Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

This poll lacks Robert Edwin House, who is in my opinion one of the best characters in the Fallout universe.
He's not a strict antagonist, in fact I think his ending is the best option for New Vegas - his actions and character are too complex to be defined as a simple antagonist. This kind of depth of character is missing from Fallout 4.
He is an incredibly interesting character and it's a testament to the great writing of Obsidian to create a world that transcends simple right and wrong, a game world that treats its players a bit more like adults and whose major characters are not simple cliches and stereotypes like the deplorably simple characters of Fallout 4.
Unfortunately Fallout 4 took the opposite approach and the most complexity you're going to get out of that game is Elder Maxson frothing at the mouth "SYNTHS BAD HURR DURR"
New Vegas wasn't about antagonists and protagonists so much as having your character brought into a major political and economic struggle going on between major players in New Vegas and Hoover damn.
I think Caesar is a great antagonist as well, although he too transcends this characterization.
He's not a strict antagonist, in fact I think his ending is the best option for New Vegas - his actions and character are too complex to be defined as a simple antagonist. This kind of depth of character is missing from Fallout 4.
He is an incredibly interesting character and it's a testament to the great writing of Obsidian to create a world that transcends simple right and wrong, a game world that treats its players a bit more like adults and whose major characters are not simple cliches and stereotypes like the deplorably simple characters of Fallout 4.
Unfortunately Fallout 4 took the opposite approach and the most complexity you're going to get out of that game is Elder Maxson frothing at the mouth "SYNTHS BAD HURR DURR"
New Vegas wasn't about antagonists and protagonists so much as having your character brought into a major political and economic struggle going on between major players in New Vegas and Hoover damn.
I think Caesar is a great antagonist as well, although he too transcends this characterization.