Still Mildly Glowing

No Napoleon lost because the seventh coalition was almost all of Europe and he got fucked up. Without Caesar, and with no heir there's a giant power vacuum that can't be filled. I
you are aware that Waterloo wasn’t an easy blowout for the Coalition, right? That Napoleon almost won? And how does a power vacuum = loss, rather than regime change? Why wouldn’t there be a line of succession given Caesar’s intelligence? None of that makes any sense.No Napoleon lost because the seventh coalition was almost all of Europe and he got fucked up. Without Caesar, and with no heir there's a giant power vacuum that can't be filled. I
Maybe, but in the end who knows. I suppose a fractal infighting Legion would be a collapsing Legion, but at that point it’s just semantics (inb4 Morgan comes back and thinks she’s trapping me lol).I can't see someone assassinating Caesar and even with a BoS-NCR alliance they could hurt them but not enough to turn the tide I think.
There is no need for much speculation here.
Caesar's death can happen in both Legion and non-Legion playthroughs, and in neither does the game provide even a hint at a crisis within the Legion.
Because people dislike the Legion, they are eager to accept anything negative that in-game characters will say about it, even if it is not supported by actual in-game events. Confirmation bias, in short.
I'll stop derailing this lovely Legion-bashing thread now.
Well, F:NV is about Vegas and the Mojave. What happens beyond that is difficult to say. I personally don't think the Legion nor the NCR have the ability to achieve a decisive victory beyond the Mojave, at least in the short-term. And I think Lanius would be more susceptible to the reality of this situation than Caesar is.
(inb4 Morgan comes back and thinks she’s trapping me lol).
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet in the thread but the NCR makes use of a sharecropping system in order to feed its ever expanding population. If you have such a moral aversion to the slavery of the Legion then you need to hold the NCR in the same regard. Annexing formerly independent lands and forcing inhabitants to work land they once owned for a big cut of the yield isn't exactly ethical. The NCR is by its nature an expansionist empire, that holds the philosophy 'might makes right' as much as the legion does.In California they have all of that asides from the savage treatment of women and slavery. Benjamin Franklin said a people who choose security over liberty will get neither.
NCR makes use of a sharecropping system in order to feed its ever expanding population. If you have such a moral aversion to the slavery of the Legion then you need to hold the NCR in the same regard.