Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

That was...err...pretty random, Ausir.

They are canon, tho'. I once asked Leonard about them, but he started shaking his cane and going all "gerrof my lawn you damned kid" so I just left it at that. They're only mentioned once, and it's never clear how many the Unity has, nor what they run on.

For those who are not familiar with how energy generation works: all current fusion plants are in fact steam plants, where the fusion reaction is used the same way coal is to transfer the energy (heat) to the water, produce steam which produces electricity. A "steam truck" could in fact be running on fusion, fission, coal or diesel technology, "steam" doesn't say anything about the energy source.
Even wood can be used to run cars. In 1940 we had cars using wood to run, or more correctly WOOD GAS. Pretty simple really. But i haven't seen those in Fallout.

Nuclear rectors work in the same way as coal plants did, they produce heat, that creates steam, that moves a turbine, and the turbine creates electricity.
thefalloutfan said:
Pope Viper said:
If I gave you a steaming pile of crap (for FREE!), would you complain?

A construction set is one of the best extras you could give to your customers. Now that it'll come out we'll be seeing some absolutely great mods. Yet you call this a steaming pile of shit, and then you wonder why you're called such names eh?

it seems like the FarCry 2 map editor.....

But bethesda doesn't know
the main thing : Fallout franchise is NOT a FPS it's a RPG....

i don't think a "map editor" can save the product......
Well for one I don't think it needs to be 'saved', just edited for my needs. And if the construction set is anything like MW's or Ob's CS then I know I can achieve what I want.