The Dutch Ghost said:
Atomkilla said:
That's a brilliant concept, Dutch Ghost.
I just had to say that.
Thank you, it is appreciated.
Like many here I am also sick of armies popping up everywhere (or being recycled), I wanted to do something that did not involve an army or armies clashing as its getting tiresome.
There would be of course armed groups and militias the player could work with or fight against but I did not want a possible storyline to revolve around their plans to take over the wasteland.
I could not leave out the possible use of a super weapon but it would serve as a plot device rather than the focus of a story.
The idea of the Legion going on a conquering spree, then desintegrating quickly reminds me of a mix of the Roman Empire's constant military anarchy combined with the fall of the Mongol Empire into many Khanates (Golden Horde, Ill-Khanate, Chagatai Khanate, Yuan China, etc).
Using the Legion to "primitivise" the gameworld would be nice, and a NCR civil war ins't a bad idea.
A good idea for a Fallout antagonist would be not a army or a nation, but somekind of conspiracy that spans though many armies, nations and trading caravans, and involves many powerful men. Essentially, a sinister conspiracy who, for some reason, is out for your blood. And they're pretty much everywhere, and everyone might be one of them.* The player, knows they exist, so after they ruin his life and start hunting for him, he decides to strike back.
The other factions are there, too, but they're either pawns at some level, totally taken over or still uncontaminated. Some are totally oblivious, others are partially aware of the conspiracy, some want to use the Conspiracy to their own needs (being fools) and some factions actively combat the conspiracy. Those factions get infiltrated more and more as the game goes, and the infiltration is used to weaken their enemies, including YOU, the player. Quests may close, traps may appear, friendly people may not turn out to be so friendly, items may increase in price, your reputation may be sullied, etc.
The game would't simply be won by entering in a place and killing all the people there to win. The goal is to expose the conspiracy for what they're truly are by gathering proof of it and publicaly expose them to the entire wasteland, then purging the entire conspiracy from the power structures and stopping any of their attempts at using their remaining power to cut their losses and run or drag everyone else with them into doom.
If the player doesn't do what is necessary, the Conspiracy takes over and proceed to atack the PC with all their power. Imagine fifty NCR troopers busting your room at night and raining lead on your entire party. THAT would be the kind of thing the Conspiracy would pull, and if that doesn't do it, they would scale up things until you took them out or they took your out first. As you increase in level, power and allies, so would they scale up, so you would't be too surprised if they bombarded a small town you were in with nerve gas shells.
Of course, the conspiracy is very power hungry, and the player is but another pawn in their manipulations against each other. Depending on your choices, the Conspiracy may be totally wiped out, merely defeated yet not destroyed, simply cut their losses and relocate, get taken over by someone else or actually WIN thanks to the player's actions.
*The idea is to make the player paranoid. The kind of paranoid that snipes possibly non-agressive NCR troopers out of fear they're actually working for the Conspiracy and will fill him with lead the moment he drops his guard, and also be afraid of his own NPCs to the point he always LOCKS the door before going to bed. With triple-locks, and the door is made of steel.