Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

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Skynet said:
Also, just curious, but have you checked out which script versions are the B-Team mod and infinite NPC mods based on (1.00, 1.02)? So, that they don´t null any of 1.02 or your changes.

I actually inserted their code into my patched (1.02+my work) files, so no worry there.
I'm going to have to concur with Per on the unnecessary additions, with the exception of the "Car outta power" fix, the "all_party_hidden" fix, and the SAD map addition, which makes sense to me... then again, I haven't played that part of the game in a while.

killap said:
I actually have decided to release a package independent of Seraph. I did send him my fixes, but I still plan on making an independent release. I mean, why the hell not it is my work anyway, plus some of the things he changed I don't really care for.

Judging from this post, is it safe to assume that the "enhancements" Per mentioned, as well as other serious game-mechanic changing and/or partially scrapped material will not be included in the basic patch?
Evil-Rage said:
I'm going to have to concur with Per on the unnecessary additions, with the exception of the "Car outta power" fix, the "all_party_hidden" fix, and the SAD map addition, which makes sense to me... then again, I haven't played that part of the game in a while.

Sadly the "all_party_hidden" issue cannot be resolved. (at least by me anyway.) Seems to be an engine issue?

Evil-Rage said:
Judging from this post, is it safe to assume that the "enhancements" Per mentioned, as well as other serious game-mechanic changing and/or partially scrapped material will not be included in the basic patch?

I am still working out how to sort out all these additions into packages, but yes the items mentioned by Per will not be included in the basic patch. (except perhaps the Gamma gulp and Roetgen Rum "fix" where they radiate you if drunk. I mean, the description does say that those drinks glow in the dark. :D )
killap said:
I am still working out how to sort out all these additions into packages, but yes the items mentioned by Per will not be included in the basic patch. (except perhaps the Gamma gulp and Roetgen Rum "fix" where they radiate you if drunk. I mean, the description does say that those drinks glow in the dark. :D )

If it were me, I'd leave that out as well; while the change won't affect most players (I've never drank either of those two drinks), it is a gameplay change and not a bug fix. If you do end up building the patch in tiers, then layer 1 should be bug/exploit fixes only, IMHO.
Found three files that are finished but not used in the Arroyo map

aichest - chest in Hakunin's tent (Seraph did add this in his patch, but he added it to the wrong chest)
aivase - vase in Aunt Morlis's tent
ailkbox - chest in Elder's tent

Each one is supposed to lower your karma by 3 points if you take the goods from the container.

What is everyone's opnion on the inclusion of these scripts? Addon pack or bug fix pack? (I am thinking addon, but to me finished work that is not included in the game is as original as you will get)
personally i think the only things that should be in the basic download should be bug fixes and error corrections (spelling, scripts, whatever). I would also include things like corrected armor display on your party members etc.

then perhaps the "unlocked features" addon which would unlock everything that is there but was never added.

the "enchanced gameplay" addon that changes certain aspects of the game itself. From adding/changing quest parameters (outside of your standard bug fix) to adding/altering item stats.

i think anything outside of that and you are outside the boundaries of a "patch" and should probably release it as a seperate download.
Alright, here is the scoop.

I need a break from all the Fallout modding I have done and in addition, a new semester of school is coming up meaning much less time to work on this project. Today, I release my true final version of all the work I have completed. I have corrected about 10 or so more bugs in Fallout 2 and have added them to the ones I have already done.

My work is not finished by a long shot though. I do indeed plan to release a total of 2 packages in the end. The packages will be as follows:

1. Solely game play fixes
2. Gameplay Addon (includes above mentioned fixes as well as adds ALL missing data, scripts, items, locations, etc)

Package 2 is already in the works and I have a few scripts that were barely started by the original devs almost fully working.

Anyway, here is my "final" gameplay fix release. The following list is what has been corrected since my release on August 9. A full list of fixes can be found in the link below.

