Montez- ok, I am being insensitive. I have known a few people who have offed themselves and I should be more sympathetic. Don't get me wrong, I am. Hell I saw Virgin Suicides and read the Bell Jar. But more importantly I know how suicide has happened and how that affects not only the victims but everyone close to them. So yeah, be sensitive.
But it pisses me off.
Sure, there are plenty of people who get so damn depressed or despondent that all they want is a way out through suicide.
Accordingly, while we used to believe that suicide was a sin and a crime, now we think of it more as either a "cry for help" or symptomatic of a mental illness.
I don't buy all of that. I think for some people killing themselves is perceived as the right thing to do. Yes, the will to survive is a constant in life, but there have been plenty of cases were self-sacrifice happens for logical reasons.
However, I also think that most people who suffer depression or despondency are aware that help exists. If they know that they are thinking suicidal thoughts, they are probably smart enough to know that they can see a shrink about it and go into therapy. Even if it means taking a host of drugs, there are means to avoid suicide.
The question is whether or not he's strong enough to see that in himself and have the courage to check into therapy.
A paranoid shizophrenic is another matter- that's a mental illness in which the person may lack the capacity to find help. A person who is suffering depression or has become despondent has the choice to try to get out of it and the means exist by which such illnesses can be overcome.
Hiding out in a house and becoming a recluse is just stupid. But blowing your head off is also pretty fucking stupid when you could check into therapy.
But what also pisses me off is that here was a guy, very successful in his musical career, idolized by many, who didn't have to blow his head off. It pisses me off that he sets an example for others, and is idolized for his self sacrifice, and it pisses me off that he wasted away all he could have been and had and done. I mean really, get over yourself.
Too often suicide is just a pussy way of dealing with life. Fuck that. Reality check- Life is hard. Harder for some than for others, sure. Hell most people aren't fucking George Bush who had his life handed to him on a sliver platter but have to work hard and struggle to survive. Life is tough enough. If you want to show the world that you're brave than deal with it. Death is easy. Any asshole can kill themselves, it takes some one with a bit of fortitude to get past that self-destruction and live.
Sorry if this is coming off a a rant, and I know it's insensitive and uncarring and I apologize to everyone who feels insulted by this. Sorry. But really, this pisses me off to no end. I think about the people who mourn for the one who commits suicide, I think about the opportunities lost because of the wasted life, and I think about the selfishness of the act itself. Like I said, I know people who have done this, people who I was close to, so this is a bit personal for me. Again, sorry if I insulted anyone.