Backroom I.T. reviews Fallout 3

UncannyGarlic said:
Stoveburner said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Also I'd say that most any review of a decent length is more news worthy that the PR crap Bethesda lets out since most of that is the same crap over and over.
I might agree with you given a good example. This one is not it.

And this is coming from someone who is much more positive about the game than the average NMAer.
I agree that it's a crappy "review", I'm just saying that it being a blog review and/or being written by a pirate has nothing to do with anything. It falls on it's face on it's own merits but to be fair, so have a lot of official articles (like the one talking about how much Fallout ripped off Bioshock :facepalm: ).

I think articles like that are much more newsworthy, if only to show what the media is printing. You know, people that actually have a little pull. A random blog that no one would have read without this site doesn't deserve ripping apart. But then again, many get their jollies doing just that.
Stoveburner said:
I think articles like that are much more newsworthy, if only to show what the media is printing. You know, people that actually have a little pull. A random blog that no one would have read without this site doesn't deserve ripping apart. But then again, many get their jollies doing just that.
If this were a preview then I'd agree with you but since there aren't many reviews yet, it's a fair article to post even if it is severely flawed (like all of the reviews so far though this one is on the worse end of things).
UncannyGarlic said:
Stoveburner said:
I think articles like that are much more newsworthy, if only to show what the media is printing. You know, people that actually have a little pull. A random blog that no one would have read without this site doesn't deserve ripping apart. But then again, many get their jollies doing just that.
If this were a preview then I'd agree with you but since there aren't many reviews yet, it's a fair article to post even if it is severely flawed (like all of the reviews so far though this one is on the worse end of things).

And what basis are all the others flawed? The fact they liked the game? That's not a flaw. That's an opinion. It's also an official review.

If any 3 paragraphs (half copied from wiki about a different game entirely) on wordpress counts as a review and gets posted on the front page then.. well, I have no words.

BRB updating my blog.
Stoveburner said:
I think articles like that are much more newsworthy, if only to show what the media is printing. You know, people that actually have a little pull. A random blog that no one would have read without this site doesn't deserve ripping apart. But then again, many get their jollies doing just that.

The internet is fairly free in media, and unless you adhere to some kind of "majority opinion is always right", big sites like GameSpot aren't really inherently better than - say - this blog.

This article wasn't very good and I have no real reason to think of it as genuine, but "the site is small" isn't a reason for me not to post it.

That said yes - this was a borderline piece to post on. 5 times out of 10 I wouldn't have posted it, but now I did.
Stoveburner said:
And what basis are all the others flawed? The fact they liked the game? That's not a flaw. That's an opinion. It's also an official review.

If any 3 paragraphs (half copied from wiki about a different game entirely) on wordpress counts as a review and gets posted on the front page then.. well, I have no words.

BRB updating my blog.
How about stuff like this?
Or this (Heroine Sheik)?
Or any of the other articles full of inacuracies? No, they don't have to be positive to be flawed.
I think you guys are all missing the point.

He talked about perks being every few levels and traits being in the game. He obviously hasn't played Fallout 3.
Ixyroth said:
Stoveburner said:
90% of the scores of Spore are by people who followed Digg links about DRM that never actually played the game.

I mean, if we are going by metacritics user ratings then Fallout 3 at 8.8 must be good, right?

How do you know that? I actually have played Spore and I can say with absolute conviction that it is indeed a total piece of shit, regardless of the DRM (which can be removed with regdelnull and/or a restore point).

There aren't enough votes yet for FO3. Wait until there are several hundred more and you'll start to see it drop.

Totally agree on both points. Spore is one the most overhyped cash grabs I've ever played, it goes right up there with Oblivion.

Dionysus said:
There's a lot of weird psychology that contributes to those reviews. Look at the user reviews for Out of the Park Baseball. A lot of the reviews that are panning it come from people that never played it, but are upset because it shows up on the top 10 list. People on the internet are funny.
I don't find anything strange about that. Maybe it's popular across the US baseball fanatic demographic, but come on; as a gamer aren't you getting a sudden compulsion to give that thing a 0?

And yes, this reviewer is just mixing regurgitated previews with tidbits from the first 2 Fallouts. Maybe the blog's had a slow week but this guy is as full of shit as the next person.
dmakatra said:
I wouldn't think so. A lot of the people that are going to fall in love with FO3 are from a newer generation of gaming. They'd probably have a difficult time appreciating FO1/2. Just like Oblivion fans prefer Oblivions over Morrowind, because it was the first Elder Scrolls game they came in contact with.

