Aokigahara, the suicide forest in Japan.

Does it have to be horror? can't it just be a remote superstitious town that grinds their dead into a thin red paste to mix on the water so that they can continue the cycle of life by becoming part of the town's bodies in some way?
Yeah, but now it's just gory and not scary. The forest has more of a scare factor, maybe even suggesting something supernatural, like people being drawn there by some force that compels them to hang themselves.

I think the real life thing more close to what you're suggesting is this.
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Now there's no need to use those words against each other, is there?
When the same people endeavor to target myself or others repeatedly, SPECIFICALLY out of a grudge, I can tolerate that repetitious behavior for only so long before I can no longer restrain myself from writing a single, innocuous word.

Yes, all told, I think I've acted more than appropriately. After all, I'm not habitually hunting anyone down, unlike some.
If someone wants to end their life, that should be their business alone.

Indeed. Sadly, jumping in front of a train or resting your neck on the tracks seems to be one of the most failsafe ways to go, but it leaves the train opreator heavily traumatised and the traffic massively fucked up.
And as a german, I just cannot accept trains coming late.
One awesome way of going out I've heard about is finding a building with a ledge, putting some strong and thin wire around your neck, tying it to the ledge, and then gluing your hands to your head. Jump down, and if it works the wire will cut through your neck so it will look like you ripped off your own head.
Dunno where I heard that one, I think it was from Maddox...
Pretty sure the force of the shredding would rip your head out of your hands, glued or not. That's actually somewhat creative, in a really morbid sort of way. =/
Pretty sure the force of the shredding would rip your head out of your hands, glued or not. That's actually somewhat creative, in a really morbid sort of way. =/

I don't see why it would. Your arms are bent when glued to your head, and the wire acts only on the neck. It would only rip out of your hands if the head reaaaally bounces away after seperation.
Either way, you'll jump thinking that you'll look incredibly cool. It's not like you can observe your failure if it happens :D
Purely a matter of kinetic energy and the adhesive properties of what I'm assuming would be super glue and the naturally lubricating skin oils. All combined, I just figure the head would be "torn out" of the glued fingers. But maybe I'm just not picturing the scenario properly, but for a wire to cut through an entire neck, the action must be very forceful, so there's a lot of energy involved.
Purely a matter of kinetic energy and the adhesive properties of what I'm assuming would be super glue and the naturally lubricating skin oils. All combined, I just figure the head would be "torn out" of the glued fingers. But maybe I'm just not picturing the scenario properly, but for a wire to cut through an entire neck, the action must be very forceful, so there's a lot of energy involved.

Yes, but the arms, as they are bent more than 90°, have a lot of room to move. If the movement of the elbows is too violent one could also tie the elbows together in order to prevent that. Also, degreasing of the skin is of course mandatory ^^
I think the biggest problem would be the wire. It needs to be thin enough to slice through the neck but also strong enough not to rip from the initial impact. As fancy scifi monomol wire is not available yet, I'm not sure if there is a suitable material for this. Maybe some polyamid fibers could handle it... But I'm not gonna try it out :D
Yeah, it really just wouldn't work that way, for the reasons you described. For one thing (and let's not overlook that this discussion is seriously dark for no other reason than intellectual curiosity...) if your efforts are made to look like you tore your own head off, restraining your elbows would only highlight the fabrication of the process, thus underlining that its dramatic appearance is merely an apparition. For another, there's that whole issue with the wire. Thin wires that cut through flesh and bone do so because they're serrated like saws and move at high speeds to actively cut through the flesh, so the forces involved normally placed on the (highly secured for structural integrity) wire would need to be transferred to the body, and that's just not going to happen by simply shifting body weight, unless this was to be a long fall. But in the latter case, the body would be heavily damaged, destroying the intended illusion anyway.

It really just sounds like someone who's ruminated on their own life's worthlessness way too much conjured up this fantasy without understanding the improbabilities surrounding it, and thankfully never carried it out, otherwise we'd have some... uh... "colorful" news about such attempts.

