Bethesda moves to rescind FOOL license

Do I see it correct, that the source is from 2008? Isn't this a bit old then? It seems to me like there is no actual stuff named.
nemo00 said:
Crni Vuk said:
I wish Betheslop never would have bought any Fallout licence in the first place ... and most people on this forum :cry:

Yes well they did an awful job at continuing fallout and now they move to destroy others efforts as well.

It would have been much better if they never bought the license.

I genuinely hate bethesda for what they have done for a couple years now and that can show as dislike-oriented messages.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
1. Interplay was never going to actually succeed in making another Fallout game, let alone a MMORPG.

2. Even if they did, it would unavoidably suck donkey balls.
Absolutely 100% agree. Why drag down Masthead's game ... which incidentally actually looks like it has promise as a product able to stand on it's own two legs!
Gonna check behind my sofa, see if I can spare Interplay 30 millions in change...

What were they hoping for, really ?
It's a sad situation, but I understand Bethesda's position too...even if I hate that it's only a matter of weeks before Fallout belongs 100% to them.
By the way, I wonder if it's possible for Bethesda to just take it over from Interplay, but still contract Masthead to continue the project, just on their terms, not IPLY's.
Ausir said:
By the way, I wonder if it's possible for Bethesda to just take it over from Interplay, but still contract Masthead to continue the project, just on their terms, not IPLY's.

Do you mean with CTaylor still on the job or with Bethesdas crew taking it up?

Sounds like a nightmare to me :(
Ausir said:
Bethesda's crew taking it over from ChrisT, but Masthead still developing it.

That kind of stuff does happen a bit, I've heard interviews with studios where they suddenly had a new boss signing the checks but little else changed. It would be smart for Beth to take advantage of whatever research and development has been put in so far and while they dont bash their brands to death (I dont expect a fallout kart racer) it would be dumb to turn down a MMRPG that somebody else did most of the work on. I mean that is the problem with those games, by the time they make it to market they have a lot of debts to pay off and some never do.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:

1. Interplay was never going to actually succeed in making another Fallout game, let alone a MMORPG.

2. Even if they did, it would unavoidably suck donkey balls.

3. The Fallout horse died years ago, this is just the corpse getting another beating.

Actually, I agree with point 3 and believe in point 1 but hope(d) otherwise.

As for point 2. There is NO indication of that, especially with Chris T taking a position as lead designer there is a good chance the game may very well have been AWESOME. Of course it prob wouldn't have been very popular (CURSE YOU WOW AND YOUR SIREN SONG!) but it could have been a very good game.
The issue is just that this kind of situation would be very unlikely for a company like Bethesda. The Star Trek games have shown pretty well how Bethesda does handle third party development. And how much they care about any kind of community.

Also they do already not even care all to much about continuity and complexity in their own in house developed game, why should they with the work of others (as long they own the licence, and thus legal rights)?

Bethesda is a overly protective and almost paranoid company. If they have not in some way full controll over a project or situation (may it be marketing or development), its will not happen. Or it will be changed. Another example, the removal of almost any nuclear reference (fatmanluncher, Megaton blow-aparte-quest) for the Japanese version without even a demand by the market or any sign of a higher rating. At least I have never read anywhere that even with a usual release and full content anything bad would have happend.
If it happens to be the case that Bethesda DOES seek to take over CT's work, I don't see how they could, because the project is still called V13, it could just as easily be something else. It propably isn't, but still, until it actually IS FOOL, then Interplay can claim otherwise; The similarities are just a coincidence.
Even if it was written on the moon that V13 is FOOL, getting the license back doesn't give Bethesda ownership of anything Interplay did with it, unless for some strange reason it's written into their contract.

I don't see any reason to be angry with Bethesda for any of this. Interplay made a vanity deal with them, now it's coming to its logical conclusion.
Per said:
Even if it was written on the moon that V13 is FOOL, getting the license back doesn't give Bethesda ownership of anything Interplay did with it, unless for some strange reason it's written into their contract.

I don't see any reason to be angry with Bethesda for any of this. Interplay made a vanity deal with them, now it's coming to its logical conclusion.

And since nobody has officially confirmed anything perhaps Interplay can keep their V13 project, change the setting and still churn out a nice game ... :shrug:
Per said:
I don't see any reason to be angry with Bethesda for any of this. Interplay made a vanity deal with them, now it's coming to its logical conclusion.
People should at least be finding good reasons to hate on Bethesda if they're going to spend hours a day doing it.
I honestly think we should have started that betting pool when we saw the writing on the wall.

I guess we all pretty much concluded that there would probably not come much of this project, despite the promise when there were two people of the Fallout 1/2 staff working on it.

I hope Mr Taylor will at least give us descriptions or summaries of the factions and locations he had thought up for the project.
Definitely would like to see those.