Corrections since release on 8/09/05   
- Going down the well in Redding (not main map well) now takes you to the correct area.   
- Guard brahmin quest never gets crossed off if you decide to rustle the brahmin instead. - this has been corrected   
- You can no longer walk on a pot in one of the Enclave maps.   
- ALL crashes (infinite fadeouts) have been fixed for the Grisham family. (if you lock the door to the room though, there are issues of Grisham's script crapping out. - not sure how to have a character unlock a door)   
- You can no longer return to the Enclave after you beat the game and blow it up.    
- If you are a stupid character and talk with President Richardson he would call the guards on you, but no one would come.  This has been corrected as well as a few other instances when guards should have come, but never did.   
- More cosmetic fixes to the Pipboy and how it handles some quests (Westin/Bishop assassination quest, and rustle/guard brahmin in Klamath quest)   
- Before you could only do one cattle run offered by Duppo in NCR (though he would say come back in a few months for another, nothing would ever come of this.) This has been corrected and every 6 months he offers another run.   
- Fixed a glitch where when if you have one of the Grisham kids in your party, save on the Modoc main street map, and then reload the game, they would appear back in their house rather than beside you (thereby causing them to run back to wherever you may be on the map)

Below is a list of bugs that are still present in the game that I am currently unable to fix. If anyone can lend a helping hand, it would be most appreciated.

Bugs still present in Fallout 2   
- Too many items bug - hardcoded   
- Bugs in the Pathfinder and Sharpshooter perk - hardcoded (if anyone can pinpoint me to where these specific perks are in the .exe I could then probably fix them)   
- Some issues with addictions - all addictions are hardcoded   
- Main computer in the Vault City vault is supposed to give you electrical damage bonus if you are a stupid character  (it seems that it is actually impossible for a script to raise these types of damages. Though there is code in a header file to raise you damage resistance after the New Reno boxing, removing this code still causes you to increase in damage resistance leading me to believe that raising any type of damage resistance is hardcoded.)   
- No matter where you enter the Vault 15 map (world map, elevator entrance, underground), you always end up at the southern end of the first map. (no idea what the heck is going on here.  Works as it should in the official mapper but not in game.  Any ideas?)   
- If you go upstairs with any of the Bishop women and then come back down, your party is there. If you go upstairs with the women, SAVE, reload, and THEN go back downstairs, your party is gone. It seems that the info dealing with "all_party_hidden" is not saved in a save game. - (Again, this is probably hardcoded material.)

And now for the links.....

Full list of corrections:

Version A: (Includes previous 1.02 fixes-US version only!!)

Version B: (Does NOT include 1.02 fixes-for use with non US versions as well as other patches out there, like Seraph's patch)

Source Files:

That's it from me for awhile. I promise I shall return as Fallout is too addictive to just leave behind and I also do not give up on the work that I start.

Take care,
Thank you again killap. All these fixes and stuff are GREATLY appreciated! I can finally play a less buggier Fallout 2 game. :ok:
It seems that the info dealing with "all_party_hidden" is not saved in a save game. - (Again, this is probably hardcoded material.)

Hmm... "all_party_hidden" it just macros. All parameters saves in bits of the GVAR_PARTY_MEMBERS_HIDDEN. All gvars always saves in "savegame".

I think, that in script miss/missis bishop used local_var or variable, which control party member hidden state. If load game then local_vars and variables sets to zero and miss/missis bishop "forget" unhide party members. Need replace variable or local_var to global_var or map_var and it MUST works.
I see to script source later and then say more.
Evil-Rage said:
I'm going to have to concur with Per on the unnecessary additions, with the exception of the "Car outta power" fix, the "all_party_hidden" fix, and the SAD map addition

I'm not opposed to the first two, it was just that I've tried to figure out what causes the hidden party bug and failed. The third I think should be split in two fixes: one that only allows you to examine the grave properly, a second that tinkers with the conditions for finding the map.

killap said:
- Going down the well in Redding (not main map well) now takes you to the correct area.

I don't remember this one either. Both entrances from the camp map take you to the pigrat area, don't they? Do you end up by the same ladder?

killap said:
- Before you could only do one cattle run offered by Duppo in NCR (though he would say come back in a few months for another, nothing would ever come of this.) This has been corrected and every 6 months he offers another run.

Whoa, I think the conservative fix here would be for him to say there isn't another run. After all, it is a quest. Does it get labelled as unfinished once it becomes available again?

killap said:
aichest - chest in Hakunin's temp (Seraph did add this in his patch, but he added it to the wrong chest)
aivase - vase in Aunt Morlis's tent
ailkbox - chest in Elder's tent

By this time you can probably guess I'll say add-on; however, it could be considered a map bug that the aichest script appears on slave run maps. You could remove those.

In any case, swell work.
Per said:
I don't remember this one either. Both entrances from the camp map take you to the pigrat area, don't they? Do you end up by the same ladder?

Yes, but the one in the well would take you to the ladder as if you came down the one from the grave. Going down the well should take you to the ladder below the topmost one. (where you would appear from the grave.)

