Vault Dweller

I wonder what kind drugs the band must of been on to think the album cover was good enough.
I recognized the artist [by style], even before I read your post.This Monster piece from Moebius.
I'd like to know if they invented that mask [right foreground], or copied it; that looks enough like my own commercial work that I had to do a double take.I actually think that album is great, but that cover art is terrible.
Don't know why either. Even by 2003 standards of CG it looked terrible.I wonder what kind drugs the band must of been on to think the album cover was good enough.
The music is even worse imho. Is it like a troll band?One of the worst:
The music is just as up to par as the album cover. Gothic King Cobra from YouTube's music, for any of you that are familiar.
What the fuck is that? That looks like a child who is currently learning how letters work, discovered MS Paint, and just put random images on a picture of a graveyard that they found on google images. They didn't even spell it correctly. Hells Advocate? Fuck this album cover. I'm thoroughly disgusted. I do not want to be familiar with it.
I knew metal had a bunch of subgenres that eventually turns into a maze and you're wondering why you're on wikipedia trying to discern the difference at 3 AM and you have to work in 3 hours. But damn, never found myself in that part of the maze.Depressive Suicidal Black Metal
It seems to me you're not very familiar with the underbelly of the so-called Depressive Suicidal Black Metal. That "genre" has the best worst covers in history.
The music is even worse imho. Is it like a troll band?
Incel Metal then?
I am very familiar with DSBM. This isn't DSBM though.
Black metal is my favorite type of music, Nocturnal Depression is like the only DSBM band I like though.
Pretty much.
Dunno what this is, don't really care to listen to it. But the cover certainly reminds me of shit-tier DSBM.
As far as black metal goes, it used to be my favorite music genre too (or at least the most listened one) in late high school/early university days. Then I kinda grew out of it when I realized that approximately 96,3% black metal bands are pure, undiluted shit with no depth or musicianship behind it, and that in 9/10 cases going back to older 1st wave and Norwegian wave of black metal is more than enough. Bands which came later on rarely brought anything worthwhile to the table. Sure, 2nd wave was all about the regression and throwing away the idea of bringing innovation to metal and what not, which certainly made sense in the 90s, but copying the same notion almost three decades later is just stupid.
Luckily, there are a fuckton of great black metal bands nowadays (and they're usually hybrid stuff with death, doom and so on) so the genre is alive and well, but plenty of stuff out there is still pretty bad.