But it seemed so Steampunk like rather than 50's Retro style technology.
Crni Vuk said:an MMO with a good story. ?![]()
Not in this century I guess
The Dutch Ghost said:But it seemed so Steampunk like rather than 50's Retro style technology.
MadFinn said:Heh, maybe i should buy those shares. IF FOOL someday comes out i would be a millionaire! if not? who cares it's just 6c per share..
I hope that Beth/zenimax will finally understand that there is great community hoping for good fallout games. Good=failouch3 isn't the math your looking for, I take the freedom to say WE aren't looking for.
They should give a blowjob to a shotgun! If i had a "button" i would nuke them shitheads for ruining something like Fallout.
Yeah, that mad part in my nick isn't there just because it's fun or cool.![]()
Epic rant for epic games!
ryan-o- said:I'm just not sure which is true and what's to believe other than the facts, and AFAIK the facts are that Interplay itself had to raise X millions of dollars to get out of bankruptcy (which they didn't), Interplay had to raise Y millions of dollars to continue developing FOOL or lose the license (which they also didn't), Interplay had to be well into production of FOOL by a certain date (which they weren't, they could've made that concept art the day before the lawsuit for all we know.. it's nothing special), they couldn't outsource it to an external developer (which they did, but apparently they found some loophole to do this), and I'm sure there is more. I know the folks around here hate on Bethesda because of FO3, and seriously their current claim about not having the rights to any content other than the title sounds shady.. But how can anybody side with Interplay here? The only good thing I have to say is that their lawyers are pretty darn great @ dragging this on and bending the rules for so long
ryan-o- said:Besides the fact that a MMO Fallout game is just a bad idea, who in their right mind wants this iteration of Interplay to release any game that is Fallout related? This is Titus aka the maker of Superman 64 (the worst friggin game ever made) using the Interplay name as a way of avoiding creditors after they went out of business. Big wow having Chris Taylor working on it. The last video game that guy had anything to do with was FOT which is pretty crap and ironically also a game outsourced to a foreign dev team by these Titus chaps
We are talking about Interplay. Remember. They been in charge over Fallout long before Bethesda and see what we got instead of Fallout 3 ...Elven6 said:Well that's all up for debate but there is certainly a lot of story potential here.
Crni Vuk said:We are talking about Interplay. Remember. They been in charge over Fallout long before Bethesda and see what we got instead of Fallout 3 ...Elven6 said:Well that's all up for debate but there is certainly a lot of story potential here.
On the other side. As said MMOS with "good" story are rare. Actually I dont know any. But I am biased anyway which I admit. And I have not played that many mmos or mmorgs or what ever they are called.
BOS wasn't a project that had direct support from members of the original team if memory serves right.
Elven6 said:ryan-o- said:I'm just not sure which is true and what's to believe other than the facts, and AFAIK the facts are that Interplay itself had to raise X millions of dollars to get out of bankruptcy (which they didn't), Interplay had to raise Y millions of dollars to continue developing FOOL or lose the license (which they also didn't), Interplay had to be well into production of FOOL by a certain date (which they weren't, they could've made that concept art the day before the lawsuit for all we know.. it's nothing special), they couldn't outsource it to an external developer (which they did, but apparently they found some loophole to do this), and I'm sure there is more. I know the folks around here hate on Bethesda because of FO3, and seriously their current claim about not having the rights to any content other than the title sounds shady.. But how can anybody side with Interplay here? The only good thing I have to say is that their lawyers are pretty darn great @ dragging this on and bending the rules for so long
They weren't in bankruptcy and assuming they were and had such a limit, had they not met it, they would be likely be liquidated. And I don't see what that would have to do with Bethesda anyway.
Everything else you've mentioned is part of the on going legal case, unless you are on the Bethesda or Interplay legal teams it's impossible to know the truth at this point. Interplay argues they met all of the requirements while Bethesda argues they didn't. Also, they are able to outsource development to a studio (the contract linked to above makes references to external developers). Interplay is still the main developer, Masthead is simply outsourcing support.
You might want to brush up on the case/legal system a bit more, no one is dragging this on. The court set deadlines the two companies have to follow to submit evidence, argue their case, etc.
ryan-o- said:Besides the fact that a MMO Fallout game is just a bad idea, who in their right mind wants this iteration of Interplay to release any game that is Fallout related? This is Titus aka the maker of Superman 64 (the worst friggin game ever made) using the Interplay name as a way of avoiding creditors after they went out of business. Big wow having Chris Taylor working on it. The last video game that guy had anything to do with was FOT which is pretty crap and ironically also a game outsourced to a foreign dev team by these Titus chaps
There are only two ex-Titus employees working at Interplay, pretty much everyone else is from the Interplay era including the legal team, developers, etc. You should also look into how publicly traded companies and creditors work since your interpretation is way off the mark.
You might want to fact check, Chris Taylor was involved with projects at Vivendi after leaving Interplay. Even if Fallout: Tactic's was his last game, it was still a pretty good game, not as great as 1 or 2 but still good (also from the Fargo era btw). Taylor's contributions to the Fallout universe extend far beyond Tactic's to boot.
Bethesda released games like Home Alone, IHRA Drag Racing (any one in the past decade), Star Trek: Legacy, Rogue Warrior, etc. Your point? Quality always fluctuates among large companies, it's impossible to keep a 90 Metacritic score on all your releases if you have multiple studios, licenses, etc.
Edit: And name one console MMO other than Final Fantasy 11 which was even close to the million subscriber mark on consoles alone. No one knows what kind of game it will be, it'll likely be some form of a shooter than a traditional game so neo Fallout fans should fit in just fine. Plenty of PC MMO's that have no name behind them have managed to do pretty well.
Chris Taylor doesn't count. Plus he sucks. And he is very fat.
ryan-o- said:What are your sources regarding Titus and Interplay? Interplay was completely shut down in 2004. All of their internal development teams were terminated along with every single game that was in development. Interplay didn't even have an office for several years, unless you have some sort of insider information I'm calling BS and saying that NOBODY other than the Titus Caen brothers survived from that period considering they were fined for not keeping on payroll pre-shutdown.
ryan-o- said:Interplay=Titus. Srsly. Just the same as Infogrames is now calling themselves Atari. It's just a company that owns the assets (well the ones they didn't sell) from the former.
ryan-o- said:Chris Taylor doesn't count. Plus he sucks. And he is very fat.
ryan-o- said:And please name one successful non WoW (or everquest before it or even .... going way back Ultima Online) PC MMO game. I'm waiting. All I hear are crickets. There aren't any unless your Korean or something and even then they pirate all their PC games.
ryan-o- said:Fallout Online... That's such a 1999-esque name. Who s the genius that came up with it?
ryan-o- said:One last thing, even if it were true that only two people from Titus work at Interplay you MUST think about that rationally and realize that the two you speak of are the two who run the company and ran Titus before it.
ryan-o- said:Honestly, don't make it sound like they have insignificant roles. Again, unless you know something that I do not, for all we know they were the only two Interplay employees for years (which I'm 99.99% sure was the case anyways)!!! Plus Interplay are releasing Titus games to services like PSN right now. Interplay is just a name and a bunch of IPs owned by some French arseholes. End of story.
Ausir said:BOS wasn't a project that had direct support from members of the original team if memory serves right.
Well, one of the FO1 designers did work on it, but only as a level designer, so he didn't have that much of an influence.
ryan-o- said:Chris Taylor doesn't count. Plus he sucks. And he is very fat.