
What University did you go to?

Damn, that's a lot of loose sperm to plug up the plumbing.

And to be clear here- the argument I made is that the reason women prefer men who don't have beards and the reason why gay men like beards comes down to oral sex.

So let me qualify that a bit-

Being a gay man means, in large part, that you define yourself by your sexual desire, in other words, another guy's cock or his stinky ass.

Sure, there might be more to the gay lifestyle than man-sex, but that seems to be how gay men define it.

So, to respond to the point raised earlier, gayness is a identity largely based on gay-sex. Likewise, straight is defined by sexual orientation too.

Sorry guys, but sexually, you are defined by what you prefer to eat. Women prefer men without beards simply because its more enjoyable and less abrasive.

You might argue- life is about more than just sex. Ok. As Dammitboy said, he lives for sex.

But we can argue that there are people that have little or no sexual desire.

Ask yourself- do you really want to be one of those people?

Sorry, but I don't really see this as a stupid argument, but a rather simple and elegant one.
welsh said:
You might argue- life is about more than just sex. Ok. As Dammitboy said, he lives for sex.
I don't know. Something which many gay people hate is the stories about gay people which went in marriage with the opposite sex. But not because of some stigma or social pressure. Willingly. Because they "love" their partner. I read stories about it and I would not be surprised if it is true. The gays say they are "not" homosexuals and like to say "you cant choose!". But I beg to differ. I think it really depends on the situation. Or to say it that way. The exception proofs the rule.

No one will seriously argue that "sex" or to be more precise "arousal" are very strong emotions/instincts. But the question is what ever you allow those to completely control your thinking or have some other motivations. There is not even that much differences in gay and heterosexual people. If we leave out the typical "stereotype" on both sides of the spectrum
SkuLL said:
Ah, flawed again, welsh. :( Simple indeed, elegant not so much.

Simple and elegant should take a lot fewer words, just sayin'...

welsh said:
As Dammitboy said, he lives for sex.

Plus, simple and elegant shouldn't include a strawman - since that's not what I said.
DammitBoy, on the bottom of page 7 you're pretty clear about the importance of sex in your life.

Skull- all that aggression is probably because you aren't getting enough sex.

Crni - I suspect some people choose the gay life style because of something in their upbringing, but I think most are born gay. From what I see in friends who are gay, it a terrible lifestyle that most people probably wouldn't choose. Why choose to be a discriminated minority when you don't have too?

Interesting, a colleague is growing a very shaggy beard. His excuses (1) Lazy, (2) His fiance is far away (meaning he isn't getting any action).
First let me say thank you for distilling your penchant for overly wordy repartee down to a minimum, I think I can safely say that everyone appreciates your efforts.

welsh said:
DammitBoy, on the bottom of page 7 you're pretty clear about the importance of sex in your life.

Sex is important for every normal person, but it isn't overly consuming. I mean, in the length of time it takes to read one of your normal diatribes, I can rub out a quick one and go about my day unfettered.

You and I just masturbate differently, mr. wordy mcwordsmith. :mrgreen:
welsh said:
Crni - I suspect some people choose the gay life style because of something in their upbringing, but I think most are born gay. From what I see in friends who are gay, it a terrible lifestyle that most people probably wouldn't choose. Why choose to be a discriminated minority when you don't have too?
Hmm. How would I know ? Without talking to those people I cant say anything about their motivations but only speculate.

I can only say what I think based on my own experience and gay people I know. The issue really is that with so much research (not just about homosexuals as well with heterosexuals) there is still no clear knowledge what is the source of sexuality. There is the evolution and for heterosexuals to get children. Sure. But is the source genetics ? Or how people grow up ? Or even the environment ? I just want to say that sex is a very high motivation and very strong emotion that it still doesn't mean it is the single most important motivation.

I would assume that some people choose to be gay because that is what they feel most comfortable with. What REALY is the cause for it. I have no clue. I guess it would be easier to ask your self why you feel fine with the pussy ? If you do that is.

Hence why theories about "sex" as such strong motivation feel a bit to simple for me. But that is just me. I have the issue that I sometimes make things more complex then they might seem to be.
DammitBoy said:
If there wasn't a strong drive in our dna to have sex, the species would become extinct.

That's why.
you have a point. I heard about some kind of Lizard which contains only female members and they somehow get offspring by "phartogenesis" since they don't need a male anymore the daughter is more or less a copy of the mother. Though it seems that the "need" for mating is still present in those lizards so you would see them engage in trying to mate or arouse each other. To quote some website :

In spite of the absence of the males, the females still engage in mock mating. Hence, they get the name of lesbian lizards. Actually, this act has a specific purpose. In the absence of the males, the virgins have to be aroused to achieve ovulation. This is achieved with the help of another female. They lay about four eggs. It is believed that the males have been driven to extinction by the females who wanted to conserve their genes without any adulteration from the genes of the males.

But that still is not simply "proof" that the genes have to be only possible source. Or to be more specific we still haven't found the exact gene which is causing sexuality. I mean for something as simple like eye colour you can not even identify one single genome. Leave alone something as complex like sexuality or for example "intelligence". So there are still a lot of mysteries inside of it. Particularly to something as complex like Humans which developed a quite distinctive "mating ritual" among mammals.

To say that I don't disagree with you. There is just no real knowledge what actually is the source of "sexuality".

And If I am honest. I hope they will never find one. Because if for example they would identify one single gene which makes one hetero and the other homo one could get the "idea" homosexuals are just a mutation. Or something you might be able to "cure" one day ... a very frightening idea in my eyes.
Crni Vuk said:
But that still is not simply "proof" that the genes have to be only possible source. Or to be more specific we still haven't found the exact gene which is causing sexuality. I mean for something as simple like eye colour you can not even identify one single genome. Leave alone something as complex like sexuality or for example "intelligence". So there are still a lot of mysteries inside of it. Particularly to something as complex like Humans which developed a quite distinctive "mating ritual" among mammals.

To say that I don't disagree with you. There is just no real knowledge what actually is the source of "sexuality".

And If I am honest. I hope they will never find one. Because if for example they would identify one single gene which makes one hetero and the other homo one could get the "idea" homosexuals are just a mutation. Or something you might be able to "cure" one day ... a very frightening idea in my eyes.

Just for you:


I think the contents of the video is just about as likely as sexuality.