Bethesda moves to rescind FOOL license

aenemic said:
if Beth are such big Fallout fans, why are they giving the original developers so much shit and treating them like crap?

Um, what did I miss?
aenemic said:
if Beth are such big Fallout fans, why are they giving the original developers so much shit and treating them like crap?

You must be missing the news of "BethSoft gives Obsidian and ex-BIS employees the go ahead for a Fallout game Obsidian wants to make".
Gooscar said:
You must be missing the news of "BethSoft gives Obsidian and ex-BIS employees the go ahead for a Fallout game Obsidian wants to make".
Correction. Bethesda gives Obsidian the go ahead for Fallout: New Vegas, a Fallout 3 spin-off using the Fallout 3 version of Gamebryo engine and which has the same gameplay as Fallout 3. It's hardly whatever they want to do.
Unless Obsidian makes a statement saying that they want to make a Fallout paper doll flash game and BethSoft won't let them, I'd say it's safe to assume Obsidian is going to make the game they want to make.

The engine being used is just a presentation medium, and from the sounds of it, it has as much to do with Fallout 3 as Fallout 3 has to do with Fallout Tactics.
Unless....paper doll flash game.... I'd say it's safe to assume Obsidian is going to make the game they want to make.

Oh, really? That's the only situation Bethesda will interfere, eh? You have such a narrow view of the world it's a wonder you don't miss the post button that far to left.
Gooscar said:
Unless Obsidian makes a statement saying that they want to make a Fallout paper doll flash game and BethSoft won't let them, I'd say it's safe to assume Obsidian is going to make the game they want to make.

The engine being used is just a presentation medium, and from the sounds of it, it has as much to do with Fallout 3 as Fallout 3 has to do with Fallout Tactics.
Oh how foolish of me, 18 months is plenty of time to completely overhaul the Fallout 3 engine so that it's a TPP TB/RTwP engine along with creating an entirely new game which uses that engine. If they had three years or more and Pete Hines hadn't said that it would have the same gameplay as Fallout 3, I'd agree with you, it'd probably end up buggy as hell and incomplete but they'd do something more faithful to the first two games (I doubt Beth would allow TB because they have an aversion to it).
I wouldn't rule out them at least tweaking some of the gameplay, e.g. adding traits, though.
Per said:
aenemic said:
if Beth are such big Fallout fans, why are they giving the original developers so much shit and treating them like crap?

Um, what did I miss?

that they first refuse to let any of the original developers in on Fallout 3, piss all over their work, then tease some of them with the rights to develop another Fallout game only to take away those rights again. and so on, and so forth.
aenemic said:
tease some of [the original developers] with the rights to develop another Fallout game only to take away those rights again

And Herve is just a tool in this devious master plan?

aenemic said:
and so on, and so forth.

I forgot about those I guess.
well Per have you been lying to long under your rock? YOu seem to be the only lizard around that doesnt konw that Bethesda payed 6 Million dollar only to kill the Fallout franchise for its "true fans" :)
Ausir said:
I wouldn't rule out them at least tweaking some of the gameplay, e.g. adding traits, though.
Agreed. I'd be surprised if they improve the existing gameplay through a lot of smaller tweaks.

Per said:
Herve is...a tool
:D More seriously, Herve is the person who sold the rights off in the first place (and for way less than he probably could have) and is the person who agreed to the terrible terms for FOOL (30 million in 2 years, really?).

zippy1 said:
They have an aversion to it because it's not how RPGs get out to large audiences anymore.
Pokemon says you're wrong.

zippy1 said:
Show me where there are (or were) a bunch of ex-BiS developers trying to get hired by Bethesda and all getting rejected because LAWL

The persecution complex is strong in this one.
Leonard Boyarsky was turned down when he applied to work on Fallout 3.

The knowledge is weak in this one.