best post- apoc movie

Blame the guy all you want to, he still made two kick ass post-apoc flicks, I loved both Waterworld and The Postman.
The Postman may be kick ass, but Waterworld surely isn't. Of course this is all opinion, but goddamnit do I hate that movie.
There was a plot in Book of Eli ?

It had some neat costume designs, but that was pretty much the only thing Waterworld had, too - costumes and shiz-niz. Waterworld had tons of effects crammed into it - like the dumb scooters crashing and blowing up half a second before the actual impact (you can easliy verify that kind of stuff on the DVD version). The film would have been a stronger film indeed, if there had been less action and more content. B.o Eli had some really dumb melee combat scenes - I mean what the hell õ_õ
I dunno about the plot in BoE. Story may have sucked, sure. The implied plot twist at the end was dumb as anything. The combat was a little bit (read: a whole fucklot) over the top, but it certainly felt that's what it was going for, which clashed a little bit with how 'this is a vaguely believable wasteland!' parts of it, sure. But in the end, I'd watch it again, probably several times. So that makes it good in my book.
I just watched the Road and it's also quite recent just like BoE, also sporting a Hollywood protagonist (although nothing beats Denzel, heh)

Aside from the bullshit cannibalism ''threat'' and the quasi-Hollywood ending, I found that the mood got carried across quite well.

In the end it's all about taste, though.

Also, I saw the original Planet Of The Apes - man was that cool. I loved it how the movie is so much more brave. Like, the protagonist does not try to fake some romance with the primitive Nova, but plainly states that the bitch is just for recreational purposes (and the best one around at that). Contemporary films would force-direct the woman to speak perfect English and have the primitive and the erudite (space pilot ffs!) fall romantically in love. BLEH. The original Time Machine had that, sadly...
I always liked this old movie, which I am sure was mentioned some time. You know the one where people live in some society where everyone gets killed after he tourned 30 one escapes and returns with a really old men back to the society.

Though what do you guys think makes a good "post apoc movie" anyway ?
You means' Logan's Run. Was pr. good, but kinda dumb in it's own way. Not really sure if I'd call it PA since plenty of the movie takes place in a futuristic society.

Have to watch The Road.
Crni Vuk said:
Though what do you guys think makes a good "post apoc movie" anyway ?

I guess what makes a good film makes also a good post-apocalypse film.

Older films (Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, A Boy And His Dog + way back) tend to be better in my eyes, because back then a lot (if not most ? I should probably read some books on the history of filmography, werevoof could probably lend us a hand here ?) films were still made to be art. Filmmaking was an art form - nowadays we have a bunch of artists, more than ever really, working on a single film, but the end result tends to be a goodlookin' package with very little content. Lately a very expensive packaging gets slapped onto any cheap over-recycled piece of writing :(

So for me a good post-apocalyptic film would be one, where
a) the setting is interesting (well written world) and also
b) well executed art-wise (be that props - Waterworld/Mad Max/Planet of The Apes, just awesome scenery - Postman or CGI - Final Fantasy) then we get to
c) well written characters (Mad Max) and
d) interesting ideas acted out by the characters (A Boy And His Dog)

And aren't the best post-apoc films really just Indie films ? People who had a vision and really wanted to make something new - like George Miller and his Mad Max films, although in my eyes a lot went missing between Road Warrior and Thunderdome, even though Thunderdome added heavily to the Mad Max universe and is awesome because of that. Mainstream filmmakers tend to be forced to follow what the main stream wants - and that is far from anything intelligent.

Ugh. [/rant]
There's a new post-apoc movie out just now. It's called Downstream. Might be interesting. I'll be watching it tomorrow.


Downstream looks good. Driving part looked a bit too much like mad max without the Ford Falcon XB. Other than that looks like a one to watch.
Okay. So I watched "Downstream" and here's a sum up (spoilers!!!!):

- It's like a semi-professional movie on a low budget
- Plotholes...
- the ending sucks, mainly due to the suckiest cgi I've ever seen
- B and C actors, especially the actors in the prologue suck ass
- too much emphasis on cars

- although the story is incredibly cliche, it works for a low budget flick like this
- some really nice locations
- It's incredibly Fallout-like/Mad max. In fact, I think the guy who made this must be a huge fan of these two franchises. Some parts look like the best RPG locations ever (the diner and the whorehouse). It's got hookers, raider gangs, tribal-like settlements and lots of looting.
- It didn't bore me and I'm pretty easily bored with flicks that aren't top-notch. This one ain't top notch at all, but it ain't boring either.
- There's one B+ actor in there that I recognized, but I don't know his name, he gives a good performance, bt there's other actors in there that deliver.
- Main actor is doable.
- There's a dog!

I'd look out for it if I were you 'cause I think Fallout fans will generally like this.

Neon City with Michael Ironside was kinda cool. There was man-made caused thing where the sun burnt the surface of the Earth and randomly causes massive amounts of damage. A bunch of people are trying to get to the last great city for some reasons I can't remember. Along the way they deal with the typical raiders, each other, cancer people, and the sun.
Just letting you guys know that there is a new post-apoc flick out, hand illustrated and all. It's called GODKILLER and you can watch the trailer here.

I sorta like it. Plan to watch it this weekend.
Did anyone mention Reign of Fire?

Dragon apocalypse!

I liked it. I have a man crush on both Christian Bale and Surfer Dude