Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links


Y'know, its ironic...

The first time I played Knights of the Old Republic (maybe the most i've ever been sucked into a game), one of the things that blew me away was the dialogue system. My thought was "wow....this is the most fun I've had with dialogue trees since Fallout 2!".


So this notion of classic Fallout and BioWare style dialogue trees being diametrically opposed to one another is....weird to me. A wheel vs. long list isn't the issue, the issue is the script writing and depth of additional options once you get past the first choice. (and NV was worse imho; Caesar's backstory is great and he was voice by an alumni from The Wire, yet talking to him bored me to tears? smh)

I thought I spotted a dynamic camera during certain FO4 conversations....adding that made a HUGE difference in Mass Effect 2.....eventually I noticed the contrast and the dumb "mugshot" camera angle for every convo became one of my biggest gripes about FO3.

"But you can't be exactly sure about what you say until you say it!" - I always found that uncertainty to be part of the fun with that system. I always got a kick out of choosing an angry response and watching FemShep throw passive-aggressive shade at people. How often do you try to say something IRL and it comes out the wrong way? lol yeah. If you REALLY don't like the outcome, that's what save files and replay value are for imho.

Yeah, I don't expect Bethesda to execute this half as beautifully as Telltale Games or BioWare does, but just give me an improvement over FO3 and I'll be happy.
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Stay tuned for Fallout 5, where they finally remove S.P.E.C.I.A.L., leveling up, perks, and all that other stupid roleplaying shit (who wants to roleplay anyway? lol) and just make it an open-world shooter with no complicated RPG elements whatsoever, because that's what the people want. Lord Howard says so!
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Sure, but I also favor limitations. There's just far too many games that allow you access to near everything. Fallouts access tends to come from high intelligence, a lot of skillpoints. Fallout one with the lock on level 21 limits you a bit more, but, hell, high intel you still get a lot.

Far as build planning, I tend to find myself needing to plan on Fonline than the actual old Fallouts. But that's more of "work to most efficiency" than "this is my character, this is how he is."

Roleplaying, I dunno. I just never feel like I am the character, with Fallout.
Well a lot of us do, not everybody plays for min maxing so the idea of losing that flexibility is rather worrying. Also Bethesda is not one to put limitations, you can bet they will have perks that up the Special points and the like. THey already had a 9 on everything perk in FO3.
At the end of the day, the thing I care about most from Fallout is the lore and story, really. I'm mostly worried how Bethesda is going to knife the Brotherhood and Super Mutants even more.
Story and lore hold the same importance as the felixbility of role playing for me, and this is Bethesda so the only thing I was holding any hope for was the latter.

Those electrical posts next to the vault entrance are rather sturdy, they take a Nuke and still stay up after 200 years.
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The ugliest baby in the world there is called Shaun, will we get a Press X to Shaun segment? because I am already seeing a plot twist where the baby turns out t ohave survived or something.

I don't know if I am imagining things, but It seems like when you shoot a Synth or a Power Armored enemy bits an piecs of their armor fall off.
Honestly, It would have been hilarious if Bethesda had the balls to only have a male character. Would have thought about buying it.
Yes, if only they had the balls to join the struggle for men's rights.
Sadly, they bowed down to the SJW agenda and put femals characters in it. Now we see the violence inherent in the system!

Honestly, It would have been hilarious if Bethesda had the balls to only have a male character. Would have thought about buying it.
Yes, if only they had the balls to join the struggle for men's rights.
Sadly, they bowed down to the SJW agenda and put femals characters in it. Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


The SJWs will complain about the perpetuation of heterocisnormative family values by forcing you to play part of a husband-and-wife family with a seemingly non-adopted child, though.
>Bethesda is publishing a Doom game
>sync kills
>sync kills in an FPS
>dubstep soundtrack

Other than that utter retardation it's basically just Doom 3 with GRAPHIXXX. It's also good to see that the next gen consoles still have absolute garbage FOV.
That whole Doom presentation utterly wreaks of "pre-rendered" though. Seriously.
>slowing down the game while he changes weapons
Here is the video of the Gameplay Demo

...Also, where is that guy from the announcement thread that claimed to have insider information and said the game would run idTech 5?

I did not say that. I said it will be a hybrid engine, which was confirmed by Todd. And I did not say I had insider info. Only that Bethesda leased ID Tech 5 for a couple of millions, so it made sense for them to use it.
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Finally watched the presentation, I have to hand it down to Bethasda they did an amazing work, improving upon FO3 in every aspect. And while it is possible that work kept me out of touch with gaming industry, it certainly seems that some of the features\details shown were way beyond what I know many studio built their recent games around.. (honestly, I don't believe that Obsidian or Inxile could pull it off )

Concerning the dialogues\stats, it is hard to say I am disappointed because after observing what they did with Skyrim, that what I expected to see. However, I would like to read more on the lack of skill before deciding if I'll play it. (maybe they added skill based minigames i.e. the circuit boards show at start?)

Overall, I am very excited at the opportunities the game will provide for modders and hopefully the next FO:NV.

You are right; Obsidian and Inxile could surely not pull this off .... as a 3D FPS... But I'm quite sure Obsidian or Inxile could've made an amazing Fallout game in topdown view.

To me, Fallout 4 felt like a casual playground. Yes, there is a lot to do and yes I will probably have fun with the game but it's strayed even farther from the original games. I hate a voiced protagonist (in Fallout...) and I'm also afraid of what they've done to SPECIAL.
No, it's dying and it's corpse wil lbe worn by a crazy meth head.


It's dead, and there's only trace DNA left of it from all of the flesh, bone and gristle that Bethsoft has scrubbed it of by now.

Much like Fallout 3, Fallout 4 looks like something I guess I can appreciate as long as I mentally dissociate it from the Fallout series.

Yeah, quite possibly, wich is quite depressing in it's own right. The new TES games requires you to tune your brain into LARP mode and pretend things are happening around you, and for the Fallout games you have to force yourself to believe the game is something else than what it's supposed to be.

I have to hand it to them though, I did'nt have to go through this kind of mental gymnastics twenty years ago to compensate for the lower graphical fidelity... Who said you don't need imagination to play modern games?


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Oh man. My hopes for this game weren't too high. I was optimistic that bethesda would at least try to do better by the series. Realistically, I was expecting Fallout3-2. I really can't believe that I got something so much worse than that. Compared to what I'm seeing from Fallout 4 now, Fallout 3 might as well have been THE model of a great re imagined fallout game. Just.. wtf?
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Account still active. Cool, as this is the perfect place to say this:

Bethesda f*cked up. They f*cked up big time. If only Fallout 4 was more like New Vegas...

Got lot of things in mind, but ranting won't change anything. I just hope IneXile will make a decent Van Buren game.
Honestly, It would have been hilarious if Bethesda had the balls to only have a male character. Would have thought about buying it.
Yes, if only they had the balls to join the struggle for men's rights.
Sadly, they bowed down to the SJW agenda and put femals characters in it. Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


It has nothing to do with "men's rights", it would have been trolling their Millennial, tumblr fanbase.

But you're a big guy, you already understood that.

Diggin your self portrait by the way.