Some people(me) prefer Oblivion over Morrowind because Oblivion is actually more like Arena and Daggerfall. Morrowind is it's own separate game in the series.

Lets not get all high and mighty because you, myself, and many others liked FO1/FO2, while saying that newer gamers wouldn't "understand" or "appreciate" the originals. The original Fallout games were not blockbusters, so they weren't really "appreciated" at the time they came out either. You look at when Fallout came out and I can easily think of 10 other games that were larger commercial successes and they were good games.

Point is, just because people like Oblivion doesn't mean they don't have taste, they just might have different tastes...or like me, they found Oblivion to be a moderately good game, but with Mods, an excellent game.
grapedog said:
dmakatra said:
I wouldn't think so. A lot of the people that are going to fall in love with FO3 are from a newer generation of gaming. They'd probably have a difficult time appreciating FO1/2. Just like Oblivion fans prefer Oblivions over Morrowind, because it was the first Elder Scrolls game they came in contact with.

Some people(me) prefer Oblivion over Morrowind because Oblivion is actually more like Arena and Daggerfall. Morrowind is it's own separate game in the series.

Lets not get all high and mighty because you, myself, and many others liked FO1/FO2, while saying that newer gamers wouldn't "understand" or "appreciate" the originals. The original Fallout games were not blockbusters, so they weren't really "appreciated" at the time they came out either. You look at when Fallout came out and I can easily think of 10 other games that were larger commercial successes and they were good games.

The fact that orginal Fallout games weren't blockbusters is a very good point. Why does Fallout 3 have to be one? Well because Bethsoft decided it wanted more money and that's about it. Games are suppose to be fun and sequels are suppose to carry over alot of the orginal material. Not everything has to make a ton of money in the first few months of it's release.... hell here we are talking about a sequel to games that came out a decade ago & are still selling. From everything I have see of Fallout 3 it's more like popcorn. Good for a short while, but nothing I want have every day.

grapedog said:
Point is, just because people like Oblivion doesn't mean they don't have taste, they just might have different tastes...or like me, they found Oblivion to be a moderately good game, but with Mods, an excellent game.

Different tastes are great. Which is a massive problem with today's games because companies are trying to merge all the different genres into one. Fallout 1&2 have a world that changes permanently with your actions; Oblivion for the most part doesn't. Why is it impossible to have a Fallout 3 that actually is Fallout 3?

As for Mods: They are great, but shouldn't be required to fix the game as is the trend nowdays.
Exactly right, there's absolutely no reason why Fallout 3 couldn't have been produced on a modest budget and sold to the few hundred thousand people guaranteed to buy it. Not everything has to be a blockbuster, and many publishers would do well to learn this.
Section8 said:
Exactly right, there's absolutely no reason why Fallout 3 couldn't have been produced on a modest budget and sold to the few hundred thousand people guaranteed to buy it. Not everything has to be a blockbuster, and many publishers would do well to learn this.

I doubt they ever will. It's blockbuster or nothing & blame all failures on piracy. Nevermind the flaws in the game & the features that 'had' to be there(increasing the costs).
Fade said:
Section8 said:
Exactly right, there's absolutely no reason why Fallout 3 couldn't have been produced on a modest budget and sold to the few hundred thousand people guaranteed to buy it. Not everything has to be a blockbuster, and many publishers would do well to learn this.

I doubt they ever will. It's blockbuster or nothing & blame all failures on piracy. Nevermind the flaws in the game & the features that 'had' to be there(increasing the costs).

Heh. Kind of funny that CliffyB has been running around and blaming the PC platform and piracy for poor performance of several titles and now we have Gears of War 2 leaking almost a month early, for a console no less. Oh Clifford.
Fade said:
I doubt they ever will. It's blockbuster or nothing & blame all failures on piracy. Nevermind the flaws in the game & the features that 'had' to be there(increasing the costs).

Companies like Stardock and Paradox have proved that you can make games for a niche market, and still make enough money to be a successful company.

Beth should take notes.

frosty_theaussie said:
Heh. Kind of funny that CliffyB has been running around and blaming the PC platform and piracy for poor performance of several titles and now we have Gears of War 2 leaking almost a month early, for a console no less. Oh Clifford.

Cliffy B is a jerk, and I'm glad to see that his diatribes against PC gaming have come to his little game ending up all over internet on his beloved Xbox.
rcorporon said:
Cliffy B is a jerk, and I'm glad to see that his diatribes against PC gaming have come to his little game ending up all over internet on his beloved Xbox.

To Quote Nelson; "Ha ha."