Per said:
Whoa, I think the conservative fix here would be for him to say there isn't another run. After all, it is a quest. Does it get labelled as unfinished once it becomes available again?

Oh, wait I completely forgot that was a quest. I was thinking it was just a way to make some cash like the other caravan runs. I suppose I should change this back to its original state and make the change you stated?
killap said:
Per said:
Whoa, I think the conservative fix here would be for him to say there isn't another run. After all, it is a quest. Does it get labelled as unfinished once it becomes available again?

Oh, wait I completely forgot that was a quest. I was thinking it was just a way to make some cash like the other caravan runs. I suppose I should change this back to its original state and make the change you stated?

Or just remove it from the quest log. make it just like the other caravan job. but its you patch so it up to you. I always loved doing that run. The only part I hated was the part I only could do it once.
killap said:
demonslayer said:
P.S.: when i'm on the world map my player travels faster than the car on should i solve this?

Double post, but whatever..

I found a good "fix" for this on the forum here and will probably implement it in the next release. It should only be used with fast computers, however, as on slower machines the world map will become even slower. (The "fix" is a hack to the .exe which make the computer count a really large number before moving on.)

Do you mean the Fallout exe patcher by jdoe407? (it has a slider that lets you to choose the proper speed for yourself easily.)

Oh, and I still haven´t had a time to test out the SAD repair bot thingy in actual game yet (it works in official mapper though). Maybe during the weekend...
Skynet said:
Do you mean the Fallout exe patcher by jdoe407? (it has a slider that lets you to choose the proper speed for yourself easily.)

Oh, I think I know what you mean. The patcher that also includes a resolution changer? If so, I was never actually sure what the number represented by the slider. It starts out with 20000 and can go up to 20000000. Is this the value of the number it counts up to as you move across the world map?
killap said:
I am still working out how to sort out all these additions into packages, but yes the items mentioned by Per will not be included in the basic patch. (except perhaps the Gamma gulp and Roetgen Rum "fix" where they radiate you if drunk. I mean, the description does say that those drinks glow in the dark. :D )

Humm...Can't u make a release with all in patch instead of packages? :roll:


Didn't read till the end of the thread :oops:
Good job killap :)
Btw if i want all the changes u made, i have to install both A and B files right?

One thing that keeps messing my mind...will the world map speed be solved?

ty and once again gj! Get your study now xD
demonslayer said:
killap said:
I am still working out how to sort out all these additions into packages, but yes the items mentioned by Per will not be included in the basic patch. (except perhaps the Gamma gulp and Roetgen Rum "fix" where they radiate you if drunk. I mean, the description does say that those drinks glow in the dark. :D )

Humm...Can't u make a release with all in patch instead of packages? :roll:


Didn't read till the end of the thread :oops:
Good job killap :)
Btw if i want all the changes u made, i have to install both A and B files right?
As i understood there were 2 packages 1 for the fixes and 1 for the i assume A = bug fixes, b = add-ons?

One thing that keeps messing my mind...will the world map speed be solved?

ty and once again gj! Get your study now xD
No, you don't need both packages. If you just want to use my package, you just need package A (which includes 1.02 patch fixes.) If you want to use fixes and additions that are included in Seraph's patch, then install Seraph's unpacked version of his patch (not running the bath file) and then installing my pack (version B) on top of his.

The world map issue will be resolved at a later point.

Just noticed your question about the difference between 'A' and 'B' I answered you general question about it, but these letters do not signify fixes or addons. They represent whether you want 1.02 fixes with it or just my fixes - that is the only difference. An addon pack is in the works.
Yo killap, i've installed F2 again and only used your A package. Used the Fallout2.exe patcher to decrease the speed of world map.

I found a sad thing when i reached klamath. I've acceptec the mission to go to toxic caves, but when i try to leave klamath a error occurs and the game crashes (i think i had this error before but in the den with other patch :S)

How to solve this? :S


Forget it for now, i've tryied again and didn't crash.. maybe was something else :x..

So far so good!


The patch of the party members apear with the armor they are wearing doesn't work, at least with sulik it isn't.


Before without the patches i could get the car when i arrived to the den. Now i have to go to Gecko get the Fuel Cell Controller?
demonslayer said:
ring doesn't work, at least with sulik it isn't.


Before without the patches i could get the car when i arrived to the den. Now i have to go to Gecko get the Fuel Cell Controller?

correct this was corrected by the patch. The fuel cell controller enables the car to drive again. The regulator you get in klamath is just an update for the car.
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