Still Mildly Glowing

I just checked out Seraph's site, he credits Killap for bug fixes, is his latest the one to use, or are they all pretty much the same?
demonslayer said:Version A: (Includes previous 1.02 fixes-US version only!!)
install fallout 2 and just this file, that's enough![]()
killap said:It is not under the downloads section at NMA but under the unofficial patch thread.
Golan2072 said:Is it possible to somehow merge the 1.5 unofficial patch with other mods, such as the Vertibird mod, the Truck mod, the Abbey mod, Bunker 21 (how good is it anyhow?) or TeamX's (IIRC) Mr. Fixit mod? FAME doesn't work well for this, so probably the answer will be more difficult.
I tried to look through the FAQ but found nothing about merging mods. There is some program called "Mod Runner" but the link I've found for it leads to some Polish site (I can read English, Hebrew and very little Russian, but not Polish); can it help anyhow?
Golan2072 said:So will it be possible for me to merge Mr. Fixit and the Patch by myself? How difficult is it?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:*edit* Im heading back over friend's house to take care of it, and his horrible dogs while I play f2 on his comp. Im working on a gigantic bug list (stuff the bear dude missed) while im there.
Lacos said:Tho I noticed a (very) unpleasent change aswell. It's been some time since I last played FO2, but hey, I don't remember having around so deadly 10mm smgs.
As you can see, you can also fix the cafe of broken dreams repopping bug in there.How to find and use the Holy Hand Grenade part 2
The second hand grenade encounter was indeed supposed to be in the game, and only disabled by a bug in the encounter script. Unlike the vast majority of bugs this one is relatively easily fixed, however, since the script in question exists in a decompiled state and can be made to recompile automatically when you run the game. One such fix was released by TeamX which also increased the relative probability of finding the encounter slightly. Here's how you can implement the most basic version of the bugfix yourself:
1. Use Fallout 2 DAT explorer or a similar program to extract the file Worldmap.txt from Master.dat on the cd (it's in the data folder).
2. Put this file in Fallout2\data\data on your hard drive. Telling DAT explorer to unpack the file into Fallout2\data will accomplish this.
3. Open the file with a text editor and exchange all instances of the string "(372)" with "(614)" (the parentheses are important).
4. Optionally replace "Encounter, Enc" with "Encounter,Enc" and "(616)" with "(617)" if you want to fix the Cafe of Broken Dreams repopping bug at the same time.
5. Start the game and play as usual, starting a new game or loading an old one.
And here's how it would have looked in the Encounters section:
King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat (10): (Vorpal Rat Cave) This is a mountain encounter. To get it you must first have encountered King Arthur (but not necessarily talked to him), hence the level requirement. What happens is that as a soon as you enter the map, the knights and rat enter combat mode and have at each other. If you do nothing, the rat will sometimes kill the knights, though they often manage to get in an instant kill critical first. If the rat lives, it'll wander its lair peacefully as long as you don't attack it. Going into the cave you'll find the Holy Hand Grenade. This weapon will automatically kill the rat if you manage to hit it (which is worth 7,500 xp, so I can't think of a much better use for it). Any surviving knights will remain on the map afterwards and none of them has anything to say to you.
a green starEven if you killed some or all of the knights in the first encounter, they'll all be here and not be hostile towards you. I'd kill them again - they each carry 200 or 300 MFC on this map.
a green star If you have any NPCs one of them will become "trapped" in the car as you arrive on the map. They'll be freed if you go into the cave.
a red star Another Rock for hoarding! Wahoo. Or in the immortal words of Rock-in-a-sock: "Geez, what are you, some kind of non-rock collector?"