First time out of the vault

Re: Other Bugs/Issues

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I more or less copied this from Per's walkthrough. Might be another 'feature' .killap said:Sounds like a bug, will investigateUltimateHW said:• The Sherrif should recognize that you're a ranger even after you've completed his quests.
The lockpick skill works OK. On second thought, I guess it makes sense for lockpicks not to work on a vault door (seeing, as it does not have a keyhole).killap said:Will investigate. What happens when you attempt lockpick?UltimateHW said:• [Double-check this] Can't use lockpicks on steel (i.e., bank vault) door in casino.
It's always bothered me that a single-shot pistol with a wooden handle uses the sprite for an SMG with a steel handle and an ejectable clip. In Fallout this was a rare gun and might have been overlooked by accident. Just because the Fallout II developers didn't 'fix' it doesn't mean it's not a bug (i.e., a bug dating back to the previous game).killap said:Sorry, bug fixes only.UltimateHW said:• .223 Pistol should use the pistol animation instead of the SMG animation.
Another 'feature' that would help make the game make more sense. Might actually be a bug since the Enclave reactor is all messed up (i.e., walled off and inaccessible).killap said:Not a bug.UltimateHW said:• I suggest switching the Yellow Pass Key found at the crashed vertibird site with the Blue Pass Key found in Gecko (or, just switch their functions but leave the colors the same).
I didn't actually try this. I just copied it from Per's walkthrough.killap said:Does this work if Skynet has other brains?UltimateHW said:• Extracting a brain from Skybot should return its cybernetic brain (if it has one).
There are some robots on level 2 that are permanently 'disabled'. Most of them, however, exhibit the default behavior -- i.e., they don't initiate combat when disabled, but do return fire when attacked. I just thought it made more sense that they should not return fire under any circumstances when disabled. Another 'feature', I guesskillap said:Will investigate. You say this work on level 2 only?UltimateHW said:• Disabled (using the Repair skill) robots should not return fire when attacked (like the robots in storage on Level 2).

It just always felt like kind of a let-down not getting XP for doing this, seeing as the player was being clever and all. In Wasteland you got XP for using the Howitzer. Another 'feature'killap said:Not a bug.UltimateHW said:• Should get XP for using he Howitzer to open the door (assuming that's not the only way..).

I didn't actually test this. I just compared Per's walkthrough to your release notes, and didn't see the bug listed as being 'fixed'.killap said:I thought this was fixed, but maybe not. Will investigate.UltimateHW said:• [According to Per's walkthrough...] Robots on Level 4 need to be released from their enclosure when Skynet gets angry.
I can't remember how I did this. I assume that one can continue doing this indefinately, as I intentionally quit.killap said:Anything you did in particular to do this? Did you just stop or can this be done infinetly?UltimateHW said:• Was able to go through Vikki's & Juan's Hubologist initiation sequence twice, receiving two identical holodisks.
I was inactive the first two rounds of the fight, waiting for my opponent to attack. Maybe that's why.killap said:Hmm, I tried very hard to fix every bug with the kungfu matches in San Fran. Anything you did in particular to cause you being stuck and are you sure you are running my latest patch?UltimateHW said:I became stuck in the boxing ring after killing the first opponent when doing the kung-fu test for the "School of Others".
Yes. Also, after having already received the 'good' ending for the deathclaws.killap said:Even after killing Dr. Schreber?UltimateHW said:• Returning here after completing the game triggers the extermination sequence.
Well, the description is kind of misleading.killap said:I changed nothing with the description, it should only give you a bonus when worn.UltimateHW said:• Description of Mirrored Shades states that it provides a stat boost simply by including it in the inventory, when this is actually not the case.
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