best music

My favorites are in no particulat order,

The Misfits
Social Distortion
The Clash
Minor Threat
Black Flag
Mad Sin
The Meteors
Tiger Army
Guns N' Roses
Tom Petty
Led Zeplin
The Doors
The Beatles
Eddie Chocran
Buddy Holly
Charlie Feathers
Johny Cash
Bob Dylan
Come on Welsh, you can't honestly say that you don't like some of ABBA's songs, such as Fernando, Waterloo, Dancing Queen, etc.

The Beatles are the best.
Metallica, Jimmi Hendrix, Queen, Helloween....hmmmm maybe not all time....I'm a metalfreak, so all I listen to is basically metal...and a few other things...hmmm.....Blind Guardian.....Bob Dylan, Led Zepplin.....Guns'n roses.......
Ya know I've never heard Ministry in my entire life and I just saw a video on Fuse last night and I must admit they are pretty damn good.

I'm pretty much with Dove, anything industrial is my favorite music next to ICP.

Mohrg :twisted:
ICP, you cliche Clown bastard.

EDIT: Type O Negative, slayer, samael and dimmu borgir pwn all your bands.
I'm glad to see theres someone in the Army that listens to Metal, Elly.

Everywhere I went, people listened to shit like Nelly, crappy radio "hip-hop," or country music, especially country at Ft Campbell.

My 1SG actually CONFISCATED one of my Slayer shirts. He said it promoted war.... Go figure, right?
Mohrg6sic6 said:
Ya know I've never heard Ministry in my entire life and I just saw a video on Fuse last night and I must admit they are pretty damn good.

God damn, go out and buy "Psalm 69" and "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste" immediately!!!!!
flatlinedeath666 said:
I'm glad to see theres someone in the Army that listens to Metal, Elly.

Everywhere I went, people listened to shit like Nelly, crappy radio "hip-hop," or country music, especially country at Ft Campbell.

Yeah, most poeple up here listen to that crap music too, thankfully my roomate and i are both metal fans, and a couple of the other guys in my company are too so we just chill listen to metal and drink.

flatlinedeath666 said:
My 1SG actually CONFISCATED one of my Slayer shirts. He said it promoted war.... Go figure, right?
:rofl: that is the funniest damn thing i've ever heard! My first seargeant is a big bible-thumper, i pissed him off at work once by playing slayer, "Disciple" more specifically while he was standing around looking stupid, trying to find something to yell at us about.
flatlinedeath666 said:
everywhere I went, people listened to shit like Nelly, crappy radio "hip-hop," or country music, especially country at Ft Campbell.

At Ft. Benning it was all about the weird bible thumper music, I don't even know how to describe it, it was weird man. Except for my Drill Sergeants, metal all the way with those guys. Of course they were two Rangers and a Paratrooper, two had seen combat. High speed mutha's man.

Mohrg said:
Ya know I've never heard Ministry in my entire life and I just saw a video on Fuse last night and I must admit they are pretty damn good.
:shock: DUDE WTF. Ministry is one of the best metal industrial bands in history. I can't believe you don't listen to them already, totally aggro.
Montez said:
God damn, go out and buy "Psalm 69" and "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste" immediately!!!!!

NOW!!! This is essential music for everybody.

@ Ellisar: Pfft Slayer..... I'm dissapointed, that doesn't belong there with Samael and Type O. Maybe change it to Cradle of Filth.
Cradle of Filth is the worst fucking band I've ever heard. I can't believe they call themselves death metal. Their vocalist should be thrown out of a building.

Dimmu's new record is hot like Kharn's sister.
Cradle of filth... dont get me started on tha pack of wannabe metal hacks.

and dimmu's new record, thats some good shit... the music has a haunting quality to it that just turns me on...

And the next time you disrespect slayer dove, it's on.... you best believe it's on...
You mean this one?

The band i always tell everyone i meet to listen to is
only a handfull know about them but I cant get enough of there haunting guitar riffs and vocals..
Id say there the most musical band ive heard .... but thats just me..

look for there songs Yatahaze , or Lyndon
or just go out and pick up there album Leitmotif...

Another band i just picked up and i think has a good sound to them is

lip gloss in black is one of my favorite songs now...