Vault Senior Citizen

Actually, civilization is not entirely dependent on oil. Mad Max is certainly an influence on Fallout, but Fallout isn't Mad Max.
Wintermind said:Actually, civilization is not entirely dependent on oil. Mad Max is certainly an influence on Fallout, but Fallout isn't Mad Max.
orville1 said:Perhaps, Perhaps. Just maybe perhaps that.wait no, yes perhaps, wait yes,no,yes, yes .anyways...Everyone knows how fallout is an alternate universe which branched off in the 60s right. Well what if This universe also branches off at the beginning of fallout 1. It has rampage mutations, independent towns, trading hubs, organized raiders, and basically everything that made fallout 1 great.So a new fallout is made and branched off sometime before 2161. Or like people said end it and create a new post-apocalyptic game.
orville1 said:Fallout is an alternate universe of our universe. Well what if there was a new fallout series that branched off in a new universe just after the war.Thereby restoring all the old post-apocalyptic feel fallout 1 had. Or maybe just end it and create a new series that could fill the void fallout will leave.
orville1 said:The Reason why people survived the first time was because thousands of people are in vaults. But now there is very few (if any) that are still operational. So another nuclear war would kill off humanity
The Dutch Ghost said:I myself had this idea that 'uncontrolled' Caesar's Legion (one in which Caesar and Lanius were killed) wreaked havoc across Arizona and New Mexico as weaker leaders attempted to assume control.
Lots of the rebuilding that had been done since the Great War was destroyed by the Legion as they went around looting, plundering and murdering with only a few regional powers being able to resist them.
The Legion was weakened in the end but not before they dragged most of their former territory and adjoining regions back to the level it was just after the War.
Atomkilla said:That's a brilliant concept, Dutch Ghost.
I just had to say that.