No, it works as well in Fallout 2. When you are at the barter screen to add money (or any item for that matter) just type a number on the keyboard and the amount will change.Filinn said:if Fallout 2?? How?
As far as I remember type-in feature was only available in Tactics.
Update of what? I just released a patch on the 10th (3 days ago!)Filinn said:That is awesome! Thanks. Say, when's the next update coming out?
heh, no problem.Filinn said:must've read the old announcements about it being on FridaySorry, my bad.
Well, if you have never used my patch before, then a full restart is required. Is this the case?Filinn said:Um, what size should the installation be for the patch to work? I used the smalles one, and 85 MB one too - in both cases game crashed when loading savegames from 1.02
Yup. You mean a system restart? And any size of installation will do?killap said:Well, if you have never used my patch before, then a full restart is required. Is this the case?
Actually not a system restart, but starting a new game. If you have never used my patch before, then you must start over as older saves won't work. As for the installation size, I am not sure what you mean by that. Depending on whether you use version 'A' or 'B' of my patch will yield a different size. This won't effect the game in any way, however.Filinn said:Yup. You mean a system restart? And any size of installation will do?killap said:Well, if you have never used my patch before, then a full restart is required. Is this the case?
What do you mean that you can't get the item from the aunt? You have to talk with the guy at the bridge (perception check I think) to learn about the flint he used for his spear.feelingxbroken said:I am having a problem with Killap's patch. In Arroyo it seems I already have the training that gives you strong punch/kick before I start the Temple of Trials and I can't get the items from the aunt.
Does it have anything to do with whether I use the A or B pack?
feelingxbroken said:I comepletely forgot about having to see the guy at the bridge first. Sorry. The other part is concerning the two guys that give you free training after the Temple of Trials in Arroyo. One trains you in unarmed and afterwards your punches and kicks become strong punches and kicks. My punches and kicks were strong as soon as I had started the game, in other words with no training. Then when I talked to the guy who is supposed to train you in unarmed after the temple, he said I knew all that he could teach me.
No problem, if you run into any issues (bugs, etc), please let me know.feelingxbroken said:Thanks. Sorry about the confusion.
RyanFialcowitz said:As I've been playing through Klamath and Arroyo the pip boy is showing quests from Redding in the quest list even though I have never been there. The quests from Redding are also crossed out. I see there is a new version of the patch, but this issue isn't listed as fixed. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem?
-Ryan P. Fialcowitz