Cimmerian Nights
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

That's pretty much his modus operandi, making RPGs for people who hate RPGs. Or LARP simulators where you can role-play whatever you want - in your head, because the gameworld isn't sophisticated enough to react to what you're doing.Crni Vuk said:When I listen to him it sounds like we have here someone who disslikes RPGs for beeing RPGs but he loves the setting (like fantasay or post-apocalypse with Fallout), so he is changing them from RPGs to action games. Because you know, an deep fantasy is killing stuff with a sword on a horse back.
Things like choice and consequence, a world that reacts to your choices, character skill over player skill, the most essential companents of RPG design are annoyances that need to be streamlined out in Todd's mind. Generally in favor of "immersive" (read: superficial, shiny gimmicks) like skill mini-games, Hollywood voice actors and marketing campaigns.
Shit, if they could design an RPG half as good as the run a marketing campaign...