, even though you have 1.02 preinstalled) Essentially, just make sure to delete the patch000.dat and if you do, then version A is the one to install.
Darth l33t said:
This issue goes well beyond Doc Johnson. Killap, could you make it so that when you pay for a good or service in dialogue, the money always goes into the seller's inventory instead of being destroyed? Hard cash is hard to come by, especially in the amounts required for hardened power armor and implants, and if it's too much trouble to implement a barter system for all purchases of this sort (i.e. Razlo's healing in F1), I'd at least like the option of bartering for my money back.

The problem is that anything that can be bartered for can also be stolen*. Personally I would rather see the opposite - remove money in more cases, such as the blower installer in NCR. People wouldn't take large amounts of money and just stuff it down their pockets, then a little later you ask them to trade again and they go, "Hm, what happened to all my gold? Dang, rats must have eaten it. But you've been and earned about the same amount in the last few minutes, you say? Oh well, select some more of my gear then."

*Unless you add specific code that sets a "money variable", loads that amount into a critter's inventory at the beginning of dialogue and purges it when leaving dialogue. But this is exploitable, would mean more work, and goes beyond bugfixing.
Yeah I meant version B.. but I did as you said, got A version and removed that patch.dat, and now it works great and can already see all the differences. Thanks Killap, and great work on the patch!
I am sorry to report that the geiger counter barter bug is still in. Nobody wants those things!
killap said:
Ethan said:
I am sorry to report that the geiger counter barter bug is still in. Nobody wants those things!

Umm...what is this that you speak of?

Probably the bug where merchants wont buy geiger meters or motion detectors that are on or in use or something
This is why I asked killap to replace the Geiger Counter in the shelves in NCR. Because its turned on, no-one wants to buy it from me!

Anyhoo, bugs and associates:

Vault City:

# At night, there are both Vault citizens and guards found at the two bars in Vault City. However, the "guards" there have the same description as the jumpsuit-wearing Vault citizens if you examine them. Also, the "guards" at the Parlor Room have the same items on them as normal Vault Citizens. They do have more Hit Points than the Vault Citizens, though.

# Not sure if this is the result of a bug, but here's the score. I tried to "smuggle" Lenny into Vault City once (by leaving Lenny by the front gate, opening the gate and then having Lenny rejoin while the gate was open) just to see what would happen. As it turns out,
Citizen Sergeant Stark said something like "A ghoul! Guards!" but I ran back to the gate and dumped Lenny before any trouble would ensue. I re-entered the city and no-one came at me with guns blazing.

Now, however (and this is a long time after said smuggling attempt) whenever Citizen Sergeant Stark sees me, he waits for about 5 seconds before turning hostile and opening fire on me. If I'm quick enough, I can talk to him before he turns hostile, but if I stick around for almost any amount of time, he attacks me. When an unwanted individual enters Vault City, does it cause all Vault Citizens that see them to turn hostile permanentely? Is that how it
is supposed to be?


# One of the traps in the Raider cave is very hard to find, if not impossible (my PE 10 character can't find it unless he steps on it). The trap in question is in the first cluster of traps you find if you enter the raider's camp from the cave and then turn southeast (in
the third row, the second from the top). Could you check and see whether the code for the trap is correct?


# If I ask Duppo where I can find Frank Carlson, he answers by saying "Sorry - cattle drive season's over. Come back in a few months." I'm pretty certain this is the incorrect answer.

Two unrelated questions:

# One of the junkies in Renesco's shop in New Reno said "I know Fallout 2 isn't a 3D game, but it should support my GeForce card". Was this already in the game before killap released his patch?

# When I have the quest to murder Carlson in NCR, I can talk to Merk who says that he's the new head of security for Carlson since Westin's death. What's more, he says he can get me into the estate as a guard. After this, when I go and talk to the guard outside the presidential estate, he just lets me in. What I want to know, is was this doable before killap's patch?
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