Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

Out of curiosity, might I get your perspective on the main Fallout games, so I can see if our opinions align slightly.

I like Fallout 3, really really really love Fallout New Vegas, understand the importance and strengths of the first two games in the times they were made even if I may never get into them. I was disappointed and unable to properly invest in Fallout 4 and feel that a radically different approach is needed for future installments.
New Vegas was my first, and still absolute favorite, I do like 4 but can see its many flaws, however I still prefer it over 3 for the most part. In terms of story and setting I really like 1 and 2, but I personally find the game play boring which is why I can't like them as much. I also know I only really appreciate them as much as I do because of New Vegas. I don't care much for Tactics, but one day I'll finally finish it. I do hope there is a dramatic shift in how the next Fallout game is handled, and I feel there's a slight chance for that, since as far as I am aware Bethesda has never seen push back like this.
Wow Bethesda's priorities of stealing ideas from mods is now showing, Far Harbor quest "Brain Dead" is clearly stolen from the New Vegas mod called "Autumn Leaves". Links are here if you want to read up more about it:

If this isn't in the right thread then my apologies.
Pssst. There's already a thread on this friend.
I don't usually name drop, but @Crni Vuk is a very reasonable person that gives out well spoken commentary on some of the things I say, all without ever coming off as rude. props for that. There's more, but like I said, it's not really my thing to name people off.
Eh ... not always, mate! I have my good days though ;). Guess you catched me on one of them :P.

But with saying that, I think it is a bit unfair that people hold you on some of your opinions. The stuff that is guess-work to be more precisse. Yes, yes I think Fallout 4 was made with the intention to be a cash-grab. But do I know it? Hell no! That's just what I think. Your guess that Bethesda really targeted some Fallout fans, is as good as mine, or anyone else for that matter. Still, Todd looks to me more like a car salesman, rather than a game developer :p.

Don't take NMA too serious. And you should be fine. At the end of the day, we are just talking about a game after all.