Hey, we're going down a healthy road here!
Next up: let's ban plastic swords and pistols, because they encourage children to pillage and murder!
And toy cars - because they indoctrinate children to drive irresponibly!
Oh oh - and teddy bears, because they make children think that all animals are toys!
Hell, let's just lock our children inside and make them sit quietly on a chair all day - because that's what's best for them!
Welcome to Naziland.
Ruler: Richoid. Inhabitants: none.
Next up: let's ban plastic swords and pistols, because they encourage children to pillage and murder!
And toy cars - because they indoctrinate children to drive irresponibly!
Oh oh - and teddy bears, because they make children think that all animals are toys!
Hell, let's just lock our children inside and make them sit quietly on a chair all day - because that's what's best for them!
Welcome to Naziland.
Ruler: Richoid. Inhabitants: none.