A new advanced Pip-Boy, even though the war was 200 years ago, and no one at vault-tek was around to invent new things? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
This one is kinda okay. I liked how the Lil' Pip 3000 used Integrated Circuits in the Vacuum Tube-dominated world of Fallout and was not a sales sucess.
Brotherhood of Steel being a militant summer camp for wanna-be soldiers and cops? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
Yeah, I thought this was pretty bad, too. I like the brotherhood to be the Magnificent Bastards they are, not some goodye two-shoes.
The Enclave being utterly destroyed, and yet being able to build more verti-birds, and move their HQ to Washington D.C.? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
If this is just a branch of the Enclave who probrably hid in a near secret Enclave Vault, then it's okay. If this Enclave is the same Enclave that we destroyed in Fallout 2, this is pretty wrong. I liked the shift of plans, though, makes sense. From "Kill Everyone in The Mainland" to "Let's take the USA back", probrably manipulating the sods who join them. If they don't manipulate or screw over the mainlanders recruited by them, there's something wrong.
Jet showing up on the west coast a hundred years after Myron died in a bar fight in New Reno? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
This one is VERY BAD. Myron died bleeding in some bar in The Den, Jet was forgotten, and now no one remembers Myron's name. repeat: FORGOTTEN. It was SET. IN. STONE. BY. OFFICIAL. CANON. Fuck you, Bethesda. I'm fully with you on this one, man. The Fallout Tactic crew created Afterburner, why can't Bethesda make a new drug?
Radio DJ's, houses you can decorate, and robots that fly around playing marching band music? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
The Radios: I find it pretty strange. I can imagine the BOS and the Enclave building a radio. NCR probrably had radio, heck, it would be easy for NCR to build a radio tower in the capital and then transmit everywhere. Heck, even Reno could do it. But Washington DC looks more messed up than the West Coast. Mutants fighting BOS, Talon Company and Human Towns in the streets, and Enclave Vertibirds flying around with turrets in the streets. This is in no way a peaceful place. There's Rivet City, which is probrably a Hub-like City, but I doubt a city like that could have radios.
Houses: It's a pretty small area, TOO SMALL. If the Vault Dweller 101 is only going to walk around Washington DC, outskirts and surrounding area, then hell, why not? In the first Fallouts, it was a big area, so it was impossible. Also, you already had a place to go back home after your mission.
Robots: I like the idea of robots going around making Patriotic Propaganda. It's pretty fitting. But I hope they're done well.
Super Mutants from the west coast showing up in D.C. a hundred years after their military base was wiped out, preventing new super mutants from being created? No problem, Bethesda says it's canon, so now it is.
I kinda disagree here. Many Super Mutants fleed from the West Coast more than a hundred years ago. If a grpu was capable of keeping itself organized and kept going constantly, I could see them reaching DC around twenty years before Fallout 2 at max. Super Mutants have exceptional endurance, strength and radiation resistance, so I think they can walk the way.