Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)


Wept for Zion
So the new patch for Fallout 4 is coming out. What does it add? Anything to make the game playable? Some new quests? Roleplay elements? More Survival mode functionality? Making settlements worth using? Adding back in the cut BOS ending that might actually give some meaning to the plot? Making Nick Valentine romanceable? Making Combat Zone and East City Downs functioning locations? Nope, nope, none of these. Instead, Bethesda had the infinite wisdom to add:

Yes, that's right, Codsworth now has an additional 300 names that he can say! Because this wasn't the most useless feature in the game by far, now was it? I'm so glad Bethesda knows what its fans want. Truly this is the type of gaming company the world needs to take note of and learn from. Move over Obsidian, Bethesda's come for its RPG crown!

EDIT: I messed up on the title, it should say (Patch 1.6 News), I forgot the S.
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>bethesda does something stupid that no one wanted

Goodness gracious me! Bethesda not making actual content and instead making crap no one asked for?!

On a slightly more serious note, I eagerly anticipating for their card-game to fall flat on its face on release day.
Still can't call my character 'Lord Cuntus the 3rd', waste of time.

(This is the type of shit I think deserves a front page update by the way. Yes, it doesn't matter and no one cares but since when has that stopped people from updating the front page? If anything the front page is there just to show the site's still kicking anyway.)
Great... Codsworth still won't refer to me as "Gomer" or "Pyle" yet totally responds to "Joffrey" because God forbid Bethesda actually making a pop culture reference relevant to the setting for once.
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What did you expect, it's bethesda. However I have to say, they truly are getting dumber and dumber. Names for codsworth definitely a feature that will fix all the issues this game has got.

I really hope the next tes game will be even dumber. You are an new race that race that is better than everyone else and now you are looking for your daughter as you stop another dragon invasion and become king of the world.
I can only wonder what the Bethesda fans thought when they saw this...

I can only wonder what the Bethesda fans thought when they saw this...

It might be the opposite actually. Like so:

"OMG Bethesda's the best! I can finally name myself as Shana and Malak! PRAISE GODD HOWARD!!!"
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Makes me wonder, do they still got the voice actor around or did they hold off on these voiced names?
Hmm... That is a good point. It would be rather odd to suddenly call back the voice actor just to say that list of names and then send him off again on his merry way...
Hmm... That is a good point. It would be rather odd to suddenly call back the voice actor just to say that list of names and then send him off again on his merry way...
They may have recalled him for Nuka-World and decided to record a couple of extra names while they were at it.
They may have recalled him for Nuka-World and decided to record a couple of extra names while they were at it.
I guess that makes sense as well since Stephen Russell also did more work for Fart Harbour. Either ways, looks like he'll be used for more NPCs to not care about in Nuka World which is a shame since I am fond of a good Stephen Russell voice work.
"Patch 1.6: A Near Perfect Update that makes Fallout 4 the best RPG ever made!"

Bethesda: By idiots, for idiots.

Ok Bethesda, you've had your fun making a really, laughably stupid joke of a Fallout game for ultra casuals that hate RPGs and never liked Fallout. Please step aside and let a real RPG developer like Obsidian save Fallout once again before you devalue the quality of your franchise and brand even more. Then you can go back to making Elder Scrolls 6 your most dumbed down game of all time with $50 of Tamriel Workshop DLC Season Pass and a crappy dialogue wheel with awful voiced protagonist.
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This is indeed kinda funny, I agree it is indeed a poor choice for an update. But the humor is there in more of a childish dark humor.

I know what will make FO4 better, get a brick, and use that brick to smash the game into tiny pieces. While the problem won't be solved I sure it would at least feel good to office space it.
This is indeed kinda funny, I agree it is indeed a poor choice for an update. But the humor is there in more of a childish dark humor.

I know what will make FO4 better, get a brick, and use that brick to smash the game into tiny pieces. While the problem won't be solved I sure it would at least feel good to office space it.
Fallout 4 is on Steam for me, I'm not smashing my monitor.
Well, put FO4 on a crappy storage medium and smash that. I don't believe smashing a monitor would be viable for eradicating FO4 from your hard drive. :violent: