Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

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Dude101, why you announce my Sister of Sulik mod without my sanction? If it was necessary for me, I would make it.

Sister of Sulik mod it's just little part of Alternative Life mod. Demo version.

1.03y - it's Seraph patch/mod translated to russian and with some new bugfixes, integrated miria mod, misterious stranger mod and vertibird mod.
Sorry man, didn't realise it was yours; just found a link I have deleted it.

I am new to the politics of Fallout modding.

Avega: What "new bugfixes" does that patch include? anything Kilap should know about, also do you know what the npc no armour mod does exactley
Alright, quick update.

I think I got all the issues sorted out with the fighting in San Francisco.

- Opponents should now be removed after each fight.
- If you knock out an opponent, you no longer become trapped in the ring.
- Killing an opponent will no longer sometimes cause you to become trapped in the ring.
- Pretty much, you should never be trapped inside the ring again.
- Entering San Fran, initializing the scripted fight between Lopan and Dragon, and then quickly leaving the map before it is over, will no longer cause Lopan to become trapped within the ring thereby causing "crazy" issues down the road.

A link is below to the two updated files. Please test them and make sure these issues are no longer present as well as report any other issues that may remain.


EDIT: I need confirmation people; how do things run with this fix??
Killap said:
Also grab the San Fran fixes a few posts up. I need that tested out to see if there is anything else left.

Will do, I have to reinstall Fallout 2.... And I'll grab the San fran fix.

Oh do you have a resent fix list... Like what you fixed?
Ok, I have another file I need you all to test.

I believe I have finally fixed the issue where parter members would disappear forever after you sleep with either of the bishop women in New Reno. The problem would only occur if you would save your game upstairs and then reload that save. Once you would do this, your NPCs would be lost forever. This should not be the case anymore with this fix. I need for you all to test this new script and check that NPCs always reappear after sleeping with either bishop woman. Test going up with them and then going back down. Then test the same thing but this time save your game and then reload. I left debugging messages on, so don't freak out about that.

Just extract this file and place the script inside your Fallout2\data\scripts folder.


P.S. Still need feedback on the San Fran scripts. 8) :wink:
Hey, Killap, so far so good...

I have seen the quest for Getting Karl back appear. And it runs smooth. Right now I am in Gecko doing the quests, So I will keep my eye out for all the changes.
Sounds good.

Yeah if you find any oddities or see that some of my fixes are not working the way they should, let me know.

Be sure to grab the bishop script fix that I have up to prevent NPCs from disappearing when going upstairs with either bishop woman. Let me know if I have that sorted out as well as the fights in San Fran when you make it there.

Hi modders, i really admire all you guys work

however i have a question : could someone make a little patch that makes caps the currency in fallout 2? and of course this patch should be comp. with everything on the download page?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Caps the currency? Like not being able to have more then X amount of chips? Sounds arbitrary and pointless.


There is another way of connecting the words "caps" and "currency" with regard to Fallout.
Wouldn't this patch just consist of the "caps" proto from Fallout 1 replacing the "coins" proto from Fallout 2? Perhaps I am just not thinking this all the way through. Meh, I may look into this at some point. Should not be that hard anyway.

To Per: Still waiting for that oddity/bug list. :wink: :wink: 8) (hehe, no rush at all, but just reminding incase it slipped your mind :D )
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Caps the currency? Like not being able to have more then X amount of chips? Sounds arbitrary and pointless.

what I mean dude, is that you only change the pictures, from golden little coins to a bag full of caps.

A cap is a currency in F1 yes? I would like to se it in F2 as well, instead of the coins.

Get it?

and if anyone with the skill to would do it, I for one would appreciate it very much. And I think some more people would, especially those that like F1 more than F2?
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