Ah, thank you for testing that. I did in fact get your e-mail but I was unable to respond (error receiving it on your end) I was not able to get much out of the file you sent other than the fact it crashes entering Vault 13Snowden said:Killap, I tested to see if eliminating Schreber saves the deathclaws.
4 May: Fixed Vault-13 computer.
9 May: Killed Dr. Schreber.
7 Jan: Returned to Vault-13. No Enclave slaughter.
It looks like it works. I did notice a few issues with special random encounters while wandering around.

Can you recall the general region you were on the map?Snowden said:1. King Arthur's Knights and the Guardian are sometimes announced as "Error" in the World Map dialog.
Hmm. I have seen something similar to this happening. I would enter a random encounter and after leaving it would be marked "Unknown" Entering it again and then leaving would then put the correct name to it. I take it this is not the case with you?Snowden said:2. Some special encounters that are marked on the map (Toxic waste dump, Knights) are permanently labeled "Unknown".
I shall look into this and report back.Snowden said:One more thing: I haven't seen this mentioned here. On the second floor of the Vault City vault are several doors that can only be opened by brute force. With 8 ST I could bust a door with no problems. With 7 ST, using a crowbar is supposed to help. I tried it and the message box said that I pried it open successfully, but it didn't open. Something like "This door is broken and cannot be closed" appeared over my character's head every time I tried to open it, and trying again with 8 ST didn't help.