Alright, here is the scoop.
I need a break from all the Fallout modding I have done and in addition, a new semester of school is coming up meaning much less time to work on this project. Today, I release my true final version of all the work I have completed. I have corrected about 10 or so more bugs in Fallout 2 and have added them to the ones I have already done.
My work is not finished by a long shot though. I do indeed plan to release a total of 2 packages in the end. The packages will be as follows:
1. Solely game play fixes
2. Gameplay Addon (includes above mentioned fixes as well as adds ALL missing data, scripts, items, locations, etc)
Package 2 is already in the works and I have a few scripts that were barely started by the original devs almost fully working.
Anyway, here is my "final" gameplay fix release. The following list is what has been corrected since my release on August 9. A full list of fixes can be found in the link below.
Corrections since release on 8/09/05
- Going down the well in Redding (not main map well) now takes you to the correct area.
- Guard brahmin quest never gets crossed off if you decide to rustle the brahmin instead. - this has been corrected
- You can no longer walk on a pot in one of the Enclave maps.
- ALL crashes (infinite fadeouts) have been fixed for the Grisham family. (if you lock the door to the room though, there are issues of Grisham's script crapping out. - not sure how to have a character unlock a door)
- You can no longer return to the Enclave after you beat the game and blow it up.
- If you are a stupid character and talk with President Richardson he would call the guards on you, but no one would come. This has been corrected as well as a few other instances when guards should have come, but never did.
- More cosmetic fixes to the Pipboy and how it handles some quests (Westin/Bishop assassination quest, and rustle/guard brahmin in Klamath quest)
- Before you could only do one cattle run offered by Duppo in NCR (though he would say come back in a few months for another, nothing would ever come of this.) This has been corrected and every 6 months he offers another run.
- Fixed a glitch where when if you have one of the Grisham kids in your party, save on the Modoc main street map, and then reload the game, they would appear back in their house rather than beside you (thereby causing them to run back to wherever you may be on the map)
Below is a list of bugs that are still present in the game that I am currently unable to fix. If anyone can lend a helping hand, it would be most appreciated.
Bugs still present in Fallout 2
- Too many items bug - hardcoded
- Bugs in the Pathfinder and Sharpshooter perk - hardcoded (if anyone can pinpoint me to where these specific perks are in the .exe I could then probably fix them)
- Some issues with addictions - all addictions are hardcoded
- Main computer in the Vault City vault is supposed to give you electrical damage bonus if you are a stupid character (it seems that it is actually impossible for a script to raise these types of damages. Though there is code in a header file to raise you damage resistance after the New Reno boxing, removing this code still causes you to increase in damage resistance leading me to believe that raising any type of damage resistance is hardcoded.)
- No matter where you enter the Vault 15 map (world map, elevator entrance, underground), you always end up at the southern end of the first map. (no idea what the heck is going on here. Works as it should in the official mapper but not in game. Any ideas?)
- If you go upstairs with any of the Bishop women and then come back down, your party is there. If you go upstairs with the women, SAVE, reload, and THEN go back downstairs, your party is gone. It seems that the info dealing with "all_party_hidden" is not saved in a save game. - (Again, this is probably hardcoded material.)
And now for the links.....
Full list of corrections:
Version A: (Includes previous 1.02 fixes-US version only!!)
Version B: (Does NOT include 1.02 fixes-for use with non US versions as well as other patches out there, like Seraph's patch)
Source Files:
That's it from me for awhile. I promise I shall return as Fallout is too addictive to just leave behind and I also do not give up on the work that I start.
Take care,