Real man's way out.

[h=2]Presentation in humans[/h] Ten to twenty minutes after exposure, the body's muscles begin to spasm, starting with the head and neck in the form of trismus and risus sardonicus. The spasms then spread to every muscle in the body, with nearly continuous convulsions, and get worse at the slightest stimulus. The convulsions progress, increasing in intensity and frequency until the backbone arches continually. Convulsions lead to lactic acidosis, hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis. These are followed by postictal depression. Death comes from asphyxiation caused by paralysis of the neural pathways that control breathing, or by exhaustion from the convulsions. The subject dies within 2–3 hours after exposure.
One medical student in 1896 described the experience in a letter to the Lancet:
Three years ago I was reading for an examination, and feeling "run down". I took 10 minims of strychnia solution (B.P.) with the same quantity of dilute phosphoric acid well diluted twice a day. On the second day of taking it, towards the evening, I felt a tightness in the "facial muscles " and a peculiar metallic taste in the mouth. There was great uneasiness and restlessness, and I felt a desire to walk about and do something rather than sit still and read. I lay on the bed and the calf muscles began to stiffen and jerk. My toes drew up under my feet, and as I moved or turned my head flashes of light kept darting across my eyes.. I then knew something serious was developing, so I crawled off the bed and scrambled to a case in my room and got out (fortunately) the bromide of potassium and the chloral. I had no confidence or courage to weigh them, so I guessed the quantity-about 30 gr. bromide of potassium and 10 gr. chloral-put them in a tumbler with some water, and drank it off. My whole body was in a cold sweat, with anginous attacks in the precordial region, and a feeling of "going off." I did not call for medical aid, as I thought the symptoms declining. I felt better, but my lower limbs were as cold as ice, and the calf muscles kept tense and jerking. There was no opisthotonos, only a slight stiffness at the back of the neck. Half an hour later, as I could judge, I took the same quantity of bromide of potassium and chloral, and a little time after I lost consciousness and fell into a " profound sleep," awaking in the morning with no unpleasant symptoms, no headache, &c., but a desire " to be on the move " and a slight feeling of stiffness in the jaw. These worked off during the day.
dead like me
pushing daisies
six feet under
meet joe black
grosse pointe blank
on a pale horse - piers anthony

i have a kind of cavalier view of death really i guess.

meh, i say if they find an age appropriate hawt chick going into the forest to do her thing, they should instead ship her over to me :)
Not necessarily. I know it's really still pretty soon, but to use Robin Williams as an example, suicide can result from depression, which is entirely separate from self esteem. One can result in the other, sure, but not necessarily. But to add another foible to this conundrum, it's not even to say that the people in Japan struggle with depression. It's somehow culturally specific, in addition to the crap shoot of genetics and whether or not you suffer from a condition that raises your chances for suicide. That's why there's studies about what's causing these phenomenon, because even the people of Japan don't know why they're so inclined to exhibit certain behaviors more than people from the rest of the world.
Yes, I caught that. But my thought process is still to extrapolate a statement and respond to the idea of it.
Like the one on your avatar?

sure, she is cute :D

I guess if she is gonna kill herself she doesn't have that much self steem.

bah! screw you!

its not my fault i am attracted to short skinny girls! isnt that the de jour argument nowadays?

thats what gets most people, they think i have "azn fever" or "yellow fever" when they are missing it. 4 11 to 5 6, with no ass. and not big breasts, i think Ds are too big really but As are basically nothing which can be freaky to me. i thought that Patricia Heaton from everybody loves raymond was cute as hell in the first half of the show but then her butt blew up in the later seasons. hell, i watch "the middle" because it has both her and the janitor from scrubs in it. i like that show more than "modern family" to be honest.

but i stand by my earlier statements.

if they find a hawt chick going into the forest to do their thing, they should ship her over to me :D